"What's the matter?" after driving on the yellow liquid, the roar immediately felt that the vehicle began to slip violently, and the motorcycle was about to fall down. When the roar slowed down and barely controlled the motorcycle, the distance between the two sides was opened again.

"Come after me! Rubbish!" DiCaprio laughed wildly when he saw that the move worked.

"You want to die!" roared angrily. One Buddha came out of the body and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. He drove a motorcycle and chased DiCaprio.

The yellow liquid launched by DiCaprio's power armor is actually the secretion of a mutant creature recently discovered by the razor tribe. The secretions of this mutant creature can serve as a kind of test lubricant, and its secretions are extremely slippery.

After DiCaprio knew about it, he specially collected a bucket of xenogeneic secretions for a rainy day. Today, this bucket of disgusting yellow slurry really disgusted the roar.

"Go to your house! Don't you run fast? Catch up with me, big buckteeth!" DiCaprio's mouth is like a foot binding that has been used for several years. It's smelly and loose, and the roar behind him will explode in situ.


The roar saw that he was not an opponent in his mouth. The bald Orc in front had a bad mouth, so he stopped talking and focused on driving a giant motorcycle. Today's roar is a bald bastard who has to kill this lousy mouth by himself, otherwise the roar will be choked out. Being hit by the left and right, the roar is on the edge of madness

"Yo ho! Roar! You big buckteeth are still learning? You know you're wrong. It's all over."

DiCaprio was powerful and continued to chase the roar behind the crazy BB, trying to make the roar lose its reason and expose greater flaws.

"I... You!..."

The roar was finally exploded by DiCaprio's anger. He roared a few times. He didn't know what he was talking about. It doesn't matter. It falls into a crazy roar, gun barrel volley, and whether it can hit DiCaprio or not, it is crazy to tilt the bullet rain in the direction of DiCaprio.

"Big buckteeth, you tickle? Hit me hard, hit me hard!" DiCaprio mocked darkly and fell into a crazy roar.


The roaring eyes were bleeding quickly. Falling into a crazy roar, he is more calm in his mind. He has another back move to use. That's when he can! Roar pressed the blue trigger on the motorcycle handle, and the motorcycle stepped down suddenly raised the speed to an amazing level, and the light blue flame gushed out of the motorcycle exhaust pipe! Roar and drive the motorcycle like a land rocket to DiCaprio! In an instant, the two have kept pace, roaring and reaching out can catch DiCaprio running!

"Did you just press the accelerator? I didn't expect? Go to your house for mushrooms!" when the roar was about to catch himself, DiCaprio pressed the jet acceleration button without delay.


DiCaprio's power armor jumped out and pulled down DiCaprio's arm.

DiCaprio raised his roaring arm high, waved to the roaring left behind, and disappeared into the ruins.

The roar of being forcibly pulled off his arm, got up from the wreckage of the giant motorcycle, dripping blood in his eyes, couldn't restrain his angry roar, shouted loudly, and couldn't be recovered for a long time... Di

Caprio ran away naturally, and the blue commandos left near the black iron tribe were unlucky. Those who were slaughtered in the chaos were lucky. The little blue people who were caught alive were badly abused by roaring, and the worst was tortured for three days.

Of course, DiCaprio doesn't care much about these things.

"... the arm of the roaring goods was pulled down by me. How about this wave, man!" DiCaprio beamed and boasted to Ye Feng about his heroic feats in this trip. The roaring arm was still firmly held in his hand and displayed to Ye Feng as a trophy.

"Get it, you Nb, throw that broken arm away. It's disgusting." Ye Feng looked at the roaring arm with a disgusted face.

"Cut, no taste."

DiCaprio also knows that this is not the time for him to show off. It's almost like blowing with Ye Feng alone. Except for his commander, all members of the blue commando were folded in action, and the whole raid plan failed perfectly.

"Big bald lad, cut off your hand first, and then punish you to confine at home!" Dick thought carefully and said to DiCaprio.

"What?" DiCaprio looked at dick with a confused face.

"My little brother, who is not easy to cheat, was killed by you, and I have to punish you." Dick patted DiCaprio's bald head.


"As for, as for."

Finally, DiCaprio's arm was not removed. Dick was just kidding him. Facts have proved that finding a group of unreliable helpers is better than relying on the current four person team. Although there are few people, they are smart!

"Dick, what are you looking for? It's been more than a week. I want to go home." Ye Feng asked Dick.

"Why? Bother me? Do you want to go home and hold those wild women?" Kubi said coldly.

"Ah?" facing the proposition, Ye Feng immediately burst into a cold sweat, "no, no, how can I bother you? I, I just, er, I want to eat pancake fruit!"

"Hum." Kou Bi turned her head and looked unhappy.

"..." Ye Feng dared not speak.

"It's time to let you BB." Dick looked at Ye Feng comfortably. "Just play your duty as your valet. I'll take care of what you should know and what you shouldn't know."

"Fuck you, Dick."

"Fxxkyou." Dick raised two middle fingers to maple leaf.

5:00 a.m.

Ye Feng's biological clock is always accurate. Even if there is no alarm clock, Ye Feng will open his eyes on time at five o'clock and start a busy day of scavenging. After waking up, Ye Feng will wash and tidy up himself in half an hour.

5.30 a.m.

In fact, the air quality in the morning is not the best time of the day. After breathing all night, the carbon dioxide content in the air will be very high. On the contrary, the evening is a good exercise time. But in the "dead city", there is no such problem.

Ye Feng gets up early to exercise because he likes the moist and refreshing air in the morning. Of course, this is also not true in the "dead city". Physical exercise in a cold and desolate atmosphere can keep Ye Feng energetic all day, which is very important for scavenging operations that are always in danger. After all, Ye Feng is the most delicious one in the team

Due to limited conditions, Ye Feng's training programs are nothing more than running and shooting, plus some simple equipment training. In the "dead city", everything is missing. The most important thing is the brain disabled scavengers and metal fragments everywhere. From the size of a palm to the size of a basketball court, there are all kinds of metal blocks. If you want to roll, the "dead city" is a paradise for rolling iron.

Ye Feng's strong tendons are not only innate, but also his daily efforts.

7.30 a.m.

After completing the morning training, Ye Feng will rest for a while and do a muscle relaxation recovery action. Although you can't take a cold bath or something, a big lunch is guaranteed. The roast meat prepared by Zhishi lake for them has been eaten up (in fact, everyone has been afraid of the roast meat). Dick has a conscience to take out his own private possession, so that Ye Feng and others can eat delicious food in the "dead city".

In short, Dick, he has several world food reserves for himself, which are usually put in his different dimensional pocket. If he hadn't organized the scavenging in the quiet hills this time, he would never have contributed his private collections so easily and shared them with Ye Feng.

This kind of thing similar to self heating food is not only convenient for storage, but also the most important thing is that it can reproduce the original taste of food without damage, which makes the original boring scavenging life a little less difficult.

8:00 a.m.

Ye Feng's day of scavenging officially began. Generally speaking, he will form a team with Kubi to search for valuable things in the "dead city" or find a suitable safe house.

Dick still hasn't found the baby he wants to find, but Ye Feng has learned well. He won't waste any more words. Dick's attitude is very clear. No one can get out of the "dead city" alive, including himself, unless he reaches his set goal!

Since Ye Feng is treated equally, he has no complaints when he gets on the thief ship. He has accepted the reality and began to pick up waste in the "dead city" wholeheartedly.

Due to Kobi's small temper from time to time, Ye Feng sometimes has to go out with DiCaprio. Although milk bald's IQ is not enough and his brain doesn't turn around, he has nothing to be picky about in execution.

12.00 noon.

Eat well in the morning and eat well at noon! After picking up waste all morning, Ye Feng will treat himself well at lunch. Thanks to Dick's selfless dedication, food is no longer a problem. Ye Feng's lunch is generally composed of a large plate of fried rice, dozens of kebabs of meat and a pot of steamed pork. These are Ye Feng's favorite food codes, which can make his colleagues who are filling their stomachs recall all the beauties on the earth. Ye Feng cheers himself every time after dinner and keeps telling himself that there is another meal missing from going home!

Usually, after a delicious meal, Ye Feng will leisurely drink a few cups of mushroom wine, narrow his eyes, and sleep in a temporary safe house to recharge his waste collection work in the afternoon.

13.00 p.m.

The energetic leaf maple will devote himself to scavenging all afternoon. Generally speaking, if ye Feng doesn't kill himself, provoke some large groups of scavengers, or tease fierce rogues, he can basically walk sideways in the "dead city". At least it's no problem to escape in danger.

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