Since Peter appeared, Kate will almost see her old classmate in the office tomorrow. Even if he can't come today, Kate's mobile phone always rings unexpectedly.

In the face of her old classmate's fierce pursuit, although Kate is a little sad and funny, because the formal cooperation between NYPD and aegis has begun, she can only accept the situation surrounded by Peter every day.

In fact, the most unhappy is not Kate, but Ye Feng.

As for why she did business with aegis, the reason is very simple. Kate has been trying to be the first person to cross the finish line, which is still her creed in life. She clearly knows that in reality, the difficulty of many problems lies in that there is no second chance at all, so she has been emphasizing to her subordinates: get everything ready before the actual battle.

The existing training equipment in NYPD can meet the needs of physical training. But in terms of actual combat, Kate clearly realized that her team still needed more training, and Kate learned enough lessons from the executioner.

Kate knows that she can't send her subordinates to the battlefield to meet the requirements of actual combat training, but the emergence of Peter and aegis can make all this a reality. Carter believes that NYPD can organize training through a private contractor in Xindu. Aegis, the company, has all the equipment it needs.

Based on this motivation, Kate, as director of NYPD, reached cooperation with Aegis company represented by Peter. This is a win-win situation for both sides. NYPD members have been trained. Aegis can gain a firm foothold and become famous in Xindu.

If anyone opposes this cooperation, it's only Ye Feng. There's no other reason. This cooperation gives Pete the opportunity to contact Kate, which makes Ye Feng crazy.

Kate has always been an independent person. She will not stop her cooperation with Peter because of Ye Feng's unhappiness. Even though she is tired of being asked out for dinner by Peter for various reasons every day, seeing Ye Feng always looks crazy, Kate will be warm in her heart when she feels happy to laugh. She knows Ye Feng is worried about herself, So apart from her work contacts, Kate never met Peter in private.

Kate hopes to make Pete retreat through cold treatment. Unfortunately, this did not diminish Peter's enthusiasm.


Rescuing hostages is the most likely task for SWAT (special weapons and tactics, S.W.A.T., meaning "special weapons and tactics") team under NYPD. At this moment, a team is carrying out the special task of rescuing the hostages.

In the dim corridor, four SWAT team members lit up the surrounding environment with the light of the tactical flashlight equipped with their guns. The four people are trying their best to control their footsteps and breathing. Any sound that startles the criminals in the process of sneaking into the building where the criminals are located and searching for and rescuing the hostages may lead to the failure of the rescue plan.

When the four players entered a relatively empty hall, they met the criminals, and the gun battle that should be avoided happened. Several criminals were instantly subdued under the cross fire of trained SWAT team members, but this is not the purpose of this operation. The ultimate goal is to rescue the hostages.

After carefully entering the corner, a criminal rushed out. But his sneak attack was useless. The nervous SWAT team shot first and subdued him at the moment of his appearance. Entering the corner where the criminal rushed out, eight hostages squatting on the ground appeared in front of SWAT team.

Just as SWAT members were ready to breathe a sigh of relief, a panicked hostage rushed towards the four players. One of them unconsciously pushed the hostage aside, while another SWAT team member suddenly noticed that there was a strange woman among the hostages, She turned into a squat position when the panicked hostage jumped on the SWAT team members. She pointed the muzzle of her AKM at the four SWAT team members!

But before the criminal hiding in the hostage pulled the trigger, the member of the team who first noticed her fired the bullet without hesitation, and the female criminal who intended to sneak attack fell to the ground. At the same time, the Swat member who was rushed by the panicked hostage subconsciously pulled the trigger against the hostage, and the hostage fell to the ground.

"Damn it!"

The dim building was lit up instantly, and all the hostages and criminals stood up from the ground. This was a practical exercise to rescue the hostages.

The Swat member who killed the female criminal was Kate, and the player who said "Damn it!" was Kate's subordinate Nick. He was dissatisfied with his reaction just now.

After all, if Kate hadn't shot before the female criminal, the hostage rescue mission would have basically failed, and he shot and killed a hostage.

"I just watched a man pounce on me, and I just... I thought he was the enemy," Nick explained to Kate behind him as he took off his equipment. To tell the truth, Nick felt ashamed of himself in front of his boss.

"Don't blame yourself too much. If we really face this situation and only one hostage dies, it must be a very successful action." Kate calmed Nick's mood.

"There is never a perfect result"

"It's not." a handsome man in suits and shoes inserted into the dialogue between Kate and Nick. Of course, his eyes basically looked at Nick, but stayed on Kate. "The real scene is more important than the simulation. Kate, your hands are still so good."

"Hey, Pete, this is Nick, my left arm and right arm." facing the handsome Pete's hand, Kate smiled and shook it, and introduced her subordinate Nick to Pete.

Although he had met several times in the corridor of NYPD before, Nick had to admit that Peter, whom director Kate mentioned to him before, was really handsome, even from a man's point of view. He is just like those actors in the film. Peter cruise and kenu Reeves are all handsome without the old classmate of director Kate.

To tell you the truth, Nick's first impression of the handsome and cheerful Bradley ponpete is very bad. He doesn't think the beautyboy is a good man. Although Nick has no basis at all, Nick just doesn't like Pete

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