At this time, Ye Feng in the corner of the room seems to have died due to excessive blood loss. In the past ten minutes, even his weak breathing voice gradually disappeared

"Charles Michelson, just admit it. Damn it, I didn't expect to be beaten so much for nothing. Have you seen enough, brother Feng?!"

Cao Yan's words made Bradley pitton, who had been guarding the door, panic. He always felt that there was something wrong. Things seemed to go too smoothly, but he couldn't find the specific strange points, but Cao Yan's voice immediately made Peter fall into the ice cave.

Maple leaf? Who?

Bradley Pitt subconsciously chose to leave the room, which temporarily saved him

The dead "corpse" in the corner of the room suddenly came back to life. It suddenly burst from the ground and pretended to be a corpse. Ye Feng suddenly jumped at Charles Michelson, grabbed Charles Michelson's pistol directly, and shot and broke Charles Michelson's leg. The latter fell to the ground after being shot and couldn't help crying.

When Ye Feng pointed the muzzle of his gun at Bradley Pitt, the latter had already taken advantage of the previous gap to escape and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Cao Yan, I didn't mean to see you beaten. I, I fell asleep. Really, I just fell asleep. Can you watch you beaten for nothing? It's impossible!" Ye Feng untied Cao Yan's shackles and rushed out with a pistol. He had to clean up the residual "mice" in the "base".

In order to avoid their secrets being known by more people, there are actually few men guarding Nuo Da's "base". Peter put his men in the dilapidated factory building above the base.

"Charles Michelson, it's my turn now, isn't it?" Cao Yan moved his body, stepped forward, stretched out his hand and grabbed Charles Michelson, who was desperately climbing on the ground. Cao Yan leaked a brilliant smile at him


When Ye Feng, covered with blood, rushed out of the "base" holding a more miserable Cao Yan. Waiting outside, Audrey and her party saw a corpse in Ye Feng's hand. They could hardly see the human body. It was Charles Michelson's body.

Audrey sent someone to send Cao Yan directly to the hospital, while Ye Feng, under the care of Haley, Kate and Gemma, had recovered in less than 24 hours.

What make complaints about Cao Yan and Charles Miller in the base of the old factory? Nobody knows, but as Ye Feng saw Tucao when Charles was the corpse of the body, "is this guy crushed by the train?" and Charles, the boss of "Heng Yao technology", before he died, Must have experienced a horror he had never imagined

As for Bradley Pitt who ran away before, he was lucky to escape Ye Feng's towering anger against him, but he was unfortunate. At the moment he rushed out of the dilapidated factory building, Peter was shot a bullet hole by Audrey, who had been waiting outside, on his handsome and charming face. He didn't escape death after all.

In Kate's angry and contemptuous gaze, Bradley Pitt died in peace. At the gate of a rotten and dilapidated factory, Bradley Pitt, who always pursues brilliance, ended his sinful life.

The reason why Ye Feng risked his life is to lure Charles Michelson, the actual controller of "HengYao technology", to appear in person.

In fact, the criminal evidence of "HengYao technology" in the countdown process can have a limited impact. After all, the gang of "HengYao technology" almost erased all the evidence when they did those evil things.

But Ye Feng has grasped the psychological weakness of the criminals. They always think that they will leave evidence to identify them. What Ye Feng has to do is to make them believe that Ye Feng has evidence that they fear.

In fact, Ye Feng has been cheating Peter, and the guilty Bradley Pitt really believes that Ye Feng has the decisive evidence of him and "HengYao technology"

When all the bad guys think that Ye Feng has the evidence to determine their fate, Ye Feng has become their nightmare, which will certainly frighten all the sinners involved.

Therefore, Ye Feng knows that he is the most important bait. Only he can draw the poisonous snake Charles Michelson, the actual controller of "HengYao technology", out of the shadow of safety

In that case, it's better to risk yourself.

When Ye Feng outlined the plan in his mind, he thought of Cao Yan for the first time. Because Cao Yan has the special ability of "assimilation", he can perfectly accompany himself into the enemy's interior and become a vital surprise soldier. What Ye Feng has been thinking about is not how to use himself as a chip in exchange for Haley and Kate who have been kidnapped as hostages. This is far from enough. Ye Feng wants Charles Michelson and Bradley Pitt to die!

Therefore, there was the performance of the scene in which Audrey "missed" shooting Ye Feng during the previous hostage exchange. Facts have proved that camouflage with real death can paralyze the cunning enemy 100%.

Bradley Pitt believed that Ye Feng was a man named Huangliang from beginning to end. He never thought that Ye Feng had self-healing ability. He was not afraid of bullets at all.

Everything is going according to the plan. Ye Feng did it. After Cao Yan paid several teeth and a severe torture, they did it.

Of course, if ye Feng hadn't slept in the process, Cao Yan wouldn't have suffered such a heavy injury. But you can't complain about Ye Feng. He hasn't slept well in recent days

As for why Ye Feng had to have a lengthy dialogue with Bradley Pitt and Charles Michelson, the actual controller of HengYao technology, this is actually collecting their confessions as first-hand evidence.

Every conversation between Ye Feng and Cao Yan and Charles Michelson and Bradley Pitt is taking their testimony and the most favorable evidence to prove their crimes.

In Ye Feng's jeans, a button hidden a micro bug. Every word Charles Michelson and Bradley Pitt said was recorded as the most direct evidence. If it weren't for this, Ye Feng would give Cao Yan a signal at the first moment he woke up, and then they would kill all the bad guys in the "base"

But Ye Feng didn't choose to do that. Although it is only letting the bad guys die that Ye Feng is most concerned about, due to the existence of Haley, Kate and Gemma, Ye Feng must imagine for his future and uproot "HengYao technology" from lansdenton, which is the basis of all. Ye Feng doesn't want to put his beloved women in danger, and eliminating future troubles forever is the key for Ye Feng to open the next section of life.

Ye Feng accepted and recorded the words of Peter and others, and Kate did capture the intertwined huge criminal organization of "HengYao technology" in lansdenton city through these confessions recorded by Ye Feng. Except for some small minions, all the managers of "HengYao technology" were put into the new metropolis prison.

In the face of the hard evidence provided by Ye Feng and others about Charles Michelson's crime, even if "HengYao technology" spent a lot of money to defend them, none of them finally escaped the punishment of the law. Among them, the most serious criminals were sentenced to more than 200 years' imprisonment. There is no doubt that they are waiting for these criminals with innocent people's blood on their hands, It will rot slowly in the iron window.

As for the name and identity of "Ye Feng", it still doesn't appear in any relevant news. Of course, it doesn't matter, because at this time, Ye Feng has left Atlanta for a holiday in a place he has long wanted to see

Audrey and others didn't go on vacation with Ye Feng. They left this opportunity to the kidnapped Haley and Kate, and Gemma, who has always been with Ye Feng. This will be a good memory for the four of them.

Ye Feng, where are they?

After Ye Feng was discharged from the hospital, he took Haley Burton, Kate anwal and Gemma to the Uyuni salt marsh in Bolivia, the largest salt marsh in the world and the purest paradise in the world, known as the "mirror of the sky".

A mirror left in the world by God.

Uyuni salt marsh is probably the most open and flat land on earth. Located in the southwest of Bolivia, the Uyuni salt marsh, which stretches 12500 square kilometers, is a product of the ice age. When Ye Feng led several beautiful ladies here, they instantly felt the suffocating beauty of Uyuni salt marsh. The blue sky and the endless white salt grains meet in the sky, making people feel the purity of nature.

"Ye Feng, if we have a chance in the future, let's settle here!" Kate is running and playing on the lake of Uyuni salt marsh with her bare feet excitedly. The picture of her and Gemma chasing on the lake gives Ye Feng an illusion: it seems that two angels came to earth and danced in front of him.

"OK, it's just that life here is very boring, even WiFi is rare." Ye Feng stood in place and smiled at Kate.

"Ah? Forget it..." hearing this, Gemma shook her head. She can't stand the days when she can't surf the Internet.

"Ye Feng, even if I am in such a beautiful scenery, I still have the feeling of dreaming." Haley Burton, holding Ye Feng's arm, stroked her blonde hair gracefully and said to Ye Feng with some emotion.

"Yes, if it's a dream, I hope it won't wake up." Ye Feng bowed his head and kissed the intellectual beauty's forehead in exchange for a series of silver bell like laughter.

"Let's have this dream together, Ye Feng." Haley looked up at the tall man beside her and said softly.

"How could this dream be without me!" Kate ran back to Ye Feng and hugged her other arm. The beautiful police officer's face was filled with a happy smile.

"And me..." looking at Ye Feng's two arms being divided, the girl with high IQ helplessly opened her arms and hugged Ye Feng.

"Well, of course, let's dream together......" Ye Feng looked at the sea and sky in the distance and felt the most beautiful gift given to people by God - love

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