If Kubi wasn't in the room, Ye Feng really had the idea of leaving naibald and Dick, but after thinking about the stakes, Ye Feng chose to share hardships with Dick and naibald. After all, Ye Feng doesn't know if he can meet another Doraemon like Dick. And Ye Feng also knows that he is undoubtedly looking for death if he moves alone in the quiet hills without the help of Dick and naibald. He can't go back to earth alone. He can't understand the star map!

"I wipe it. Why are you so old and black? Who made you whole-body baking oil?"

When Ye Feng entered the room, he watched the milk run out of the house which was driven by the steel guard. He could not help but make complaints about the image of the milk and bald. The skin of the whole body was burnt black by the laser. The few hair that had not flourished on the head was only survived by a few people.

As for cobby and Dick, they were safe. The former flew flexibly in the air, while the latter sat leisurely in the corner of the huge room and watched DiCaprio run around the room chased by steel giants.

"Come here, maple boy, this should be a warehouse, but it has been empty. Alas, it's a busy trip." Dick waved to Ye Feng and asked him to come and sit with him and watch the play.

"... OK." Ye Feng walked to Dick's position.

"Dry your mushroom, is it time for you to paddle? Come and help quickly!" naibald was angry with Dick who was watching the play, but naibald was still a little moved when he looked at Ye Feng who chose to come in to save himself. At least brother Ye Feng is reliable at the critical moment, and naibald comforts himself.

"Hey, goodboy, come here!" Ye Feng raised his palm and fired three palm cannons at the alloy chrysanthemum of the steel guard. Although it didn't cause any destructive damage, it succeeded in pulling the hatred of steel on itself. Now Ye Feng is chased all over the house.

Ye Feng's hand palm gun equipped with rick-98, after Dick's shooting, can not be underestimated in power, and the shooting frequency and accuracy are very high. Although the firepower of rick-98's palm gun is good, it is obviously not as dry as the chrysanthemum of the steel guard. After several rounds of shelling, only a few shallow dents are left. The steel Husky is far from being blasted. The steel monster is very resistant to beating, and the defense of armor exceeds Ye Feng's expectation.

"Dick, if you have any mace, take it out. Milk bald and I will be killed!"

Maple Leaf shouted at Dick. The iron corner is huge. Although Ye Feng moves around the room with his flexible walking position, it's only a matter of time for him to take a step and run a few steps against Ye Feng. Ye Feng is slapped on the floor.

"Dry your mushroom, run to me! I'll take care of you for a while!!" Nai bald said to Ye Feng very righteous.

Although Kubi is very safe in the air, she also has nothing to do with the huge steel husky. She can't move the armor of the steel husky at all, and the latter doesn't want to pay attention to the meaning of Kubi in the air.

"Don't worry, I'll see what can cure it, and you can hold on." Dick leisurely looked into his mouth and pocket and hummed a little song amid the curses of leaf maple and milk bald.

Leisurely took out something about half a meter long, short and fat and similar to a missile from his backpack. When Ye Feng ran 5 or 6 meters away from him, Dick threw the things in his hand at him.

"Don't catch it!" Dick was afraid that Ye Feng couldn't catch it. After all, he always fell off the chain at the critical moment

Fortunately, Ye Feng lived up to Dick's expectations and firmly caught what Dick threw at him. Ye Feng blasted the last missile left in the armor to the steel guard who was chasing after him, attracting iron corner to stay away from Dick's position.

"What is this?" Ye Feng asked Dick loudly. The shape of the killer mace is so low

"Grenade nuclear bomb." Dick answered Ye Feng's question.

"Grenade? Nuclear bomb?!" Ye Feng was so excited that he almost threw out his mace

"Big dick? Is this thing reliable?" milk bald, sitting in another corner resting, shouted to dick with his neck pulled. Because steel husky paid all his attention to Ye Feng, provoked him several times. Seeing that steel husky ignored himself, he simply found a safe corner to watch the play.

"Of course not," Dick said naturally. "Can something reliable kill this big iron GADA? Think about it with your hairless head."

"I have hair on my head..." muttered DiCaprio.

"Shit! Is it time to study whether there is hair on my head? Can you help me? I'm going to vomit blood!" Ye Feng screamed. In order to ensure the safety of Kobi, Ye Feng did not dare to fly into the air. He could only run around in Nuo Da's room on two legs.

"He ignored me at all." DiCaprio said powerlessly, "eh? Dick, what are you doing? Are you going to help brother Ye Feng

DiCaprio watched in shock as Dick stood up and quietly began to run.

"Shh, keep quiet!" Dick motioned DiCaprio to shut his mouth.

"..." DiCaprio looked at Dick's actions suspiciously. With his understanding of Dick, Dick would never help Ye Feng

"How to use this thing? Throw it to kill the iron dog?" Ye Feng held a miniature nuclear bomb in his arms and followed by an iron beast behind him. It was an embarrassing situation.

"You run quickly, it's going to catch up." Kou Bi, who flew in her mouth, attacked the iron beast with a palm gun from time to time.

"Almost, this thing should have a cold launcher. I didn't buy it because it was too expensive. You can hit it sometime later." Dick, who was about to slip to the alloy door, gasped to answer Ye Feng's doubts.

"Too expensive? Fuck your mushrooms! Old dead boss, stay away! Does this thing have a large explosion range?" Ye Feng kept changing his direction, trying to distance himself from the steel guard.

"The explosion atmosphere is similar to that of ordinary high explosives, but the lethality will be much greater. Anyway, the goblin merchant who bought me said so." Dick's voice became smaller and smaller, and Ye Feng couldn't notice it.

Ye Feng turns to look for Dick's position. M's, no one! Ye Feng watched Dick, an old bastard, climb to the door, and his first half body had passed through the door.

"Isn't it? Dick, you're going to leave me here? DiCaprio, isn't this Dick too much - shit!"

Ye Feng, who looked at DiCaprio, suddenly scolded. He saw that the big orc, naibald, was also running to hejinmen. Noticing that his actions were found, the orc smiled at Ye Feng, but his feet tumbled faster.

"Hey, brother Ye Feng, you're busy. Don't worry about me. You're busy."

"Nai bald! Your second uncle! What about our friendship? What about the agreed happiness? You don't remember his meow?!" for Nai bald's behavior of selling teammates, Ye Feng resisted the idea of throwing the nuclear bomb in his arms at Nai bald.

"M, I'm dead. Can you climb over these four legs?" Ye Feng laughed angrily and shouted at DiCaprio and Dick.

"Hey, hey... It's not about running and scavengers. Can it be called running? I, I'm studying how the dead fat man opened the door, right! I'm looking for the switch to control the door..." Nai bald, who was found to have a small action, smiled at Ye Feng awkwardly.

DiCaprio knew that Ye Feng was telling the truth. He really killed Ye Feng. These two forces will certainly pull milk bald as a cushion. Therefore, naibald didn't think about how to escape alone, but focused on checking near the door. Frank opened the door immediately after entering, indicating that the device controlling the door must be near the door.

"Kubi, I knew that the only thing I could rely on was you? What are you doing?" Ye Feng looked at Kubi, who was clinging to the ceiling with a pair of wings installed by hell bats behind him. It was obvious that Kubi had switched to the defensive state and was ready to withstand the impact of nuclear bombs.

"..." Ye Feng reluctantly turned his head and looked at the steel husky chasing behind him, "sure enough, only you don't leave me..."

Just when Ye Feng lamented himself and ran after me with steel husky, naibald found out.

That should be it! Milk bald found a hand-held device nearby, and the handle of the device was in the on position.

"The short fat man named Frank should have used this switch when he escaped from here last time. He's a mushroom. He still underestimates the dead fat man." milk bald said to himself.

"Find a way quickly! I can't run anymore. Do you know how heavy this thing is?" Ye Feng shouted.

"I see, mildly chirping. The plan is like this. I close the door. When I climb outside the door, you throw the miniature nuclear bomb in your hand at the iron corner, and then quickly drill out of the hole in the door, boom! Easy." milk bald rushed to Ye Feng and stretched out his thumb with an encouraging smile.

Of course, in Ye Feng's eyes, Nai bald looked at himself with a bad smile. "Fuck your mushrooms! Hurry to drill the dog hole, don't answer me here, get out!"

"What is a dog?"

"Get out!!!"

Ye Feng, who was so angry that his kidney hurt, no longer paid attention to the situation of milk bald, began to concentrate on controlling his body, played a "Z" walk, and circuitously approached the door.

"Kubi, why don't you go out?" Ye Feng shouted at Kubi hanging on the ceiling.

"No, this suit of armor can withstand the impact of nuclear explosion." Kubi's lazy voice came from the ceiling.

"Are you sleepy?" asked Ye Feng.

"Well, do you have a problem?" asked cobby.

"Uh... No... You can..."

Ye Feng has only one chance. He can only pray that this mini nuclear bomb can kill the steel husky. If he is not satisfied with life and death, he will do it! When there is about 20 meters from the door, Ye Feng starts to sprint in a straight line with all his strength!

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