Dick made a "back" gesture to the six UAVs still wrapped around the roar. The six UAVs faded from the roar and flew to Dick's feet in turn.

"I remember these drones can also become a cool robot. Let's take a look at our horizons again." Ye Feng eagerly stared at the six omnipotent drones and begged Dick.

"Yes, yes, big dick, let's open our eyes," echoed DiCaprio.

"Really, you can't help it." Dick shook his head reluctantly and gave instructions to the six UAVs. With Dick's operation, six UAVs parked on the ground started up with tacit understanding and flew into mid air. After a dazzling flight, they assembled into a humanoid robot.

This will blow up DiCaprio's eyes.

"Cool!!!" Ye Feng cheered.

"All right, that's it."

Under the reluctant gaze of Ye Feng and DiCaprio, Dick returned the six UAVs to the box and stuffed the six iron boxes back into his Heterodimensional pocket.

"What shall we do with this?" DiCaprio pointed to the ground and roared with less air and more air.

"Cut it into pieces and send it to the trash can," Dick said coldly.

The next morning, Ye Feng woke up as usual, exercised, had breakfast, and then went to pick up waste. Just because he solved the hidden danger of roaring, Dick was in a good mood. For the first time, he asked Ye Feng and others to go back to the safe house in the afternoon and have a good rest. Dick seems to have found the goal of his trip and is ready to drive straight to the end he has determined with Ye Feng and others early tomorrow morning.

Throughout the afternoon, Ye Feng did nothing but play video games with DiCaprio. This is the advantage of having a different dimensional pocket. Whenever and wherever Dick is in a good mood and whatever requirements Ye Feng puts forward, Dick can meet him.

Until around 6 p.m., when several people in Ye Feng ate delicious food and were ready to rest in advance after dinner to store energy for tomorrow's action, an accident happened.

With a loud bang, the safe house was shrouded in smoke, debris flying and shouting. DiCaprio was directly popped out of the window by the hot air wave because he was sitting at the window. The roof of the safe house collapsed in half and a big hole was blown out on the floor.

Fortunately, even though he was wearing rick-98, Ye Feng was only slightly injured. The heavy metal seat back became Ye Feng's protective barrier. When the bomb exploded, Ye Feng's back was facing the explosion source, which made him escape.

As for cobby and Dick, they were unharmed, but they looked frightened and angry.

Ye Feng, who was dazzled by the explosion, struggled to get up from the floor. Ye Feng looked at and shook his Kou Bi. Although the fairy beauty seemed to be shouting at herself, Ye Feng couldn't hear anything, and Ye Feng couldn't make any meaningful words.

Seeing that Ye Feng was completely blown up, Kou Bi directly picked up Ye Feng and rushed out of the safe house with him. Ye Feng struggled to get out of the bombed safe house. Only a few minutes later, the safe house they had lived in for several days collapsed.

Obviously, even though the abandoned ancient building was very strong, the bombing completely destroyed it,

"He's a mushroom! Who! Ah! Who did it! Almost fried me into a barbecue! Who did it!!!" the fried seven meat and eight vegetarian DiCaprio sat on the ground and was looking at his injury. However, it has been wearing a full set of power armor. Except that it looks sad, the big Orc has not been seriously hurt.

Ye Feng barely woke up. Facing the ruins in front of him, Ye Feng was black and spewed out a big mouth of blood stasis. He was about to fall into a coma again. In the team, Ye Feng's physical condition is the weakest. Even if he suffered the lightest injury, he is undoubtedly the most seriously injured.

"Ye Feng! Are you all right?" Kou Bi said anxiously

"OK, there's no time to waste. A large group of troops are approaching here. Let's move quickly. Damn it, I forgot that I must not stay in a safe house for more than three days. Something will happen," Dick said to himself, and then commanded the people to leave here quickly.

"Do you remember?" Ye Feng asked weakly. His anger at Dick could not be concealed in his tone.

"It's been 18 years since I last entered such a deep position in dead city. I can't blame me," Dick said brazenly.

"Do you blame me?"

"It doesn't matter. If you don't mind, I don't mind. You can."

"Shit!!! Dick!!!"


"Hey, does the detector have a signal? Big dick."

"Believe it or not, I blocked your mouth with a wrench! You just asked me once 30 seconds ago, maple boy, shut up." Dick turned back angrily and stared at Ye Feng, who was held by Princess Kubi and squinted with enjoyment on his face.

"OK, OK. I'll shut my mouth." Ye Feng was bitterly quiet.

After being transferred from the temporary safe house found, Ye Feng and his party carefully trudged to the more core area of the "dead city" after simply dealing with the injury.

Due to the huge internal space and dangers of the "dead city", Ye Feng and his party can only rely on the radiation detector in EDIK's hand to find a safe route.

So their advance speed is very slow. Ye Feng, who wants to return to the earth, has to ask Dick twice or three times every minute: have you found the specific location of the final goal? Does the detector have a signal? Shall we return as soon as we finish this ticket?

It almost bored dick to death

Dick led Ye Feng and his party to run around in the core area of the "dead city". Obviously, the detection range of the radiation receiver is a little narrow compared with the labyrinth area of the "dead city". A group of people can only move deep into the core area of the "dead city" and try to take a chance.

"Dick, is it my illusion? The defense traps encountered along the way seem to be getting denser and denser..." Ye Feng, who has just solved an aircraft fort, complained to Dick. What way did the old bastard lead? Dead end?

"It shows that we are moving towards the core area. Stop complaining and hurry up!" Dick shouted impatiently. He has now led Ye Feng and his party into a huge building. It is so high that Ye Feng can't see the top of the building when he looks up.

"Really? Big dick, is there something good waiting for us?"

DiCaprio just accidentally triggered the electric shock trap. Although the whole person was blackened, his tone was still very excited.

"... milk bald, your big yellow teeth are much whiter against the scorched skin." Ye Feng is still so optimistic about DiCaprio. I felt speechless. Anyway, they have no reason to give up halfway and can't bear the result of failure. Even if there are many crises ahead, Ye Feng and his party can only follow Dick and continue to forge ahead.

"Too many changes have taken place with the situation when I was more than ten years ago. I remember that when I came here last time, I got enough things. Alas, now there is no residue in this place..." Dixie slightly muttered helplessly.

"What? What did you just say?" Ye Feng approached Dick and asked curiously,

"Nothing. If you don't want to die here, shut your mouth and hurry up," Dick said with a smelly face and continued to take the lead in the huge building like a maze.

Led by Dick, Ye Feng and his party gradually approached the upper part of the building. What followed was a defense system with greater power and more styles, which began to kill the people madly. Obviously, in the core building of the "dead city", the defense system here is well preserved, almost as scary and efficient as ever.

Fortunately, several people are not good at stubble. Ye Feng, the weakest in the team, always wears rick-96 armor with great self-knowledge. Only when it is absolutely safe, will he put away the armor and seize the time to recharge.

Life is carefree, but the pain of skin and flesh can't be avoided. Although Ye Feng and DiCaprio demolished and destroyed these mechanism forts, plasma traps and poison gas jets all the way, the wounds on their bodies are indeed accumulating gradually.

In particular, DiCaprio, the power armor on the orc can't wrap all its general grid, which leads to almost full of scars where it can't be protected by the power armor. It is simply that the self-healing ability of the orc race is strong enough to play a role even in quiet hills.

"Why is my self-healing ability difficult to use?" Ye Feng saw this scene and felt something bad.

"Nonsense, people are born bald and engraved in racial genes. Your self-healing ability is rewarded to you after my brain cramps. How can it be the same? Even if it is perfect, the pirated one can't catch up with the genuine one! There is also a problem of feelings." Dick shouted to Ye Feng.

"OK, OK, I know." Ye Feng said impatiently.

After a short break, Ye Feng and his party continued to move towards the high-rise of the building under Dick's leadership. After walking for nearly an hour or so, at a corner, Ye Feng suddenly found a figure passing by! Or a familiar figure!

"It's the star female Xia - Veronica! DiCaprio! Let's chase!" after that, Ye Feng ran away. Shit! I found her in the quiet hills! It's not like friends don't get together! Ye Feng, who was very excited, greeted DiCaprio and rushed over.

Look at the former Guardian alliance member who has had resentment before: Star woman - Veronica. Ye Feng is an enemy. He is very jealous when he meets him.

"Brother Ye Feng, I see that smelly woman! Don't run if you have the ability. If you catch you, I will swallow you alive!" DiCaprio cursed Veronica and ran to the direction where she disappeared.

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