"Where are we going, big dick?" naibald is satisfied with the harvest of this scavenging operation. If possible, the orcs now want to return to the razor tribe and have a good rest. He wasn't really interested in Dick's next action.

"Yes, what are you looking for?" Ye Feng also looked at Dick.

"Morgue," Dick said concisely.


Ye Feng, DiCaprio and Kobi, and even Veronica, asked with one voice, and all looked at dick with a calm face.

"That's right." Dick nodded. "You all know that the" transcendent "is a silicon-based creature. I need the" cosmic source force "remaining in their bodies to support their lives. This thing is very precious and difficult to collect. Fortunately, I know how to extract this cosmic source force from the body of the" transcendent "

Although Dick said it lightly, Ye Feng could see from Veronica's amazing expression how much impact it had on her. There was a deep fear in her eyes when she looked at Dick.

"Can you... Can you refine the power of the source of the universe?" Veronica asked Dick shivering.

"Of course, I know that few life in the universe can do this, but I'm not an ordinary person, Veronica. You should know that," Dick farted.

"..." Veronica stopped making a sound and stood aside obediently.

"In other words, are you going to find the morgue?" Ye Feng felt a burst of confusion about Dick's words, but this was not what he cared about most. He was only interested in one thing now: when can he return to the earth.

"When you have collected enough" cosmic source power ", we will go home?" Ye Feng asked.

"It's the cosmic source," Dick corrected, "but you're right. As long as I collect enough, we can finish the scavenging trip."

"Do you know exactly where the morgue is?" cried Cobbe.

"Of course, I know now. Thank you, Ms. Veronica." Dick looked at Veronica with a bad smile.

"You're welcome..." Veronica smiled more ugly than crying

"This... Was a little unexpected. Why didn't there be a body?"

Ye Feng looked at the big, empty morgue and said unexpectedly.

"Go to your house! Dare you scare us?" DiCaprio turned directly, raised Veronica in front of him with one hand, and looked at the star female Xia who was about to be strangled.

"Big bald lad, let her suffer, but don't kill her," Dick said gloomily.

No wonder DiCaprio was so angry. On the way to the morgue (Veronica said she knew where the nearest morgue was), Dick and his party encountered unexpected difficulties and dangers.

Because the morgue is deep in the bottom of the building, that is to say, they have to go back, which has made Ye Feng and the orcs very unhappy.

Because Veronica gave Dick the access stone, its authority could not deal with the defense system of other floors, so on the way, almost DiCaprio made a way for the people behind him by relying on his strong body and his strong desire to leave this broken place quickly.

After DiCaprio paid the price of blood in a real sense, Dick and his party, led by Veronica, came to the door of the mortuary located in the deepest part of the building.

To everyone's surprise, the metal door of the morgue was half open, which means that someone may have ransacked the morgue long before they came.

Dick and his party racked their brains to come up with all kinds of methods to deal with the door of the morgue. Now all their efforts are in vain. The door of the morgue was not closed at all!

When Ye Feng saw the half open iron door, he just clicked in his heart. The heart said it was going to be bad. Nobody took care of the gate of the morgue. What else can be left here

Sure enough, the group walked into the mortuary of Nuo University. They were greeted by an empty room with nothing but scattered bones on the floor.

"Go to your mushroom house! Dare to play with us? I must eat you alive today!"

DiCaprio was really angry. The orcs were so angry.

This is like someone telling you that you won a huge lottery of 100 million, but when you exchange the bonus with joy, you find that there are less than 200 yuan left in your hand.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

Ye Feng saw that if he didn't stop DiCaprio, the goods would be strangled by Veronica. He hurried forward to make a round.

Anyway, it saved Veronica's life.

Separating Veronica from DiCaprio, Ye Feng dragged the angry DiCaprio to the few things left in the morgue to see if there could be anything that could be recycled.

Shit! What are these

Ye Feng approached those iron bumps and carefully observed them up and down. These things gave him an intuitive feeling that they were big steel elbows, like the thighs of robots.

"Well, this is part of the body of the" transcendent "? But it's useless. It's all rotten," Dick said in a bad tone.

"Big dick, she just meant to lead us blind!" said DiCaprio in a strange way. The orc is still angry now.

Veronica controlled, controlled, or couldn't control it. She retorted excitedly, "you know a fart, you damn Orc!"

"..." looking at Veronica in a rage, DiCaprio didn't scold her, but walked directly towards her, as if he wanted to teach Veronica a a lesson. It is afraid that if it represses its anger again, it may explode in a moment.

"Come on, stop it." Dick yelled. Everyone in the morgue looked at him. The old man was groping around the empty walls and seemed to find something.

"Well..." Dick gave a deep thought and then walked to the door of the morgue. Ye Feng and his party followed him silently. Although they didn't know what wind he was smoking, they didn't speak, but kept a close distance with low Dick.

"You, big bald lad, shoot at the wall." when Dick came out of the morgue, he patted DiCaprio's big arm, pointed to one wall of the morgue and said to the confused ORC.

"Er... Dick, what do you mean?" DiCaprio hesitated. He didn't know what Dick was going to do.

"Don't bother! Hurry up, just be tardy and shoot at the wall." Dick waved and impatiently drove DiCaprio into the morgue.

"Er..." DiCaprio walked in reluctantly.

"Whatever you laugh, go in and help it," Dick said to Ye Feng, who was hiding next to cobby and secretly laughing. The smile on the latter's face instantly changed into an embarrassed look and looked very funny.


She stared at Veronica, who could not resist the smile. Ye Feng also stepped into the morgue.

"Start designing!" with Dick's reminder, DiCaprio and Ye Feng started shooting wildly at the wall. For a moment, the sound of bullets hitting the wall and the burst of laser beams sounded one after another. Stray bullets and fragments splashed out of the morgue.

In addition to Veronica's embarrassment, Kubi and Dick, who had been prepared, were able to avoid the overwhelming metal blocks like bullets fired at them without panic or hurry.

"All right, stop!"

After Dick shouted again, DiCaprio and Ye Feng stopped shooting, and they came out of the dusty morgue breathlessly.

"Dick, what are you doing?" Ye Feng asked curiously.

"When the smoke clears, you'll know." Dick is still the same as before. He absolutely doesn't understand what he can sell off.

Less than ten minutes later, the smoke in the morgue finally dissipated. The devastated morgue appeared again in front of Ye Feng and others.

"I'll go..."

Seeing the scene in front of him, Huang Liang couldn't help but utter a series of exclamations. DiCaprio was stunned and couldn't even speak. Even the coldest Kobi opened her eyes in surprise and stared straight at the scene in the morgue.

Simply describe what Ye Feng saw: a room full of bodies of "transcendent" scattered from the hidden compartment in the wall. These silver robot wrecks with strange metallic luster still retain the state when they died and have not been swallowed up by tens of thousands of years.

"These bodies of" transcendent "are almost enough. Thank you, Veronica. It is with your help that I found so many bodies of" transcendent "so easily. The" cosmic source force "extracted from these debris is enough for me to use for decades. Well, now I don't have to worry about configuring my transmission fluid." Dick said excitedly to Veronica.

"Conveyor fluid? That's what your magical conveyor gun needs to consume?" Ye Feng finally understood why Dick was so crazy in the process of picking up waste. It turned out that he was concerned about the foundation of his life. Ye Feng knew that without the conveyor gun, Dick might not be able to sleep, and he wouldn't close his eyes at all

"Yes, you're smart at last." Dick nodded at Ye Feng with approval. Listening to his tone, it seemed that Ye Feng was a fool under his IQ. Finally, he was right. How much is one plus one

Dick was not in a hurry to extract and collect the "cosmic source force". He walked to Veronica and still looked at her with a smile. The latter retreated a few steps coldly, and his body had been pasted on the metal wall in the morgue. A few drooping "transcendent" corpses were less than 20 cm above Veronica's head.

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