"Er... Dick, this is what I should do. You don't have to thank me for bringing you here." Veronica said without trace her help to Dick, although she was forced. She stared in horror and still looked at her dick silently. Her sixth sense was a crazy warning to her that dick, an old man who killed thousands of knives, might do something to her!

"No, no, I must thank you very much. You saved me a lot of detours. So, in order to thank you for all you've done for me, go to hell." Dick smiled and said something that frightened Veronica.

Before Ye Feng, Kubi and DiCaprio could figure out what had happened, Veronica suddenly screamed bitterly. She raised her hands, held her head and broke it. Veronica broke her neck with her own hands.

Her body slowly slid down the wall and collapsed into a mass under the stunned gaze of Ye Feng.

"Di, Dick, are you..."

Ye Feng was completely confused by the sudden scene in front of him. He didn't expect dick to kill Veronica at this time. Ye Feng always knew that Veronica would die if she fell into Dick's hands, but he thought Dick would do it more grandly, or sit down when he left the quiet Hill.

"Big dick? What's the matter with you? You didn't let me strangle her when there was no body of" transcendent ". Now there are a room full of bodies of" transcendent ", but you killed Veronica instead, and your temper is too difficult to get along with..." the orc retreated a few steps in fear that dick would rise suddenly and break his neck.

"You know what? I'm not going to let her go at all. Now that I've achieved the purpose of this trip, there's no reason to keep Veronica around. Why? Do you want to be bitten by her again?" Dick stared at DiCaprio impatiently, and then ran excitedly into the body of the "super climber" and began to get busy.

"... brother Ye Feng, you're right. Big dick is an old crazy boss." DiCaprio leaned close to Huang Liang and whispered.

"Yes, and Dick is a bad character, grumpy, haggard, and extremely careful. He also remembers revenge. Yin is the blood flowing in his body, and wilting is his ID engraved in his genes. He is the biggest villain who destroys love and peace. So remember my words: never stand on the opposite side of him, or you will die ugly..." Ye Feng said to DiCaprio very seriously. These words are his personal experience, and there are countless bloody lessons.

"... brother Ye Feng, it's not easy for you." DiCaprio said movingly.

"Who says not! Alas, encourage, encourage..." Ye Feng said with tears in his nose, lying on DiCaprio's big arm.

"Brother Ye Feng, can you stop touching my nose? It's disgusting. Hey, you still touch! I did it..."

"A bunch of idiots."

Standing aside, Kobi, who looked coldly, glanced helplessly at Dick, who was laughing bitterly, and DiCaprio and Ye Feng, who were fighting with each other, said coldly.

"Dick, are you finished, let's just leave here, leave the" dead city ", leave the" quiet Hill "?" after fighting with DiCaprio, Ye Feng asked Dick carefully.

At this time, Dick, who was in ecstasy, was busy, throwing the bodies of the "transcendent" one by one into the machine he took out of the pocket of the different dimension. Because ye Feng interrupted his busy work, he looked very unhappy. After staring at Ye Feng fiercely, Dick said faintly in a threatening tone: "of course, what? Maple boy, do you have feelings here? Do you want to stay here alone? I personally respect your choice. If you want to stay -"

"Dick, you're busy! I won't disturb your pleasure. You go on. I shut my mouth and squatted here obediently, watching your majestic back." Ye Feng squatted on the ground very simply, no longer making a sound, but looked straight at Dick's back with awe, never daring to make another attempt again.

"Well, don't worry. At this time tomorrow, I can guarantee that you must be leisurely drinking afternoon tea on the earth," Dick vowed.

"Long live!"

As Ye Feng expected, after a narrow escape, when they came back from the quiet Hill, Dick was like driving beggars and directly let Ye Feng go.

Although he felt very unhappy, Ye Feng still walked into the space-time door and brought back the fairy beauty. He finally persuaded cobby to go back to earth with him.

Of course, there was a big storm when she introduced cobby to Audrey and them. It's not that Kubi was despised or hated by them. This didn't happen. They had a good impression of the fairy beauty, especially after listening to her experience, they sympathized with her.

It was hardly a long time before cobby and Audrey became good friends who talked about everything.

But Ye Feng didn't have such good luck. Although Audrey and others can't pour out their anger to Kobi, they are no longer so easy to talk when facing Ye Feng.

Ye Feng was severely repaired. What made him collapse most was that Kobi also started, and played very hard.

It seems that in the process of beating Ye Feng together, Kou Bi and Audrey have forged a deep friendship.

Kobi lives in Ye Feng's big villa. Gemma and Avril are also the most excited about this. They are extremely excited about the fact that Kobi is an elf family. They pester Kobi every day to tell them the customs of the elf family. In the face of gemma and Avril, Kobi has always been very patient, which makes Ye Feng jealous to explode.

In a leisurely afternoon, there were only Ye Feng and Avril in the big villa. Kobi was pulled by Gemma to buy clothes. They haven't come back since the morning. As for Jane, Ye Feng doesn't know where she has gone, but he knows what Jane has done. She must be looking for delicious restaurants in MANXIN metropolis. Jane's obsession with eating is the strongest race Ye Feng has ever seen, and this obsession is more and more lasting.

Languid Ye Feng, who was about to fall asleep, suddenly felt the vibration of his mobile phone in his pocket. He took out his mobile phone.

"Hello?" said Ye Feng in a voice that was so lazy that he was about to fall asleep.

"Hello, is that Ye Feng? It's me, Ellie." Ellie's voice came from her mobile phone. She sounded a little tired and seemed to be crying.

More than a year has passed since she was rescued from the terrorists last time. For such a long time, due to the occurrence of one thing after another, and Ye Feng's intention to stay away from Ellie, so as not to let her have the opportunity to fall in love with herself (although it seems a bit smelly, Ye Feng really doesn't want to soak up the daughter of his old comrades in arms, and he hasn't lost his heart to that extent), Ye Feng has never received any news from Ellie. But he thinks this is not a bad thing at least. With Xu wenweak, the fat man, if Ellie encounters anything, Ye Feng will know it for the first time.

"Ellie, I haven't been in touch for a long time. How are you recently?"

Ellie's voice came from her mobile phone. Ye Feng could feel it. At this time, Ellie's voice was weak and trembling. He hurried to sit up on the sofa. Somehow, an uneasy mood surged into Ye Feng's heart and pressed on his heart. It shouldn't be, he -- Ye Feng doesn't dare to think about it. Although a corner of his heart is constantly telling him that what he thinks should be the truth. Ellie's father, Ye Feng's former old comrade in arms, is afraid to go——

"I'm sorry, I've been experiencing all kinds of troubles recently, you know? I've decided to settle down in Xindu recently. I'm really incompetent. I don't have time to see you and your father. Is he and he okay? Ellie? Why don't you talk? Ellie? He -"

Hearing that Ellie on the other end of the phone was silent, Ye Feng suddenly felt more uneasy. He had a hunch that Ellie would bring him bad news next. Bad news.

It's not really old snow. He!

"Ye Feng, my father has gone and died... Sobbing... He, he just left..."

Indeed... Ye Feng was stunned at first. He knew that his hunch had become a naked reality. Yes, his old comrade in arms died. He was unconscious in his bed for so many years. After such a long contest with the God of death, he finally did not escape the fate of death.

He is good... Ye Feng said to himself in his heart that he is good. He has stopped for so long. It's time for him to be tired and let go.

Even though he kept comforting himself and telling himself about Lao xuenuo's death, he finally freed him from being half dead, Ye Feng's tears still flowed out of his eyes involuntarily. It slowly dropped on his coat along Ye Feng's cheek.

After crying silently for a while, Ye Feng suddenly stood up from the sofa and startled Avril, who was just immersed in the books in her hand. She noticed the tears on Ye Feng's face. Especially the little girl noticed the look on Ye Feng's face. She skillfully put down her book and came to hold Ye Feng's arm.

"It's all right, Ye Feng, don't cry." Avril used her small body to support Ye Feng's shaking body, and her eyes put a soft light.

"... I'm fine, really, Avril, I'm fine"

Ye Feng gave Avril a pet look, but listening to Ellie's choking voice from the mobile phone, Ye Feng's brain once again became a blank. He seemed to feel that the world in front of him began to become distorted. It seemed that everything in his line of sight was being exposed and slowly swallowed up by miserable white

"Ellie, I'll come to you now and wait for me."

He shook his head fiercely. Ye Feng simply explained the matter to Avril. Then he directly picked up a coat and rushed out of the house, ready to take the nearest flight to Los Angeles. He must hurry to the hospital address that Ellie said.

Ye Feng didn't see the last face of the old man, but he had to finish one thing, not only for john snow, but also for the other two brothers who died in that operation

Ye Feng knew that he had always wanted to escape the past, and finally had to face it

"Uncle Ye Feng, be careful on the road and don't make trouble." Avril said anxiously.

"It's Ye Feng's brother. You're good. Remember to explain to jenma and get rid of them." Ye Feng said without looking back.

"OK, you must pay attention to safety!" Avril shouted.

"I see!"

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