When Ye Feng was distressed by Bradley Pitt, a new participant (newcomer), Kate and Pitt finished lunch and were sitting on the sofa in the NYPD director's office.

"....... I haven't seen you for years. The last time we met was when I and some other friends went to the airport to deliver them?" Kate asked Peter holding a coffee cup.

"Well, you sent me to report." Peter nodded.

"We all thought you would become a detective, but we didn't expect you to join the army as soon as you graduated and be sent abroad," Kate said with emotion.

"Haha, yes, when I was young, I always wanted to see and experience," Peter said.

"By the way, your company is developing very well. I always thought that the boss of aegis was another person with the same name as you. Unexpectedly, it was you who started it." Kate praised.

"Well, thanks to the help of his comrades in arms, the aegis is getting better and better," Peter said modestly.

"Did you come to this city to open a branch in Xindu?" Kate asked.

"Well, it's not very accurate," Pete changed his posture on the sofa. "I'm going to move the business of aegis to Xindu. In the future, I'm going to take the high-income people in Xindu as the main business goal of the company. Xindu is an international metropolis with many rich people and many people who need security services for the dead. Kate, I think we are" Aegis " And NYPD can cooperate. "


"To be exact, aegis provides training conditions for NYPD," Pete said.

"Tell me more." Kate listened to Pete's cooperation plan with great interest.

"Well, in order to pursue the most real combat environment, we rent different places every time. Although we simulate different scenes, you know, in order to let my employees have something to do. Simulate all kinds of complex situations they may face," Peter said

"It's really good to do so. I heard that your company is very professional," Kate praised Peter and his aegis company. Despite Kate's desire to compliment her old classmate, the reputation of Pitt and his aegis company in the industry has been highly recognized by Kate.

From the documents brought by Peter, Kate saw some information about these employees belonging to aegis. Kate could see from their resumes that they were all experienced soldiers. On the photos of these people, the aura inadvertently emitted from their eyes was only those soldiers who had been on the battlefield and survived the bloody fight, Like a sharp knife.

"So, aegis is willing to give some training to NYPD. All my employees and lecturers used to be special soldiers. It is very important for us to quickly start the signboard of aegis in Xindu. So I thought of you, my old classmate."

"Where does your business focus?" Kate asked.

"It's mainly personal protection, escort security, inter city and street fighting, anti-terrorism and special operations. We've done very well and the company's development is very good," Pete said confidently.

"Well..." Kate was lost in thought.

"You don't have to answer me right away," Peter stood up and took his coat. "What time do you get off work?"

"Six thirty." Kate stood up to see Peter off.

"OK, I'll see some more people later. I'll pick you up when you get off work." Peter smiled at Kate.

"Pick me up? Where are you going?" Kate took Peter to the door of the office.

"We'll have dinner first, and then we'll go to a bar and have a drink."

"I -" Kate originally wanted to refuse Peter, but when she thought she would often deal with Peter in the future, she couldn't say anything, "well, I'm a bad drinker."

"Never mind, I'll take you home. See you in the evening." Peter waved and turned away gracefully.


"Sister Kate, what are you going to eat in the evening? I'm going to order takeout now." jenma called Kate. She lived with Kate alone, but neither of them planned to learn to cook.

"Ah? Don't come back to eat? Where are you going? Well, well, I won't ask. I don't want to be your mother. Well, hang up, pay attention to safety and go home early." jenma threw her cell phone on the sofa and looked at Ye Feng with a gloomy face. "So?"

"She went to dinner with the new participant," said Ye Feng.

"How do you know? Well, men know men best." Gemma picked up her cell phone and began ordering takeout. "What do you eat?"

"Pizza." Ye Feng actually has no appetite. He is very upset at the thought of Kate and the beautyboy enjoying a candlelight dinner.

"Don't you know Kate's character? She's always careless. She probably didn't notice that Pete was interested in her at all. I think you can talk to her directly and save your anger." jenma suggested.

"I also know that Kate just treats him as an old classmate, but she's not afraid of thieves. She's afraid of thieves. It's best to have no handle on this goods, or I'll have to operate on him!" Ye Feng said gnashing his teeth. In fact, the main reason why Ye Feng is unhappy is that he is not as handsome as Peter, and he clearly knows this


While Ye Feng was sulking, Kate was having a drink with Peter in a bar. Kate is to catch up with her old classmates, and Peter's reason is simpler: he wants to conquer the heroic beauty director.

"If you want to chase a girl, bring her to this place?" Kate asked Peter, the boss of aegis, jokingly after taking a sip of the beer in the bottle.

"I bring a girl here because she has seen through everything."

Kate has to admit that smiling Peter is really attractive, but this kind of man is not Kate's dish. Kate thinks men should be rough and crazy to have more flavor, although Ye Feng is not this type

"I can't tell whether you're praising me or sarcastic."

As far as acting is concerned, Peter absolutely kills those second-line actors who have no acting skills. He looked at Kate with hesitation and gloom in his eyes. The wild and seductive eyes made Kate a little uncomfortable. She had no feeling for Peter, but the friendship between friends and classmates.

"Are you the kind of weak woman who thinks such words are offensive?" Peter asked.

He appreciates Kate's strong personality as a strong woman with strong business ability. Peter didn't boast that his naturally handsome face attracted countless women to him. After getting tired of all kinds of women throwing themselves into their arms, Peter found that Kate, a woman with great career, was more attractive to him.

Looking up at the clock on the wall again, Ye Feng wrote the word "dissatisfaction" on his face with a carbon pen.

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