Kate was immersed in the grief of Nick's death. Instead of going to work, she chose to take a vacation and stay at home. Kate really collapsed when her partner was killed. She didn't know whether the road to the truth was really worth it

"Haven't you heard anything yet?" asked Jemma to Ye Feng, who was attached to the bedroom door and listening to Kate in the house.

"The same as before." Ye Feng sighed and walked back to the living room with jenma.

Since Nick died, Ye Feng has been sleeping on the sofa in Kate's apartment, always with her. Avril is accompanied by Chu Qian, and Ye Feng is wholeheartedly beside Kate.

"It's been several days, and she hasn't left her bed," said jenma helplessly, sitting on the sofa.

The cold wind is blowing in Xindu today. The girl with high IQ closes all the windows and sits on the sofa with Ye Feng and sighs. After all, the blow to Kate was too big. She was immersed in sadness and couldn't extricate herself. If Gemma took care of Kate alone, she wouldn't be able to cope.

"I think she collapsed. I don't think she has anything to do with her partner's death," Gemma analyzed Ye Feng.

"I tell you, Gemma, when Nick graduated from school and went to NYPD internship, Kate always took him with her, but Kate treated Nick as her own brother." Ye Feng listened carefully to Kate who was motionless in the bedroom bed, but there was no movement.

These days, the lost Kate only knows to be in a daze, and sometimes she will cry silently. If Ye Feng doesn't bring food into Kate's bedroom, Kate won't even ask someone to bring her food. She just stays in a daze and doesn't know what to think.

"OK... I'll get a cup of hot cocoa. Do you want it?" jenma shook her head. She didn't know why all kinds of bad things always happen in life, making changes in the originally peaceful and happy life.

"Ding Dong."

When the doorbell rang, Gemma had to shuffle to the door of the apartment.

"Who?" jenma asked, looking out through the cat's eye on the door.

"Is this Kate's apartment? I'm his friend, Pitt, Bradley Pitt." the visitor's voice rang out and looked at Pitt's perfect face from the cat's eye. Gemma quickly turned back and looked at Ye Feng sitting in the living room. As she expected, Ye Feng came with a disgusting face.

"Kate, I -- are you?" Pete smiled brightly. When he noticed that it was not Kate who opened the door, but a strange man, he was obviously stunned, and then looked at the door number again.

"I'm Kate's friend. I'm very close. What can I do for you?" Ye Feng smiled at Peter and clenched his fists tightly. He was controlling his impulse to punch Peter directly.

"Oh, Kate's friend, Hello, I'm Peter." Peter kindly stretched out his right hand.

"My name is Huang Liang. I've seen you." Ye Feng took Peter's hand and made ten percent of his strength. But to Ye Feng's surprise, the smile on Peter's face remained the same. Under his full grip, the beautyboy did not change his face.

"Oh, really?" Pete drew back his hand without trace and carried it behind him.

"Well, when you were drunk, I sent you home." Ye Feng looked at Peter teasingly. The latter smiled awkwardly when he heard Ye Feng say so.

"Well, thank you for your help. Can you let me in? I want to see Kate. How is she these days? She doesn't answer her phone." Pete said with some worry.

"She's all right. Don't worry. You can go back. Kate said you're still a big boss and should have a lot of entertainment. Don't worry. There's jenma and me. Kate's all right." Ye Feng said, closing the door of the apartment.

"I still want to see her with my own eyes, otherwise I can't rest assured." Peter stuck his foot in the crack of the door and organized Ye Feng to close the door.

Ye Feng can get used to Peter. First, he opens the door. When Peter relaxes his vigilance, he suddenly closes the door. This directly makes Peter scream. He covers his severely pinched foot and jumps on one leg.

"You should go to the hospital to have a look at your feet? Sorry, my eyes are bad and I didn't see it." Ye Feng had a bright smile on his face and didn't repent.

"You! You!" Peter was speechless with anger.

"Good bye." Ye Feng slammed the door. No matter how Peter knocked at the door, he just couldn't open it.

Pete insisted on calling the door for ten minutes, then limped away and went to the hospital to see his feet. When there was no sound outside the door, Ye Feng watched the door through the cat's eye. After Peter left, he sat back on the sofa like a winner. He asked jenma, "what to eat at noon? Decide early."


"You know pizza," said Ye Feng reluctantly. "Well, order a pizza. I'll ask Kate what to eat. Eh? Kate, how did you get out?"

Noticed that Kate came out of the bedroom, Ye Feng quickly got up from the sofa and walked past Kate.

"Did someone come just now?" Kate said wearily. Because she was sad, Kate looked particularly haggard. Ye Feng was distressed and hurried to hug Kate's shaking body.

"..." seeing this scene, Gemma rarely said anything. The girl with high IQ put on her headphones and stared at the laptop screen.

"I'm fine..." Kate leaned weakly on Ye Feng's body and was slowly helped to the sofa by the latter. "Is there someone at home?"

Hold Kate to sit down and let her lean her body against her body. Ye Feng hugged Kate and helped her smooth her hair. "It's okay. Your college classmate came, Peter. Yes, the goods hurt his foot soon after they came. I didn't let him in, but let him go to the hospital."

"You did it again..." Kate lifted her head from Ye Feng's shoulder and glanced at Ye Feng.

"I annoy him and you annoy him. I don't want him to enter the house and pollute our home." Ye Feng said boldly.

"This is my home... I've been paying the mortgage..." Kate said with a bitter smile.

"All the same, all the same, what would you like to eat at noon?" Ye Feng gently kissed Kate's forehead. The latter's pale cheeks were slightly red and secretly looked at jenma. She found that the girl with high IQ didn't look this way. Kate said faintly, "don't do that. No good. Well, I want to have pumpkin porridge."

"I see, pumpkin porridge, what else?" Ye Feng took out his mobile phone and began to order takeout.

"Well, pie, beef pie." Kate did find herself hungry.

"Gemma, what do you want besides pizza?" Ye Feng shouted to Gemma.

"And a loving kiss." jenma looked at Kate jokingly, and the ambiguity in her eyes was self-evident.

"..." Kate hid her face shyly in Ye Feng's arms.

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