"I don't think so," Kate said stubbornly.

"Why are you so sure he's innocent? Director Kate, I need your help. You want me to change my mind, don't you? Then give me evidence and let me know you're right!" the middle-aged man competed and stared at Kate.

"Women's intuition."

"..." the officer watched Kate turn away in silence.


"Ye Feng, aren't you going to talk to me?"

Audrey came in and asked Ye Feng, who was being treated by Haley.

Audrey just saw a news about the explosion. In the news, Peter, as a guest, said that the perpetrator of the explosion attack was probably a man named Huangliang. Although this is not true, this man is neither Huangliang nor he did the explosion attack.

But Audrey was completely shocked when she heard the slander from Peter. After all, she realized for the first time that the Yellow sorghum in this person's mouth was Ye Feng who was being cleaned by Haley. Ye Feng has been falsely using the name of Huangliang. Obviously, this time Huangliang was inexplicably blamed for Ye Feng

"If you don't take care of your face, the whole new city will think you're crazy, Ye Feng. You know how dangerous it is -"

"Audrey! This is not the time to talk about it!" intellectual beauty Haley stared at Audrey angrily. Can't Audrey see that Ye Feng is scarred and needs to be dealt with urgently? Haley was too calm about Audrey's inhumanity and at this time, which was difficult to accept.

"Stop talking..." Ye Feng whispered.

"I just want to say that you should pay attention to your safety. Many people are beating your attention." Audrey continued with a serious look. "You can tell Jane and me about this kind of thing. Your house is also very close to the accident site. Isn't it better for Chu Qian to go? You can't choose one person to resist everything all the time. You will die, and your self-healing ability is not eternal!"


Facing Audrey's words, Ye Feng was silent. In fact, it is true that Ye Feng cares and is in chaos. He doesn't expect how many people with ulterior motives will know that he is in Xindu city if he is really caught. At that time, unless Ye Feng escapes to another city and never comes back, trouble will follow him in the morning.

"Audrey, didn't you hear what I said? You -"

"Let her say..." Ye Feng grabbed Haley's hand and stopped the intellectual beauty from trying to get up and push Audrey out of the room.

"You need to talk to me, Ye Feng. Your next plan is to go to Bradley Pitt and kill him?" Audrey continued with a serious look.

"...." Ye Feng didn't answer.

"You want to go into the city without considering that all the police in the new metropolis want to blow your head? Play the role of the lone hero of" the first drop of blood "? Ye Feng, don't do that." Audrey said, her expression getting more and more excited.

"Anyway, can you sit down and think about it after Haley helps you sew up the wound? Don't do anything impulsive, even if I beg you..." Audrey rarely softened her tone

"... Audrey, I know what you mean. I won't do anything stupid..." Ye Feng whispered wearily. This scene made Haley very distressed.

"Ye Feng, we must think clearly, okay? You must think clearly. If things are really like what you analyzed, Peter has the whole" HengYao technology "as the background, you must want every step of the plan," Audrey said.

"Yes, Ye Feng, you can't make mistakes."

"Of course..." Ye Feng interrupted Haley.

"Ye Feng, we will all help in this matter. Haley and Kate are still by your side, you and your friends. Ye Feng, Kate's business is our business," Audrey said.

"Yes, this matter must have a result..." Ye Feng's mind has begun to think about how to erase Bradley Pitt from the world without any trace


NYPD headquarters building

Conference room 1

"Come in."

Kate, who was checking the information in the conference room, said to the knocker outside the door.

Two police officers took Peter into the conference room.

"Thank you. You can go."

Kate said to the two police officers who escorted Peter.

"Thank you for coming," Kate said to Peter after the police officer closed the door of the meeting room.

"It's all right. What I eat is this meal that responds to the call at any time."

"I thought you would bring a lawyer." Kate looked at Peter coldly

"Why? Guilty people need lawyers." Pete met Kate's eyes as if nothing had happened.

"... please sit down." Kate walked across from Bradley Pitt and turned on a video camera with the lens facing Bradley Pitt.

"Please give your name," Kate asked officially.

"Bradley Pitt," Pitt replied naturally.

"Mr. Parker, I'll show you some photos of the crime scene." Kate put the photos of Nick's murder scene in front of Peter. "Please take a closer look and see if there are any familiar places."

"... why on earth should I come, Kate?" Peter asked, staring into Kate's eyes.

"Because you kill someone, you have to pay for your life." Kate picked out the close-up picture of Nick's body and smashed it in front of Peter.

"I didn't do anything," Pete said calmly.

"Do you have any improper dealings with HengYao technology?" Kate ignored the evil smile on Bradley Pitt's face, and then asked.

"I think you must have read my file, which mentioned me and what" HengYao technology " Does it matter? I guess it's like this: you didn't catch your friend Huang Liang, but chose to protect him. In order to solve the case, you took it out on me, so you asked your people to catch me. But now, you realize that this step is not wise. If this is an official hearing, you won't be sitting here alone. "

"..." facing Bradley Pitt's sophistry, Kate said nothing. She stood up and turned off the camera.

"Do you want to tell me with action that there is no bug in this conference room? It's no harm to be careful," said Peter triumphantly. He enjoyed the process of stimulating Kate

"I have a proposal. The final proposal is non-negotiable. I promise to get you a commutation. You want you to confess all the murders and torture. I mean all, that means you have to tell Charles Michelson, the behind the scenes boss of HengYao technology."

Kate noticed a trace of panic on Bradley Pitt's face. Although it was only a flash, Kate caught it keenly.


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