After checking the food and utensils needed for the picnic again, Ye Feng and Audrey took their cheerful sons and daughters, got into the family car and drove to the Central Park in the city.

"Dad, do you think Thompson's record of hitting at least one three-point ball in a row will end in 83 games?" Ye Feng's 10-year-old son, in addition to his favorite mother and father, is the star player in the major league of basketball: Thompson, who is the God in the little guy's eyes. His mouth is almost always about his idol.

To tell the truth, Ye Feng will be jealous of the star.

On the roads of the new metropolis on Sunday, the traffic flow is obviously much less than that on the working day. Of course, Ye Feng's family travel earlier. After all, at seven o'clock in the morning, most people still don't get up in the lazy sleep on the weekend.

"Certainly not, even for your nagging, isn't it, dad?" Mengmeng took over the conversation and said to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng's little daughter is only 8 years old this year. She is very strange. When she first saw her, she became Ye Feng's heart. Different from her brother's love of chasing stars, her father is her only star in Mengmeng's world.

"Of course, guys, when Thompson's team comes to the new metropolis to play, I'll buy some tickets and our family will go together." Ye Feng, who acts as a driver for his family, said happily.

"Dad, it's a deal!" Dashuo jumped from the back seat and hugged Ye Feng's neck.

"Brother, I'll make you happy. Don't affect dad's driving." the little adult seemed to say to his brother.

"Hey, Meng Meng, I know --"

"What about the musical I like to listen to?" Audrey, sitting on the co pilot, joked to Ye Feng.

"Er, do you still like musicals? Well, well, wife, there will be, bread will be, everything will be." Ye Feng didn't expect Audrey to love musicals at all. Of course, it is meaningless to infer the gentle and virtuous Audrey in the co pilot with a normal Audrey.

Anyway, Ye Feng is not interested in this art

This is life... Looking at the eldest son and baby daughter bickering with each other in the rear seat from the rearview mirror, and holding Audrey's hand beside her, Ye Feng's impetuous heart gets a little calm at this time. Even though he has done so many things, lost so much and got so much, Ye Feng knows what he wants most to have a complete family.

And here, he had this dream in advance. For the sake of his family, Ye Feng should try his best to adjust his state of mind, and strive to support his family and make them happy——


Ye Feng's car, which was running normally in the driveway, was suddenly hit by a minivan coming straight from the side. At the moment of vehicle contact, the huge impact caused by the high-speed collision directly flew the car driven by Ye Feng, who was hit on the side, more than ten meters away. The vehicle rolled dozens of times close to the ground, then slid for a distance, and then slowly stopped with four wheels upward.

"Oh, Jane, er, Dashuo, Mengmeng!" Ye Feng, covered with blood, struggled to climb out of the cab. Due to his serious injury, his mind began to blur. In a flash of sight, Ye Feng saw several men with guns appear and walked to his wife and children still trapped in the car.

"Help, help us, help --"

"It's time to say goodbye, Ye Feng."

"NYPD! What are you doing? Put your hands where I can see them, hold your head with both hands and squat on the ground!" just as the masked man pointed his gun at Ye Feng, a figure appeared in the street. She aimed at several masked men with weapons.


Ye Feng saw Kate's figure!

"Do it quickly!" without hesitation, the four masked men shot at the policewoman, fighting and retreating.

"Hey, man, farewell." the bald man fired three shots at Ye Feng's body under the cover of his partner, and then disappeared into the street full of gunfire and fire... "



Ye Feng woke up with a roar. Because of the sadness in his heart, he didn't slow down for a long time. Knowing that his throat could no longer make a sound, Ye Feng woke up from chaos as if he had just woke up.

"Damn it... Is it a dream..." Ye Feng found himself still in the living room in the room where Rihanna and anlana were hiding, but he didn't sit on the sofa, but fell on the floor. The sofa he had previously sat on had been overturned to the ground.

"Damn... What happened..."

Ye Feng suddenly felt a sharp pain on his body. He looked down and found that there were several more bullet holes on his body. It seems that these bullet wounds awakened him from a beautiful dreamland.

"M, the car accident in the dreamland is not the projection when the sofa is pushed in the real world..." Ye Feng struggled to get up from the floor. He glanced at the clock on the wall. More than five hours have passed since he just entered the living room.

"M's... What happened?" Ye Feng stood confused in the empty house and couldn't understand what had happened in the past few hours


Ye Feng, sitting alone in front of the bar drinking muggy wine, suddenly felt that someone behind him was approaching him. Although he didn't notice any murderous spirit, Ye Feng turned around cautiously and faced the person walking towards him.

"Ann Lana?" Ye Feng looked at the woman standing behind him in surprise. "Is that your name?"

"Still at present." the leather jacket accompanied the jeans, which showed the concave convex and hot figure of Anna Hilton incisively and vividly, which made Ye Feng feel dizzy and dizzy after a few drinks, and the pain on her body seemed to be invisible.

"Your hospitality is really special," Ye Feng pointed to several gunshot wounds on his body. "First the fantasy, then the gun. People other than me can't bear it."

In the face of Ye Feng's slightly ironic ridicule, Ann Lana smiled bitterly, and then sat on the bar next to Ye Feng, "a bloody mary." she said to the bartender, "your experience and fantasy really came from me, but there was someone else who shot later, and I didn't do it."

"Oh? Who is that?" Ye Feng saw that Ann Lana was so free and easy, and knew that what she might say was true. "Although I have many enemies and many people want my life, since they are related to you, their primary goal should not be me, but you."

"Well, you're talking about nine to ten. This is the picture that happened in that house this afternoon. Take a look for yourself," an Lanna took out a palm sized screen from her pocket, bumped it a few times and handed it to Ye Feng next to her.

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