Fortunately, the noise all the way did not lead to other scavengers. Under the guidance of Dick, Ye Feng and his party successfully found the intact short fat Frank. This guy does have several brushes. An orc can run so far in a short time without damage.

Well, not exactly intact. Frank was lying on the ground, foaming at the mouth and smoking all over.

"Is that thing so powerful? How long has it been? It's still electrified..." Ye Feng looked at dick with lingering fear. The old bastard stuffed him with the same device.

"Don't worry, the power I designed can't kill the orcs, but only restrict the movement." Dick explained to Ye Feng pale. Everyone looked at Frank who was dying by electricity. Even Dick didn't believe what he said.

"Big dick, it's dark enough..." DiCaprio looked at Frank on the ground with lingering fear.

"To the fart, is it like I am restricted to the line of movement?" Frank, who was sent to the depths of his soul, did not forget to make complaints about Dick.

Dick pressed the terminal screen tied to his arm, and there was no more flashing current on Frank. The short fat Orc continued to pull in for a while. Frank lay on the ground for a long time. Then he slowly relaxed. He struggled to lean against the wall of the corridor and sat up from the ground.

"Several big guys, I'm really convinced. Spare my life. It's easy to say anything. It's up to me to steal the big mushrooms in the field or beat other people's kigoo."

Frank hugged the milk bald thigh with a runny nose and tears, and the runny nose rubbed against the milk bald pants. Among the four ferocious aliens, only DiCaprio is an orc, which makes the tortured Frank cling to DiCaprio.

"Go away, fuck your mushrooms. Is it disgusting?" milk bald kicked Frank out a few meters away.

Ye Feng went over, picked up the collar of short fat frank and pressed him against the wall. Because short and fat Frank is shorter than Ye Feng, Ye Feng's long cherished wish has been met: pull up an orc's neck with his own hands.

"Take us to the place where you found this gun. Are you clear? If you dare to play tricks again, I'll let the milk bald brother behind me smash your big head with its mechanism gun barrel. Do you understand?"

Ye Feng put on rick-98. The nano material covered his hand cream. The palm gun began to gather energy. Ye Feng pretended to be a vicious man. Watching Frank's small eyes full of fear, Ye Feng really likes the pleasure of being a villain.

No wonder the villains can never be killed. It's still fun for NIMA to be a bad man! Ye Feng got a new life feeling

"Forget it, I think I'd better kill it directly. I hate its dishonesty." Kubi thoughtfully walked to Ye Feng, and her hell bat chest cluster gun began to gather energy. Ye Feng saw that Kubi was really going to kill Frank directly. He hurried forward and hugged Kubi.

"Hey! I know. I will never lie to you in the future. Honey, you don't have to use this unlucky guy as an example..."

Ye Feng pulled kobila aside and planned to catch Frank running in the neutral position. He was kicked to the ground by DiCaprio. The big Orc slapped Frank's face left and right. When DiCaprio stopped, Frank's face was completely different.

"I'm getting fat without eating anything..." Frank muttered, ready to cry.

"OK, let's go. Let this brain cripple lead the way. If he dares to play tricks again, he will screw his head off and use it as a urinal." Dick asked the people to start on the road. His words made Frank cold. A pair of eyes of the short fat Orc wandered around, and he didn't have to make any bad ideas.


Maybe he was afraid of DiCaprio's cantilevered double barreled Gatlin, or he was watched by a man dressed in hell bat clothes. Short fat Frank was very good along the way. He honestly led the way to Ye Feng and others without any tricks.

"I wipe, how did you write down such a complicated road?" Ye Feng, who was dizzy at all kinds of corners, asked Frank who led the way in front.

"Don't try to play tricks unless you want to die early." cobby threatened Frank. In Kobi's eyes, although the short fat Orc looks simple and simple, there is no doubt that it is definitely a belly of bad water.

"Don't dare, two big guys. I have a good memory. Really, I don't dare to brush any tricks with you big people." Frank looked back at Ye Feng and Kou Bi with a smile on his face.

Under Frank's lead, Ye Feng and his party went all the way to the Arsenal in Frank's mouth. Along the way, we found many bodies of scavengers and triggered defense mechanisms. According to Frank's words, these are garbage pickers who came to pick up garbage, but they were not lucky and died in traps.

Along the way, you can see many Orc corpses, 798 crooked in the trap, and some can see that they died in the fire.

"A large part of them are orcs of the black iron clan." Dick went up and looked at the passing Orc bodies. From the clan logo branded on their arms, it is not difficult to infer that they belong to the orc clan.

"These orcs died here. There should be a big reason for you?" Ye Feng didn't believe even a word Frank said. After all, the ORC was too Orcish

"Ha ha ha ha." Frank responded with his own cheerful laugh to make complaints about Ye Feng's Tucao. Frank has nothing to say about his teammates. He's still alive anyway.

"I picked up the gun behind the big iron door at the end of the corridor. Unfortunately, the gun can only be seen and can't be used..." Frank pointed to the huge metal door at the end of the front and said to Ye Feng and others.

Dick had been checking the weapon with strange shape and similar to a long gun handed over from Frank before. The old man found that this strange weapon has the function of identification. No other person or creature can use it except the person identified by it. Now it is only a big iron stick at best.

Frank also felt that he had spent so much effort to pit more than a dozen teammates, but he got a weapon that can only be seen and can't be used. He felt very unwilling. Only in the process of scavenging alone, he was captured after meeting another team of orcs of other clans and was forced to join them in their "fishing" action.

But Frank was very unlucky. He caught four great white sharks when he was a "bait" for the first time. His teammates were bitten to pieces. He himself fell into the hands of Ye Feng and others, acted as a guide and was forced to return to that infernal place.

"Did you blow up the hole in the door, Frank?" Ye Feng looked at the gate about 5 meters high and 3 meters wide made of unknown alloy, pointed to the huge hole in the door and asked Frank.

"Well, what security code is needed to enter the door, so we can only use explosives to open it. Alas, in order to open the door, we used all the explosives we were carrying," Frank explained.

"You, go in." cobby pointed to Frank.

"Forget it, I just want to save my life. I'm not interested in the things inside. I won't go in. It's nothing. I'll go first." after that, Frank turned and wanted to run back.

Two black Gatling barrels were connected to Frank's forehead. "Go in, or ④." milk bald grinned at Frank..

"OK, okay, some big guys has the final say, I'll go in..." Frank can only control his rigid body, slowly through the big hole on the door, reluctantly entered the room behind the metal door.

When Frank's body didn't enter the room, less than one second later, the two door panels of the alloy gate in front of Ye Feng's dead man began to quickly retract to both sides, and the door was opened!

Frank rushed out of the room quickly, followed by a huge dark figure.

When Ye Feng saw the true face of the huge shadow, he couldn't help blurting out:

"I wipe, what a big steel husky!!!"

"Fuck your mushroom! The watchdog is too" covered! "Ye Feng looked at the steel beast spitting laser.

"Dog? What? Run to the room where it came out. The corridor space is too narrow, and we will be shot out for barbecue!" naitou loudly reminded Ye Feng. He rolled forward, passed by the steel guard and rolled into the room.

Without hesitation, Kobi flew directly in mid air and rushed to the room.

"I wipe, do you want to be so professional! I can't do your forward somersault!" Ye Feng can only use embarrassed actions to reluctantly avoid the laser shooting of the steel guard. Recently, Ye Feng has been lazy at home every day. His skill is far behind that of naibald or even Dick.

Fortunately, when Dick rushed into the room, the hatred of iron and steel Jialulu also shifted to the room, and Ye Feng could catch his breath.

"Fuck! That fat Orc wants to kill us! Hold on, I'll kill that bastard!" Ye Feng looked at Frank who immediately ran to the corner and used himself as cannon fodder, and his kidney exploded! Ye Feng is equipped with rick-89 and raises his hand. He wants to fire a palm gun and blow Ya's head!

"That bastard will take care of it later! Brother Ye Feng, I'm going to be roasted by a laser! Dry your mushrooms, come in and help!"

DiCaprio screamed Ye Feng in the room. It seems that DiCaprio should have lost a layer of skin. As soon as the big Orc changed his voice, he screamed in decibels

Ye Feng can only watch Frank run away. What's more irritating is that this girl also made a head blow gesture to Ye Feng before running into the corner. "M, you'd better hope that you don't fall into my hands!" after Ye Feng put down a cruel word, he rushed into the room to help them.

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