"You didn't expect me to know the existence of Charles Michelson? You killed Nick. When I found the evidence, not only your boss will be put in prison, but your cheap life will rot in prison, I swear." Kate glared angrily.

"I know you can't let go of your lost colleagues. Sorry, it's the death of your colleagues... But it doesn't prove that I'm the murderer you're looking for." Pete looked at Kate across the conference table fiercely, and he didn't hide the strong murderous intention in his eyes.

"That's reasonable. I should find Ye Feng. Who knows? Maybe I'll find him tomorrow. God, Peter, do you remember the way he looked at you on the stairs? He'll kill you and be very happy. Maybe someone will give him a tip. Maybe he'll wait outside the building. I hope your clothes can be bulletproof."

After threatening Peter, Kate turned and left the meeting room. She was afraid that she would be alone with Peter. She would not resist the impulse to draw a gun and shoot the dressed beast.

"You'd better worry about yourself, Kate," Peter said coldly.



The old city of the new metropolis

The ordinary abandoned factory is located in the core control room under the ground of its dilapidated plant


"Ye Feng! The signals showing Haley and Kate are gone! And I received Haley's distress signal!" jenma stumbled into Ye Feng's room and shouted to Ye Feng who was preparing guns.

"What!? does Kate go to work to see? What's the matter with Haley? Did that bastard Pete do it?" Ye Feng came forward and grabbed the girl with high IQ and roared at her.

"I, I, Ye Feng, damn it, I don't know. You'd better see for yourself." jenma broke free from Ye Feng's bondage and pulled him to the screen. After jenma called out the monitoring picture near the block where the pain psychological counseling room is located, Ye Feng witnessed what happened at that time.

At about 12 noon, shortly after Kate's car reached the pain psychological counseling room, a group of heavily armed combatants jumped out of a speeding van. The group jumped out of the car and rushed into the house to hijack Kate and Haley. Everyone got in the car and left the area. It took only 3 minutes and 12 seconds. This is a group of well-trained professional soldiers

"Damn it..." Ye Feng turned and walked out.

"Ye Feng! Stop! Hey, stop!" jenma shouted to Ye Feng.

"What are you doing?" Ye Feng stood there at a loss. He felt that he might collapse at any time.

Damn it, damn it!!!

"Calm down and think about it! They're coming..."

"Who?" Ye Feng, squatting on the ground with his head in his arms, asked painfully. He was almost overwhelmed by the fear of losing Haley and Kate

"HengYao technology", "Aegis", Bradley Tom, they are coming here. They... Ye Feng, our mobile phone numbers, Haley and Kate's mobile phones are stored... "Jenma said nervously.

"Haley and Kate won't say anything..." Maple Leaf shook his head.

"Ye Feng, you don't lie in what they said. You must assume that they have obtained conclusive information. After all, this location is the most common place except Kate's apartment. They can determine this" base "by retrieving the location information stored on their mobile phones."

Jenma's calmness at this time gives a trace of comfort to Ye Feng's chaotic heart.

"Gemma, you leave here immediately, go to Audrey and them, and let them be ready to come here to help." Ye Feng stood up from the ground, turned and said to Gemma.

"What about you?" jenma said anxiously.

"Didn't you say they were coming here? I'll wait for those bastards here. When they come, I'll beat them to tell me where Haley and Kate are! Then, I'll kill them." Ye Feng whispered.

Since there are guests coming, Ye Feng prepares a feast of death to welcome everyone!


"You bastards, let us go!"

"Kate, save your energy. Shouting is just wasting unnecessary energy."

"Haley, I can't be calm in any situation. Damn it! This is the second time I've been hijacked this week!" Kate said helplessly.

Kate and Hai, two women, each tied to a chair, are in a dilapidated warehouse.

"How did you know to find these two ladies?" Peter asked Charles Michelson, his boss and the behind the scenes leader of HengYao technology. The two men watched Haley and Kate in the middle of the warehouse and whispered.

"It's very simple. I just didn't want to solve the problem in this way before. After all, she is the director of NYPD, and I don't want to make things too big. But the situation has developed to this extent, so I can only use rude means. As for the other lady, it was an unexpected harvest when I arrested Kate."

Charles Michelson said to Tom Parker.

"The scene is out of control, Charles. We killed a bunch of NYPD agents first, and Kate found your name. What have you done now? Have we been reduced to kidnapping two women in broad daylight?" Peter is very anxious about the recent developments. His intuition tells him that something will happen if it goes on like this

"That's the only way to do it now. We have no other choice."

"You're talking nonsense, you know in your heart, and others already know that I'm involved." Pete is extremely anxious about his situation. Charles Michelson has now made the kidnapping, and the man's anger is likely to flow to him, which is Pete's extreme fear.

"There are indeed people who know about us. They know that they are not dead and we are not safe. The mobile phones of the two hostages have told us where these people are. Kill them and everything can end tonight," Charles Michelson said coldly.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm already conspicuous. I won't expose myself again. Anyway, I won't be more conspicuous than you. Unless you act with me, we'll do things together." Peter said coldly.

"... we all know it's impossible," said Charles Michelson.

"Yes, I knew it." Tom Parker turned and left

After jenma left, Ye Feng, who was alone in the "base", was busy making final preparations for the upcoming death feast.

Some time ago, I just spent a lot of money to buy a batch of guns, which can finally come in handy. Ye Feng filled every magazine of various weapons on the gun rack with ammunition, opened the insurance and pulled the bolt. He has a bad temper now, so he wants to vent and vent hard.

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