"Don't shoot!!!" the short fat Orc screamed. "I only have two companions, but we have found a lot of good things. After all, we have been in the" quiet Hill "for several years."

"I've been hanging out on the edge of the quiet Hill for years? What good can you have?" Dick looked at the short fat Orc sharply.

"We were a big team at the beginning, but when we were trekking in the depths of the" quiet Hill ", we were almost destroyed by another team. I and several companions ran out with several precious things and waited for the arrival of the next spaceship on the periphery of the" quiet Hill "to pick us up." the short fat Orc said honestly.

"Do whatever you want while you're waiting?" Dick nodded and then asked.

"Hey, hey, I can't hide anything from you." the short fat man said flatteringly.

"I'll go... The orc looks too traitorous. I'd better kill him directly, Dick, what do you say?" Ye Feng looked at the orc's rough and wild face and made a flattering expression. The whole person felt bad and got goose bumps all over.

"Well... It's all right to be idle anyway," Dick thought for a while, looked up and said to Ye Feng. "Let this goods take us around. There is Kobi. As long as the other party is not a large organic unit, we can deal with it. Even if it needs to run and there is a big bald ladle, it must run the slowest."

"Hello, big dick, please call me --"

"DiCaprio," said Ye Feng and dick in unison. They stared at the wronged DiCaprio in unison.


"Several big guys, turn left in front and come to the end. That room is the Arsenal and the camp for me and my companions." the dwarf Orc flattered Dick and Ye Feng.

It is acutely aware that dick and Ye Feng are the people who have the right to speak to the four person team, while the orc equipped with power armor and the woman wearing the legendary hell bat suit are the executors of the action.

Dick didn't choose to let DiCaprio blow the pudgy orc to pieces directly. Of course, it was not because the pudgy Orc who called himself Frank had a shameless character like Dick himself, which made Dick kind to him, but Frank claimed that he knew the location of an arsenal in the flying ship, which was the hiding place for him and his companions.

So Dick and Ye Feng decided to let the fat man lead the way, find the location of the Arsenal and complete the next mission before he died.

Dick and Ye Feng didn't intend to let Frank live from the beginning. On this point, they surprisingly agree.

"Frank? Your companions are all orcs of the black iron clan," Ye Feng asked the pudgy Orc who was leading the way.

"Brother, you have a pair of insight into the world! Yes, we come from the war roar tribe." Frank nodded and bowed with a smile.

"I drop a mushroom, a group of old Yinbi?" DiCaprio looked at Frank in surprise.

"Do you know something about Heitie clan?" Ye Feng looked at DiCaprio.

"Well, when I was an orc boy, I heard the veterans of the tribe say that the orcs of the black iron tribe are the most cunning and fickle and the least ORC. To tell you the truth, brother Ye Feng, I have been in contact with you for a long time. If you didn't have human outside, I really thought you were a spy sent by the black iron clan."

Milk bald seriously said to Ye Feng.

DiCaprio really told himself more than once: Ye Feng can't be a spy of the black iron clan. He has a human face, although Ye Feng may be more shameless

"... well, I'll take it as a compliment ε-)。” Ye Feng's face doesn't matter.

Sure enough, people are invincible when they are extremely cheap... Kou Bi thought of it when she looked at Ye Feng's side face.

"Boss DiCaprio is right. The orcs of our black iron clan have distinctive characteristics." frank, a short fat man, doesn't care about DiCaprio's slightly sarcastic evaluation.

Which of these two forces has a thicker skin? DiCaprio began to think about this serious problem in his heart

In a few words, Ye Feng and others, led by short fat frank, are about to walk to the corner at the end of the corridor. Short fat Frank deliberately slows down and waits for Ye Feng and DiCaprio to surpass him, as if they have brought themselves into the identity of little brother and let Ye Feng and DiCaprio walk in front of them.

Ye Feng turned his head to Nai bald and asked Nai bald with his eyes if he would do this short fat man with obviously strange behavior now.

Milk bald shook his head, nodded with his fingers, and took the device to indicate that there was an enemy around the corner. Ye Feng understood that rick-98 would cover his whole body, wear belligerent armor and enter the combat state.

"They've found it, go on, go straight to them!" Frank shouted, turning and running to the depths of the fork beside him.

"It's all right. Kill the enemy who has weapons in front of us first. Its weapons and guns are all on us. It's not enough to be afraid." Dick stopped Ye Feng who was preparing to kill the short fat man, and asked Ye Feng and himself to kill several enemies at the corner first.

In the face of Ye Feng and others who had been prepared, the sneak attack plans of the three black iron orcs opposite were soaked in soup. With a few shuttle bullets and a few lasers fired by Ye Feng, only one face-to-face, the three black iron orcs were completely annihilated. After all, the firepower level of both sides is not at the same level at all. The cantilevered double barrel Gatling machine gun in naitou's hand is like a meat grinder for harvesting life. When harvesting, it is not vague at all, clean and crisp!

"You're a good thing!" Ye Feng is really greedy for the gun, but he also knows that with his small physique, he can't carry such a huge killing weapon.

"The weapon I made myself is a lever!" said DiCaprio.

After touching the enemy's body, Dick asked Ye Feng to settle accounts with the dead fat man

"It's all far away. Now, can you find it?" Ye Feng didn't understand that dick stopped his move just now and directly killed the goods. There wouldn't be so many bad things.

"It has a gun from the ship. Countless scavengers have searched the neighborhood. It is very likely that it was really obtained from an arsenal. We have to keep him alive, at least before taking us to our destination."

Dick explained as he pulled out a palm sized device from his backpack that looked like a dragon ball detector. Press the switch on the top of the gadget, and a moving red dot appears on the radar screen of the device.

"Let's go. We've found a place," Dick said to Ye Feng.

"You're too retro... Can't you get something like a 3D three-dimensional real-time calculus?" Ye Feng looked at Dick's little device that looked like a dragon ball detector. "Go collect the dragon balls and look for the dragon?"

"I drop a mushroom, you are Doraemon! Big dick." DiCaprio looked at dick with adoring eyes.

"Doraemon? Do you still know this?" Ye Feng looked at DiCaprio in surprise.

"Of course, big dick shows movies and TV dramas in the razor tribe every Tuesday." DiCaprio naturally nodded. "Last week we watched hot blood College 2."

"Then you must be standing in Impatiens," Ye Feng said to DiCaprio.

"Why? I like lily of the valley." DiCaprio looked at Ye Feng suspiciously.

"Your head shape is exclusive to impatiens." Ye Feng laughed unkindly.

"... I'm bald, not bald!"


When Ye Feng and his party found the short fat Orc who had escaped, they looked at Frank, who was foaming at the mouth and twitching on the corridor floor, and looked at dick with bald milk and little stars.

Dick, such a NB friend, even if you don't have a beautiful wife, I'll make it! Ye Feng is also thinking.

The reason why naibald adores Dick so much is very simple - one gadget after another in Dick's pocket.

In the process of searching for the short fat man Frank through the radar, because the dead fat Orc is really good at running away, and Ye Feng and his party have to pay attention to other scavengers and traps. Seeing that the distance between the two sides is widening on the detector screen, it may be a big waste to catch this bastard.

"It's all right. I wanted to keep it for the back hand, but now I can only take it out." Dick comforted the anxious Ye Feng and took out a small device from his backpack - a small rectangular black box similar to the remote control, with only a big button on it.

Dick bald pressed the button on the black box. "Look, the red dot on the radar doesn't move." Dick looked at the radar screen for Ye Feng.

"I wipe, excellent, old thing..." Ye Feng couldn't help blurting out.

"En? What do you call me?" Dick stared at Ye Feng.

"Dear master Dick, you have given me too many surprises today. Forgive me for my indiscreet words." Ye Feng made a standard 90 ℃ bow.

"Don't pull this useless, go and catch the unlucky ORC." according to Dick's guidance, naibald and Ye Feng speed up to the location of the red dot.

"How did you do it?" on the way to, Ye Feng asked his puzzlement.

"When he disarmed, he stuffed a small thing into his coat pocket. The small thing can send or receive signals. Therefore, as long as he didn't find it, he couldn't run out of the palm of my hand." Dick explained to Ye Feng impatiently.

"Wait, did you put it on me?" Ye Feng suddenly thought of a terrible thing: did the old guy set me up?!

"No, probably..." Dick turned his eyes to the other side and stopped making eye contact with Ye Feng.

"I wipe, you old bastard!" Ye Feng lifted rick-98 and began to take off his clothes to look for his little thing. In which pocket was Dick stuffed. In fact, Ye Feng thought too much. Dick directly put the control device into his Rick Bracelet

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