At this time, Ye Feng seemed to faint at any time because of excessive blood loss. Although Peter's men treated him urgently, there was still too much blood on Ye Feng's chest after being shot. The dark blue jacket on his body was stained with rich red blood.

"I decorated it with your people. You should feel very cordial." Ye Feng spoke hard to Bradley Pitt squatting in front of him. Facing the man he wanted to kill at this time in the world, Ye Feng was extremely calm in this face-to-face conversation with Bradley Pitt.

"I hope you can talk like this in ten minutes." Peter smiled at Ye Feng and stood up disapprovingly. In Pete's opinion, the dying Ye Feng can't do anything. After he says everything Pete wants to know, he can choose whether to be shot or strangled.

"Pete, I'll kill you and I'll watch you die." Ye Feng made an oath calmly.

"Hey, man, you're so stupid, you know?" Bradley Pitt couldn't help laughing at the threat of Huang Liang's killing. His face was filled with a bright smile. It seemed that Ye Feng was telling a very funny story,

"Do you really believe that you can kill me? Destroy" HengYao technology "? Can you win? You can't win, Huang Liang. Now there is only one option in front of you: choose which way to die. Tell me how to enter these computers, Huang Liang, it's your turn to keep your promise."

Hearing that Peter still called Ye Feng Huangliang, Cao Yan was almost happy.

"Go and ask Mr. Tony (Ye Feng is an alias of Cao Yanqi)." although Cao Yan repeatedly stressed to Ye Feng that he didn't like the alias given to him by Ye Feng, Cao Yan's feelings have always been ignored.

"I hope your hacker friend will be an honest man." Bradley Pitt turned and looked at Cao Yan who was still in the corner like garbage and said coldly to Ye Feng.

"... don't you torture him?" Ye Feng uttered a very artificial exclamation. Seeing Ye Feng's behavior, Cao Yan couldn't help turning his eyes.

"After all, NYPD people shot you in the chaos, which is not good news for us. Now, I can't be rude to you, but it's inevitable for your partner." Peter replied regretfully.

"Well, if I cooperate with you obediently, can you not let your men beat me?" Cao Yanwei asked Bradley Pitt.

"Unfortunately, I'm not sure if you're telling the truth. Only in pain can people treat others sincerely, so, no, you'll be beaten. If you want to blame someone, you still have time to blame your partner before you die. Man, you're on the wrong side." Bradley Pitt deadpan denied Cao Yan's luck.

"... must we take this step?" Cao Yansheng asked lovelessly.

"Sure." Bradley Pitt nodded.

"Damn it, I knew I shouldn't participate..." Cao Yan lowered his head.

"Things shouldn't develop like this. I've lost Kate forever. I'm not born evil. If I could go back to the past, I wouldn't have made the choice to become a person of" HengYao technology ", but I can't. Huang Liang, I don't want to." Peter suddenly turned to Ye Feng and talked to himself like a vent.

"I'll kill you..." Ye Feng just stared at Peter coldly,

"No, you won't. You can only choose whether you want to die, suffer or be relieved." Peter, who was calm for a while, grinned at Ye Feng.

"Shut up, Pete. There are too many things that scare me more than death. Pete, I wake up every morning and think of death. I really hope I can die like a normal person one day, but not now, and don't come too fast. You can't imagine it, but you will realize it, Pete, you will." Ye Feng said seriously, with sincerity in his eyes, Makes Pete afraid to look straight.

"In that case, why don't I help you, Huang Liang." Peter cleared his throat.

"Well, Pete, come on, you'll kill me now. Come on!" Ye Feng sneered at Pete.

"Peter didn't speak.

"What? Peter, why don't you do it? Oh, by the way, you can't kill me. You still have something to solve, don't you, Peter? Your hackers don't seem to be able." Ye Feng's face became more and more despised.

"Don't play tricks with me, Huang Liang!" Peter couldn't help roaring.

"Look at you, Pete, you've lost everything. You've lost your bottom line. From the moment you took the money for" HengYao technology ", you've become the kind of person you hated most. I heard you wanted to be a law enforcer? You really make me sick." for a coward like Pete, Ye Feng will only curse him in the most vicious language.

"Huang Liang, you know, everyone will collapse, and you are no exception. Give me the password to close the countdown and end all this." Peter stared at Ye Feng coldly without any refutation

"Because if you don't give it, you will be much more painful."

Charles Michelson, the boss of "HengYao technology", came in. In Ye Feng's eyes, the bald middle-aged man with a funny beard was as disgusting as the big bellied man in the photo.

"I'm still wondering when the last boss will appear. Why, I'm worried that your dog hasn't done a good job? Come on, Peter, call your master and tell him you're still healthy."

"..." Bradley Pitt, with a gloomy face and nothing, walked silently to the door of the room.

"I won't say anything. You can kill me if you have the ability." Ye Feng drives a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water.

"Don't be so anxious to die, son. You are really a hard bone. I know that, but your partner," Charles Michelson pointed to Cao Yan, "is he also a hard bone?"

"Damn it, he's very soft!!!" Ye Feng shouted again.


Cao Yan has a black line in his head.

"Do you trust this bastard, Peter?" Ye Feng looked at Peter who was silent.

"Pete and I have a common interest, young man. We are a community of destiny." Charles Michelson rolled up the sleeve of his shirt.

"Old fellow, do you want to do it yourself? You must wear epithelial gloves when beating people? You still live exquisitely?" Ye Feng looked at Charles Michelson sarcastically.

"This pair was specially made for you, but now it can only be used for your partner." Charles Michelson waved his fist, and the "chirp" sound of his fist piercing the air made Cao Yan afraid to make a sound for fear of attracting attention.

Ye Feng saw with his own eyes the thick boxing cocoon on the joint of Charles Michelson's hand, which is the price of boxing practice like a medal that only real practitioners can have.

Shit, Cao Yan, you can stand it... Ye Feng looks at Cao Yan with pity.

Charles Michelson came to Cao Yan's face. In response to Cao Yan's frightened eyes, he swung his arm, exhausted all his strength and severely beat Cao Yan's face. Instantly, Cao Yan was beaten with blood all over his face.

And this is just the beginning

ten minutes later

"Brother, do you want to know the password..." Cao Yan, who lost two teeth, finally let go. Charles Michelson in front of him asked.

At this time, Cao Yan's whole body was dyed red by the blood flowing out of his own mouth, but the anger in Cao Yan's eyes was still burning.

Even though he was often beaten and beaten like this, Cao Yan met him for the first time. He was very unhappy.

"If you start like this, boy, I'll have less fun. Tell me the password!" Charles Michelson said fiercely.

"Why, even you are afraid. Once your activities in lansdanton are exposed, they will completely destroy you?" Cao Yan was tied behind his back and began to quietly touch the belt given to him by Ye Feng at his waist, made of special metal. If ye Feng hadn't seduced him with this precious belt, Cao Yan would never have promised to help Ye Feng, especially after Ye Feng told him the plan.

"What I did has nothing to do with you. The world only recognizes fists and money! I admit my means are not clean, but you fool is qualified to look at me with contempt!" Charles Michelson raised his hand and slapped Ye Feng in the face. However, this attack resulted in a broken wrist of Charles Michelson. Cao Yan used his ability for the first time "Assimilation", his whole body became extremely hard metal.

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