Even with his bare hands, he is confident that he will kill the middle-aged man behind him in a few moves. Although in this process, Ye Feng will have several more wounds on his body, these are small cases, which are cut by cold weapons. It is common for Ye Feng and not enough to hang his teeth.

Do what you say.

Ye Feng made up his mind, clenched a few gold bars in his hand, suddenly stood up from the ground, turned and smashed the gold bars in his hand at the middle-aged man. The latter did not panic at all and seemed to be waiting for this scene to happen. When Ye Feng noticed the sneer on the middle-aged man's face, he suddenly felt that something might happen this time. Sure enough, before the gold bar thrown by Ye Feng hit the middle-aged man's body, the middle-aged man's revolver, which had already been aimed at Ye Feng's chest, slammed and opened fire.

Ye Feng widened his eyes and stared at the middle-aged man in front of him in shock. His eyes were full of confusion and hatred.

"Didn't you say you couldn't bring firearms in?" Ye Feng staggered a few steps. His body leaned on the stair handrail behind him, and his chest was covered with blood and flesh.

"Ordinary firearms really can't be brought in, but the gun is made of ivory, and even the bullet is not metal. Don't worry about dying, young man." the middle-aged man pointed the muzzle at Ye Feng again, but this time he aimed at Ye Feng's head.

Bang bang

With the sound of books and gunshots, Ye Feng's sight was filled with bright red blood. He fell into the dark abyss again, and the blood curtain fixed in front of him was drifting away

Shit? I was hacked?

This is Ye Feng's last thought before returning to chaos


"Hey, little sluggard ~, Ye Feng, have you had another nightmare?"

Ye Feng, who struggled in the nightmare, heard the sound of nature, followed by a pure white light, which appeared in the gray world of his dream and saved himself being shot by a middle-aged man. The bullets burst his head!

When he woke up, he opened his eyes with some difficulty. What Ye Feng saw was sunshine and angel. In front of him, Audrey, wearing a home cashmere sweater and a pair of white trousers, was his angel. Audrey, with a gentle face and a good wife and mother, woke him up in bed in a nightmare.

"Audrey -" Ye Feng looked at such a gentle and virtuous Audrey in some confusion. For the first time, he saw that Audrey was not wearing dark clothes.

"Good morning, dear," Audrey said intimately.

"Honey? This is the first time you call me that. Do you have a fever? Audrey, don't scare me..." I'm used to being bullied by Audrey. I've never been treated so gently by her. Ye Feng is surprised and happy and a little incredible at this time. He tightly grasped the thin quilt covered on his body and looked around cautiously.

This is a bedroom. Maple leaf is lying on a double bed. The beige wallpaper in the room looks particularly warm under the early morning sun.

This is home. Ye Feng was a little distracted.

"I'm fine, husband. Didn't you agree to have a picnic today?" Audrey tilted her head and looked at Ye Feng curiously.

It's a foul... Looking at Audrey's lovely appearance with her head tilted, Ye Feng's little monster began to move.


"Yes, what's the matter? Husband, why are you so strange? Are you confused?" Audrey leaned in front of Ye Feng, forehead to forehead, and pressed it tightly in front of Ye Feng, "no fever."

"Uh... Forget it, it doesn't matter, wife ~"

Facing the abnormal Audrey, Ye Feng simply stopped worrying about what was going on. He held his wake-up wife in his arms with open arms. The two hugged each other and rolled for half a circle on the double bed. Then Ye Feng pressed on Audrey and began to carefully kiss and lick the pink and fragrant neck of his lover.

"Well, husband, don't do this. Well, go and have breakfast. There are still a lot of things to prepare, Ye Feng, um." Audrey struggled with Ye Feng.

"Let those things go to hell." Ye Feng closed his eyes and ignored it. He gasped.

This is heaven. Ye Feng thought in his mind. Even if it's a dream, let me wake up after this dream.

"I hate it, but I can't. today is a picnic day. If I don't go early, I can't get a good place. Do you know how many people go for a picnic on the grass in Central Park on Sunday? Get up and wash and have breakfast! Dashuo and Mengmeng have already washed and washed." Audrey under Ye Feng pinched the tender meat at the root of her husband's thigh, which suddenly hurt, Audrey pushed Ye Feng away at once.

Audrey turned over and sat on Ye Feng, seriously talking to Ye Feng with a smile on her face.

"Yes, madam, I'll go and wash. By the way, Dashuo and Mengmeng are our children?" Ye Feng asked carefully.

"Of course, what's the matter with you today?" Audrey got out of bed and glanced at maple leaf. For this second, Ye Feng is willing to die.

"I'm not in good shape today. Maybe Zhuo didn't rest well at night." Ye Feng made a ha ha. Audrey really blushed when she heard this.

"Hum! You still know! Well, your baby son and baby girl have finished breakfast, so I'm sorry for you, you lazy bug." Audrey pinched Ye Feng's nose. Then she got out of bed, sorted out Ye Feng's wrinkled clothes, and went out of the room to prepare things for the picnic.

After Audrey walked out of the bedroom, Ye Feng, who was lying in bed, stretched out greatly and was so happy that she flew up. He took greedy breaths of the fresh air that floated into the room from the window. Ye Feng knew clearly that all this in front of him was not true. Although she never doubted Audrey's feelings for herself, Audrey in reality could not treat him so gently. She not only became his wife, but also gave birth to a son and a daughter?

Ye Feng knew it was just a fantasy, and what he had experienced before, huh? What have you been through before? Ye Feng suddenly couldn't remember anything. He just had a vague impression and knew that he had experienced other strange environments before. However, Ye Feng couldn't think of any picture of the specific content.

It doesn't matter. Now my family is the most important. I finally have my own small home! Although this is a fantasy, home is home. At least for this moment, I have a home... Ye Feng feels a little desolate in his joy and happiness. He simply gets up from bed and doesn't think about other things.

Ye Feng in his pajamas walked into the bathroom and began to brush his teeth and wash his face. After washing and dressing neatly, Ye Feng came to the table and solved the breakfast prepared by Audrey for him for two or three mouths. He didn't let his children wait too long. After all, today is a long-awaited family picnic.

As Ye Feng expected, his sons and daughters are extremely cute, especially the eldest son is completely engraved in the same mold as Ye Feng, which makes Ye Feng's heart full of happiness.

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