"You look stupid..." jenma looked up at Ye Feng, and then continued to look at the TV picture in the living room.

"It's almost eight o'clock. When does Kate want to be fooling around outside?" Ye Feng complained to jenma, pointing to the clock.

"First of all, it's only a quarter past seven, and it's still early from eight. Second, you're not sister Kate's old father. Sister Kate has been in her thirties, so you need to take care of when she will go home?" jenma said calmly to Ye Feng.

"If Kate knows you're talking about her age again, she'll be angry..." Ye Feng kindly reminded.

"What's wrong with her age? She's really in her thirties." jenma said disapprovingly.

"That's because you're still young. A woman over 30 is very concerned about others talking about her age. Believe me, this is the truth." Ye Feng tried to make Gemma understand that the topic of age can't be mentioned all the time, especially for a female director over 30

"Well, I'll pay attention," jenma nodded.

"It's almost eight o'clock. When does Kate want to fool around outside?" just after educating Gemma, Ye Feng began to mutter again.

"Shut up! It's only seven twenty!" jenma couldn't bear it. She took off her slippers and smashed directly at Ye Feng.


Gemma is absolutely gifted in the accuracy of throwing items


"Are you the kind of weak woman who thinks such words are offensive?" Peter asked.

"It depends on who said it. What an old classmate said, um, is a bit of a compliment."

Kate and Peter deliberately keep a distance. She knows that her old classmate was interested in herself when she was in college, but love is such a wonderful thing. Even if Peter has a good character and looks handsome, Kate just can't feel him. She was and is the same now.

"..." Peter gave Kate a smile with high sugar content. "The last time I used such a dirty cup was when I was abroad."

"Listen to your tone, you miss it." Kate teased

"Everything there didn't work out," said Bradley Pitt thoughtfully, "For thousands of years, the people in the land of AWU Khan have been resisting foreign invasion. For us, it is a task, for them, it is... Life. When I finished my last term of service, I knew that I would never go back there again. At least not in uniform."

Men always unconsciously tell their life experiences in front of the woman they want to show off their differences.

"Really? It feels like you've grown up a lot there, more like a man." Kate said with emotion after taking a sip of the wine.

"Yes, I learned a little. Some people are lucky to have a happy life, while others are responsible for protecting their happiness. This is what I have been engaged in: providing security." Peter revealed the faith of aegis company.

"By the way, Kate, are you still single?" after a moment of silence, Peter turned to the topic somewhat stiffly.

"..." Kate didn't answer him.

"Haha... I mean, won't you worry about being lonely?" Peter also felt that his words didn't fit the atmosphere at this time. He made a haha and then said.

"I'm not alone. What about you?" Kate saw Audrey and others, and of course Ye Feng.

"Not yet."

“*Somewhere a voNYPD calls in the depths of my heart**May I always be dreaming the dreams that move my heart*”

"Sorry, I have to answer the phone." in Pete's disappointed eyes, relieved Kate quickly connected to the ringing mobile phone.

"... yes, I'll be home in a minute. It's only 7:30 now. I promise I'll be home before 9:00. OK, I'll hang up." Kate hung up angrily.

"From the family pet?" Peter asked jokingly.

"Almost." Kate remembered Ye Feng's face.

"It's early before nine o'clock, isn't it?" Peter asked. He got up to get the wine.

"OK." Kate nodded and finally came out to play. Kate was ready to leave no regrets.


"Are you kidding? Kate? You called me out at night just to let me serve this grandson?" Ye Feng complained to Kate next to him, pointing to Peter who was sleeping.

After answering Kate's phone, Ye Feng ran out of the apartment and ran to Kate's bar. She thought Kate had drunk too much and asked herself to pick it up. Ye Feng had been thinking about all kinds of pictures that would happen later all the way. In short, they were not suitable for children.

Excited, she came to the bar and did see that Kate had nothing to do. Instead, Peter's beautyboy drank unconscious. Kate asked Ye Feng for help to take Peter home

"At least he is also my college classmate. I can't leave him in the bar?" Kate said helplessly.

"Does this product want to fill you with wine?" Ye Feng gave Peter a kick while Kate wasn't paying attention, secretly pulled out a pinch of Peter's hair and put it in his pocket.

"What are you talking about? Really, I can go back to bed if you don't help!" Kate said impatiently.

In fact, Ye Feng is right. Peter was going to get Kate drunk, but he didn't want to fall down. He underestimated Kate's drinking capacity. In fact, Ye Feng used the same trick, and finally he fell down. So when he saw Peter sleeping, Ye Feng immediately realized that the grandson was not kind and had the same idea as he had before.

Fortunately, Kate is not drunk, otherwise she will be taken advantage of by this bastard. At the thought of this, Ye Feng moved quickly and secretly and scratched a wound on Pete's thigh. The injury is very mild, but it will make Pete lose a little blood

"I know, I know. I'll be a coolie for you." Ye Feng carried Peter like a sack and walked out of the bar with Kate.

"Where does this grandson live?" he stuffed Peter into Kate's car. Ye Feng, sitting in the driver's seat, asked Kate.

"Well, the business card he gave me should have his address. Well, yes, that's it." Kate handed Pete's business card from her wallet to Ye Feng. After looking at the handwritten address, Ye Feng tore up the business card and threw it out of the window.

"..." Kate looked at Ye Feng with a smile. She didn't say anything. She fastened her seat belt, leaned against the co pilot's seat and closed her eyes.

With Ye Feng, she felt at ease.

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