"Man, your past experience is really a mess, you know? If you know the skills, you can find out the life experience of ordinary people. But you have overcomed your mistakes and touched the past too clean. You can't find your experience before college. It's like there's no silver 300 Liang here."

"What are you trying to say?" Pete forgot to count.

"Nothing. From your reaction, I'm sure I have an idea." Ye Feng looked at Peter with a sneer. "You're a dog like" HengYao technology. "


Peter didn't speak.

"In fact, it's good to reason," Ye Feng stared at Peter. "Kate is closing the network of" HengYao technology ", and you appeared at this critical moment. Then a series of things happened. The team led by Kate was ambushed by employees who once belonged to" Aegis "company, and I stared at you. This time, in your" Aegis " Under the security of, important witnesses were killed so simply. Don't say there was no your participation. "

"These are all your words. You've always been biased against me -"

"Yes, if it weren't for these prejudices, I wouldn't associate all bad things with you, and I wouldn't find your true face. Yes, Peter, I have a friend. You should know his name, Xu wenweak. From your expression, I know you know the name. Yes, one of the strongest hackers in the world. I asked him to investigate you. Guess what? I know exactly what brand of milk powder you drank when you were a child. Pete, no, Pete, I caught you. "

Ye Feng stared coldly at Bradley Pitt, whose real name was Peter Johnson's beautyboy.

Without weapons in hand, Ye Feng dared not fight Peter hand to hand. After the investigation of gemma and Xu wenweak, the skill of this beautyboy should not be underestimated. Ye Feng secretly walked down the stairs in exchange for a bullet that Peter hit the handrail of the stairs.

"Damn..." Ye Feng turned around and stood on the stairs looking up at Peter on the upper floor.

"Kneel down and put your hands on your head, Ye Feng." looking at Ye Feng who glared at himself, Peter's face was full of a playful smile, "you don't want to go out of this building today."

"If you want to shoot me, just shoot." Ye Feng simply stood in place, hugged his arms and looked at Peter coldly. He was sure that Peter didn't know his true identity. Naturally, he wouldn't know Ye Feng. He wasn't afraid of being shot.


Pete pulled the trigger decisively.

"Damn it!"

Ye Feng was shot and hit by bullets from upstairs. Fortunately, the distance between Peter and Ye Feng was too close. The warhead directly passed through Ye Feng's chest and did not stop in Ye Feng's body, causing greater damage.

"What are you doing?"

Pete jerked back and looked up. It's Kate! Standing on the stairs, watching him shoot. After seeing Peter's figure, Kate hurried to the side of Ye Feng rolling down the stairs and blocked Peter's shooting angle with her body.

"Peter, stand back!" Kate shouted angrily.

"Leave the dangerous man! Kate, your friend is responsible for the attack!" Pete pointed his pistol at Kate.

"What are you talking about? Peter! Step back! Or I'll arrest you for obstructing official business." Kate yelled loudly when she noticed Peter's slow approaching steps.


"Why are you still pointing a gun at me?" Kate asked warily, looking at the silent Peter.

"I want to save you." Peter didn't put the muzzle down.

"The way to save people is to point a gun at her?" asked Ye Feng with a cold sweat on his face.

"Shut up!"

"I'm director NYPD. I ask you to put down the gun now!" Kate continued.

"You don't have to get hurt. He's dead and it's all over." Peter shouted coldly.

"Shit..." Ye Feng struggled to stand up. "You're lying. You don't change your face. Admire, admire."

"Maple leaf, step back!" Kate shouted to maple leaf.

"This is war, Kate. The only crime in war is defeat," Peter said inexplicably

"... get out of the way." Peter pointed his gun at Kate and gave her a final warning.

"..." Kate, who also pointed the gun at Peter, expressed her position in silence.

Damn it

Just as Peter was about to shoot Kate in the way, he heard the sound behind the door behind him: "just in the stairs, there was a gunshot!", "go! Go!"

"You killed Nick, you did." looking at Peter's cold eyes, Kate knew that it was the man who killed her subordinates. This feeling was so strong that every pore of Kate's body was tightening. It was Bradley Pitt, it must be him

"..." Peter didn't answer Kate. He just opened one corner of his mouth and gave Kate a devil like cruel and evil smile

"Hands up! Get on the ground!" a group of special police rushed into the stairs. Peter reluctantly dropped his weapons and raised his hands.

"Put down your weapons, you, put down your weapons!" the special police also rushed towards Kate. Kate held her hands high and signaled that she had no threat.

"I'm director Kate of NYPD -" before Kate explained her words, her hands were handcuffed. She struggled and shouted to Peter, "you'll regret not killing me! Damn beast!"

Peter, who sneered at Kate while shouting, also didn't escape the end of being subdued by the special police. In the confrontation between the three, only Ye Feng is still fighting against the police who rushed to him.

"Don't move, asshole!"

Facing the pressing of the police, Ye Feng chose to attack first. After the violent rise, Ye Feng put down the two special police officers around her. Then, facing the hail of bullets shot at him, Ye Feng did not hesitate to pick up one end of the fire hose hanging on the wall in the stairwell, jump and jump directly downstairs


"Are you going to tell me why you and Bradley Pitt are shooting at each other? Instead of the man who ran away?" after Ye Feng fled the building, the special police captain in charge of the scene came to Kate to learn about the situation at that time

"Different opinions."

"Peter is involved in security here," the officer continued.

"It seems that his work is not in place."

"Director Kate, the Swat on the scene saw you and Bradley Pitt face off with arms." he needs to find out how this strange situation happened and why no one took care of a dangerous mysterious man?

"I had the situation under control, but Peter had to choose to kill."

"I can understand Peter's position. After all, the man may have something to do with the attack," the middle-aged man told Kate.

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