However, due to the death, these two people have been integrated into Ye Feng's blood. He rarely runs around the street without being chased in a day. It is precisely because of this that DiCaprio would rather go out to pick up waste alone than go out with Ye Feng recently. He is too lazy to run and can't run

One of Ye Feng's tasks now is to find the injured crazy. But I don't know if it's bad luck or the injured roar is smart. Ye Feng has never found its trace. It is unwise to leave a moment to spy on your enemy in the shadow, but after suffering from roaring and suffering a great loss, Ye Feng will never appear again. Ye Feng can only gnash his teeth and continue to look for it.

18.00 p.m.

Ye Feng basically ended the day's scavenging. Ye Feng didn't have much to do this day. In recent days, Dick didn't go out to pick up waste with them. He was only thinking that Ye Feng could be lazy when he returned to the earth. He didn't want to move one more finger.

For dinner, Ye Feng will simply eat something, drink a bowl of mushroom soup and eat less at night, which is conducive to health. After a simple dinner, Ye Feng usually teases DiCaprio and teases the orcs. If Kubi is in a good mood, Ye Feng is happy to be in love with her, but it's a pity for Ye Feng that this usually doesn't happen many times.

22.00 PM.

Ye Feng will wash and rest on time. Ye Feng is not an immortal. He is used to going to bed early and getting up early. Only when there are important things the next day will Ye Feng sleep very late.

"Hey, man, what are you doing?"

After a day of scavenging, Ye Feng dragged his tired body back to the safe house for dinner. After entering the temporary safe house, to Ye Feng's surprise, DiCaprio, a big orc, was not eating and drinking in the living room.

Generally speaking, the goods should still be eating Hesse at this time. Ye Feng walked to the door of a jingling room and opened the door. Ye Feng stretched his head in. Sure enough, he was busy in the corner of the room.

"You're back, brother Ye Feng." Nai bald heard Ye Feng's voice, didn't look back, and continued to poke the things in his hand.

"Hey, DiCaprio, don't poke at those rags and enjoy life." Ye Feng has long been used to the workaholic character of milk bald. Maple leaf has a very effective way to deal with milk bald.

"Man, are there any more Tong monsters?" Ye Feng asked milk bald.

"There are a few more, what are you doing? You don't want to do..." hearing Ye Feng's words, naibald quickly turned his head, and the eyes of the two mung beans radiated the light of desire.

"OK, OK, take them out. I'll give you meat..." Ye Feng's response to milk baldness was a little sad and funny.

Of course, Ye Feng wants to cook for Kubi. DiCaprio is just a soup.

In the process of scavenging, Ye Feng accidentally found a creature similar to crabs on earth. Its body structure is almost the same. The only difference is its body shape. These alien monsters are many times larger than emperor crabs.

Of course, no matter how big you are, you can't resist a series of laser beams from maple leaf. Ye Feng specially asked DiCaprio, a free labor force, to drag back several. Ye Feng tried his cooking and made a meal of crab noodles. A common saying can be used to describe the delicacy of noodles: when eating noodles, twist your ears with scissors, and you won't feel any pain!

The practice of crab noodles is very simple. Use a large stone basin to turn the living and dismembered crabs, and then smash the crabs with a sledgehammer until they are broken into pieces. After filtering out the broken shell and other impurities, add some broth directly to the remaining crab meat and crab juice, and cook for a period of time. It would be perfect if you could sprinkle a handful of scallions on a bowl of crab noodles just out of the pot.

Of course, Dick doesn't have onions, so it's a little pity.

"Your craft is really good, and the taste is really" covered "!" milk bald finally waited for Ye Feng to cook the noodles and eat four bowls at a time. He burped comfortably while praising Ye Feng's cooking skills.

"Use your words? It's all accumulation in life. Do you understand? Learning, endless learning!" Ye Feng fell down in the big chair in the living room with a smelly face and pretended to teach milk bald.

"It's really delicious." Kubi, who has always had a small appetite, also ate two large bowls.

"Well, honey, if you like it, I'll give it to you every day." Ye Feng came to Kobi's side.

"Get out."

It was Kubi's fist that greeted Ye Feng.

Dick buried himself in noodles and compared his middle finger with maple leaf to express his contempt. DiCaprio followed with his middle finger.

Ye Feng is also surprised that the middle finger is still so unpopular in this universe: the middle finger is the longest finger. It should be... Oh, that's right. Orcs don't distinguish between men and women. No matter how long their fingers are

"The roaring matter must be solved. Procrastination is not the way." Ye Feng's face was positive and was ready to talk about some business with others.

Ye Feng can be mixed up in picking up waste, but life safety or something must be considered comprehensively. The existence of roar is the greatest threat to life safety.

"Don't make it. Big dick, what do you think?" naitou was surprised at Ye Feng's question. He didn't think he could play any tricks with the roar of losing an arm.

"It must die, and as soon as possible," Dick said expressionless, wiping his chin.

"As for it? I don't think it dares to come out as a demon." milk bald is noncommittal about Ye Feng's concern.

"Don't you think it's useless to fart. If I roar, I'll take us to the back even if I die. This hidden danger must be solved as soon as possible. You don't understand the truth that milk bald is not afraid of thieves, but afraid of thieves?"

Ye Feng still can't let go. For old Yin goods like roaring, it will definitely retaliate. Ye Feng has reason to believe that they hate them so much

"We were still too anxious before. There must be better plans to annihilate the roar at one fell swoop." Ye Feng regretted their actions the other day. Was it too anxious?

"It's all right. Haven't we abused this bastard once? If he really dares to play any tricks, it'll be over again. But this time, you have to let me abuse him to death!" Nai bald smiled grimly and patted Ye Feng on the shoulder.

"Well, in short, we must kill the roar this time!" Ye Feng said firmly.

"Don't worry, I have a way," Dick said darkly, looking straight at his roaring arm.

"Oh? What way?" Ye Feng looked at Dick curiously.

"Have you forgotten how I caught the son of a bitch who exploded in the razor tribe?" Dick sneered a few times, and then took the UAV out of his pocket.

"Well, it's all moved out," Dick said to himself, pointing to the six small boxes on the ground.

"Wow! It's this set of things!" Ye Feng said excitedly.

DiCaprio was also very excited. He wanted to play close before, but like last time, Dick still didn't let the orc tamper with his baby invention.

"Stay away, you've broken it!" Dick turned DiCaprio aside like a fly.

"Stingy..." DiCaprio muttered wrongfully, still staring at the six small boxes on the ground.

Dick worked hard for a while, finally got up, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and said to Ye Feng and DiCaprio, "OK. I have extracted the roaring DNA and input it into the capture system. The rest is to wait for these six drones to catch the roaring bastard."

Dick opened the six small boxes in turn, which were the six 30 cm long UAVs he had used once before.

As for cobby, after understanding Dick's plan, she went straight to another room.

Dick pressed the start button on the terminal screen tied to his arm, and six small UAVs on the ground took off in turn, flew out of the open window of the abandoned building, and drove quickly to the distance of the "dead city"

The next day, when several people were having breakfast, Dick suddenly looked up and said, "well, they're back."

Dick looked at the real-time data displayed on the arm terminal screen and said to Ye Feng and others who were having breakfast. Then Dick opened the living room window and looked up at the dim scene outside the window.

Less than a minute after Dick's words, a big green skin tightly tied by six UAVs fell down from the skylight. It was a roar!

The big Orc without an arm was tied by the iron rope stretched out by the UAV, and was tightly bound in a strange posture. It looked a little ashamed, like playing with play

"Yo, isn't this brother roaring? What's your posture? Are you doing yoga?" Ye Feng said with a smile and a roar of shock and fear on his face.

"Fish armour? What are you talking about? What are you going to do? Have the ability to put me down! I'll challenge you one by one!" roared and struggled desperately, but the iron rope that tightly tied it did not loosen at all, but became tighter and tighter.

"Master Dick, can you give me this set of things to study -" DiCaprio was drooling and looked at the six UAVs with bright eyes.

"Of course not, don't dream." Dick once again rejected the orc's thirst for knowledge.

"I don't have the ability, so you'll be tied up honestly." Ye Feng walked to the roaring side, patted the roaring face with his cheap skills, and scolded the beast.

"All right, stop it."

The cold faced Dick went to the roaring side and injected a can of black unknown liquid into the miserable Orc who was unlucky to grandma's house.

It was filled with inexplicable liquid, roared and screamed, and then struggled for a while. It wilted a little from its excited state until it stopped swearing.

"Well, you can."

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