The sudden ambush surprised NYPD.

Despite the cost of personal injury, Kate's NYPD secret service team was at a disadvantage from the beginning and has become a anxious situation.

"Put down your arms and get on the ground!"

Kate shouted at the unplanned enemies.

"Who are these people?" Nick asked Kate as he emptied the magazine of his pistol and loaded it behind the bunker.

"Go, go, go! Surround them! They're small!"

Kate doesn't know about this problem. She just knows that these people must not be good people! Kate shouted to the NYPD special operations team.

When all members of the NYPD action team concentrated their fire to attack, this group of heavily armed thugs began to inevitably reduce their personnel.

"Shit..." as more and more mercenaries were shot to the ground, the leader of the mob cursed involuntarily and angrily. He didn't expect that Kate brought so many people to the trading scene. It's time to evacuate

In fact, Kate tests the recent training results of her team members through actual combat. If she just catches the scene of a criminal transaction, she doesn't need so many people, and each one is still armed to the teeth

"You have nowhere to escape! Give up resistance!"

Kate came out of the bunker and pressed in the direction of the mob with her shotgun. Nick was behind her and kept shooting to cover Kate's action. The space of the mysterious thugs is being further compressed. The leader of the thugs knows that time does not wait for me. He must take action!

He suddenly pushed a mercenary out of the bunker. In the frightened eyes of the latter, the attention of all NYPD action team members fell on the unlucky man who stumbled out of the bunker. In an instant, his body was hit by several bullets.

And he didn't miss the opportunity. He ran to an open door at his right hand and tried to escape the building.

"Nick! Go around him in the back and don't let him run!" Kate shouted to Nick.

"Cover me!" Nick ran out of the bunker in a hail of bullets.

His choice of escape is undoubtedly to kill all the mercenaries he brought. He is using the death of these mercenaries to buy himself time to escape. In the process of running out of the building, the man also killed all his men injured by agent NYPD. He can't let these people stay alive. He won't leave the possibility of revealing his true identity

"Nick, a man left. He ran East."

Looking at the bodies on the ground, Kate said to Nick through the walkie talkie, and then she rushed out.

At this time, the man had rushed out of the building, and he ran all the way out. In the process, he personally killed three heavily armed NYPD agents, but it delayed time, and finally he was caught up. When the man killed a NYPD player, Nick rushed to the scene and aimed his pistol at the man's back.

"Put down the gun, I said put down the gun! Forget it, go to nm! I'll just grab it!"

Hearing Nick's cry behind him, the man threw his gun to the ground.

"Put your hands behind your head! Put your hands behind your head! Kneel down! Kneel down! I TM let you kneel down!"

Nick approached cautiously with his back to himself. An enemy slowly kneeling on the ground.

"If you dare to move, asshole, I swear, I'll kill you! Let your head break to the ground!"

Nick controlled his pace, turned to the front of the masked gangster, reached out and took off the mask on the gangster's head.


Nick was stunned. What he saw was Bradley Pitt's face!

In the life and death battlefield, being stunned at the same time means that you have leaked a fatal flaw

Bradley Pitt, kneeling on the ground, shook his right wrist, and the sleeve sword hidden on his wrist popped out in an instant. Pete turned around and suddenly rowed on Nick's gun holding hand. While the latter was suffering, Pete took the opportunity to stand up from the ground, came forward and hugged Nick who was still in the blank of his brain, stabbed Nick's abdomen with his sleeve sword. In an instant, the blood from Nick's mouth splashed on Pete's face

Finally, Nick, whose throat was cut, was thrown on the ground like garbage by Bradley Pitt

When Kate arrived, Peter had already fled the area. Kate looked around carefully. She suddenly saw Nick lying in a pool of blood. The whole person had the illusion of being torn. Trying to resist the mood of collapse, Kate in a trance ran to Nick who was dying on the ground and asked for help through the walkie talkie.

"A policeman is injured and needs an ambulance! Send an ambulance quickly!"

"Nick? Nick!" Kate looked at Nick covering her throat and sobbed, "you'll be okay. Wake up. Help! It's okay, Nick, damn it, help!!!!"

You're here at last, boss. That bastard did it, Peter. He's a bad man

Nick wants to warn Kate that Pete is a real asshole and must arrest him, but Nick's throat is cut off. He tries his best. He presses his dying soul into his body to tell Kate the truth, but he can't. He points hard at the direction Pete leaves, But she couldn't tell Kate the name of the man who took her life.

What makes Nick more desperate is that Peter will haunt Kate as if nothing had happened

Damn... Is this my life

Nick saw Kate running towards him in a trance.

If I hadn't met you, who would I be

I'm sure I can't catch up with myself now... Boss... Thank you

Nick, whose life has come to an end, has been waiting for Kate to appear. She finally came... Nick can't make any noise. He struggled to raise his bloody hand and tried to hold Kate's hand, but he really ran out of oil and the lamp was dry. Nick's hand just raised fell heavily before touching Kate

"Somebody help him! Somebody help him!!! Nick, I need you, I need you to be stronger, Nick! No! No!!!"

In Kate's heart rending cry, Nick finally died, and he died in peace. He died in Kate's arms, his eyes wide open

"No, no, no, no, no!!! Damn it! No!!!"

Feeling the life of the person in her arms passing quietly, Kate slowly looked at several other bodies around her, and she finally collapsed

Several NYPD players ran over. They tried to pull Kate crying away from Nick's body, but they couldn't. Kate hugged Nick's cold body

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