The level of dissatisfaction and half bottle shaking one by one looks down on people except DiCaprio. Ye Feng doesn't know why they are so afraid of DiCaprio, although the big orcs are really scary.

"Just call them blue commandos. What's the name?" Ye Feng said his idea to Dick. They hit it off at once, so they were called blue commandos!

"Hey!!! Why didn't anyone ask my opinion!!!" DiCaprio is going crazy.

"That's a good name. You're in charge of the specific things, big bald lad. These bastards must be competing to join. Just do it well." Dick patted the orc on the shoulder.

Early the next morning, DiCaprio sent out the notice of the establishment of the blue commando. Sure enough, the little blue people who had been confined in the room these days actively participated one by one.

"Big bald lad, let these two goods line up. The noise will lead the enemy over again." Dick said dissatisfied to DiCaprio.

DiCaprio was busy alone. Ye Feng and Kubi didn't help at all. They were flirting in the next room.

After that, things went smoothly. All 85 little blue people became members of the blue commando.

In the following week, after several simple assembly training, DiCaprio sent the 85 little blue people in groups of three or four to destroy them. It turns out that Dick's idea is very right. These little guys are so talented in sabotage.

"Big dick, I'm going to find the black iron orcs for the little guys of the blue commando tomorrow. They found their basis."

DiCaprio seldom has a leisurely rest. After finishing his work, DiCaprio said to Dick.

"Yes, but you have to follow this mission. The positive combat effectiveness of these small points is not high." Ye Feng was a little worried. DiCaprio led a group of second goods with little combat effectiveness out.

"It's all right. I recently added some new things to my power armor. If I don't want to die, no one can let me hang up." DiCaprio was ready for this. Bei Er confidently said to Ye Feng to let him relax.

"Be careful and don't capsize in the ditch." Ye Feng told him again. He didn't want his brother to hang up because of this shit.

"I know, I know, grinding chirp."

DiCaprio knew that Ye Feng was worried about himself and made up his mind silently. He must ensure his safety during this mission.

"Ensure safety, dry the black iron and complete the task!" DiCaprio shouted slogans, touched a glass with Ye Feng, drank wine, ate meat and enjoyed a pleasant time.

The next morning, DiCaprio gathered the members of the blue commando. After an hour and a half of waiting, the last little blue man who disappeared also returned to the team. DiCaprio's angry face was pumping all the time. When he saw all the little blue people, he began to mobilize in front of the station:

"The blue commando is an ace force with strong combat effectiveness. Its original intention was to solve the most difficult task. The roar of the leader of the black iron tribe is our number one hidden danger, and the goods must die! So this task is to assassinate the roar. Do all the brave men of the blue Commando understand?"

"Ah? Roar?"

"I ate too much last night, Rubio. Did you eat enough last night?"

"No, I didn't eat yesterday."

"Are there any brothers who are going to press the road outside tonight? Together!"

"I'll go!"

"I'll go too!"

Looking at a group of little blue people without any discipline in front of him, DiCaprio really wanted to press the shooting button on Gatlin and directly kill these two goods

DiCaprio has a headache.

With more than 100 blue skinned men, DiCaprio embarked on the journey to the black iron tribe. The destination of DiCaprio's trip is the main base of the black iron tribe on the "dead city", which was found by several blue people the day before yesterday. It is a few hours' walk away.

"Hey, DiCaprio, can't you send us a vehicle? At least we are also the strongest combat power!" a shameless little blue man with a big mouth complained to DiCaprio that he had been away for too long.

When DiCaprio heard him say "the strongest combat power", he tried not to give the blue man a big ear scratch.

"We don't have so many resources now. It's up to you to defeat the roar, and a lot of black iron vehicles are ours." DiCaprio talked to the little blue people duplicity.

"You're right. The roaring boy can't jump for a few days!" the little blue man said aggressively, as if the roaring is a bug that can only be run over by him at any time. Other little blue people around him were also shouting and shouting to cut off the roaring head with their own hands

A bunch of idiots, roaring is so easy to kill? I and brother Lai Yefeng didn't do it. Do they really regard themselves as the highest combat power? Funny! DiCaprio looked at a group of relaxed little blue people like camping behind him and sneered in his heart. These little fools were so naive that they were speechless!

Along the way, the members of the blue commando talked and laughed, and DiCaprio did not get involved. He led the way silently in front of the team. Soon, the party came to a broken wall. It seemed that it used to be a big museum. It was quiet.

"What are you doing? Let's go and go straight to the main black iron base." DiCaprio is ready to command the blue commandos to set off towards their destination.

"Take a break."

"I've been walking all morning. What's the hurry?"

"Yes, anxious to reincarnate?"

Anxious to reincarnate you! DiCaprio thought hard in his heart.

This group of blue men all play tricks and have a rest in the museum. DiCaprio helplessly looked at a pile of smelly scoundrels in front of him, and couldn't suppress a person's impulse to roll over these garbage several times.

Fortunately, the last shred of reason defeated the impulse to kill. DiCaprio didn't want to dirty his hands with such garbage. Enjoy your last time, trash. DiCaprio cursed the scoundrels and comforted himself. They can't jump for a few days. Bear it, bear it, they will roar and go to hell together

The blue commandos were stunned and rested in the ruins of the museum all afternoon!

DiCaprio was almost mad. He urged the little blue people to go on the road several times, and few people paid attention to it. Finally, everyone felt that they had enough rest and were ready to move their muscles and bones. DiCaprio led a group of little blue people on the journey again.

Along the way, the men of the blue commandos were still lazy and noisy. DiCaprio simply focused on his micro radar and focused on searching the location of the black iron tribe.

DiCaprio searched in the direction of black iron mobile forces such as roaring during the last war. After walking for a few hours, DiCaprio vaguely saw some buildings painted with various bloody signs, and many red dots gathered on the radar screen.

The main base of the black iron tribe is in the building not far ahead!

"Stop, the main base of the black iron tribe is ahead." DiCaprio waved his hand to stop the men behind him, so that he could arrange the next tactics.

"Oh, my God, brothers, rush!"

"Kill the roar!"

"The roar is mine!"

"Garbage roar, die obediently!"

DiCaprio stared at the little blue people who fought bravely. DiCaprio originally wanted to make a surprise attack after dark, so that these garbage can play a little role and let them do damage. But the situation is completely out of DiCaprio's control.

The name of the blue commando really matched these little lazy people. One by one, the little blue people were still far away from the black iron tribe, so they began to rush over with all their strength.

Sure enough, several of the fastest running little blue people were already out of breath when they arrived in front of the building of the black iron tribe. They were directly shot and killed by the confused black iron beasts. The orcs of the black iron tribe looked suspiciously at the little blue man rushing to their territory, fired his gun suspiciously, and thought suspiciously: are these suicidal blue dwarfs the biggest obstacles in life?

The roar in the building was also disturbed by the attack of the blue commando. The angry roar was worried that there was no place to break out, and the group of little blue people hit the muzzle of the gun. Roaring and riding a giant motorcycle rushed out of the black iron building. With the momentum of one man in charge of the pass and ten thousand people, they ruthlessly slaughtered the little blue people crying for their parents in front of them.

DiCaprio saw that the roar came out, and he was no longer in a daze. He started the power armor and ran away directly. Regardless of the crying little blue people behind him, he intuitively accelerated alone and was ready to escape.

Roar and one person will kill almost half of the men of the blue commando. Noticing DiCaprio's escape, he roared and turned his car towards DiCaprio. Roar, remember DiCaprio, in the last battle, he was the teammate of the damn thin human!

I met DiCaprio today. I was so angry that I finally found an object to explode. Don't want to run!

"Roar, this boy is so vindictive!? he's staring at me!?" looking at the roar coming at him, DiCaprio speeded up and tried to distance himself. But the roaring motorcycle exploded DiCaprio's power armor at speed, and I saw that the roaring was about to catch up!

"Here you are, big bucktooth!" DiCaprio saw that the roar was about to catch up, and no longer hesitated, pressed a yellow button. The trunk of the power armor suddenly opened, and a yellow oily liquid ejected from a pipe protruding from it, leaving it on the road where DiCaprio ran.

"What's all this? You're a jerk?" roared.

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