"Of course!!!" Ye Feng nodded like mashing garlic. "If you have your secret help, the task must be easy to catch. There is no danger."

"Well, yes, I can help you." Kobi nodded.

"Really, that's great!" Ye Feng ran to kiss Kou Bi, but she was slapped aside by Kou Bi.

"Be careful, there are still people here." CORBI's cheeks flushed slightly.


AWU Khan baptized by war, endless yellow sand and rugged and towering gullies constitute this land that has never been calm for thousands of years. This is a land abandoned by the gods. A dust on it has been cursed by the gods. All the living creatures living on it are in hardship and suffering and cannot be freed.

In the yellow sand all over the sky, the scattered vegetation scattered sporadically on the endless yellow sand plain, but it did not bring any vitality to this barren area, but more set off the desolation and barbarity of this land. Life here is so valuable, so worthless, so abused.

All lives are doing their best to survive, but all lives are living on the verge of death. No one, or animal, lives in peace. Everyone is in precarious fear, waiting for the sudden death that doesn't know when.

Chaos, death and despair. Every time he comes here, Ye Feng will feel these negative energies coming to his face and eroding his heart. In today's world, the word AWU Khan represents war, chaos and the evil consequences of human competition for resources.

Humans are strange creatures. They are keen to kill each other and kill their own kind, even if there is not much conflict between them. Humans are born with an extraordinary love for killing, even if they often don't fight for survival.

Ye Feng has vowed in his heart more than once that this is the last time he has stepped into this land, but there seems to be a force that makes Ye Feng have to return here again and again and return to the purgatory of the world.

Sitting in a helicopter, Ye Feng overlooks the banbanbanloess at his feet. He has a faint hunch that the relationship between him and Lei Zeyan will eventually have a result on this land.

Ye Feng doesn't know how to untie the knot that has plagued Ye Feng for a long time, but he is really tired. He has carried too much and too much over the years

Only when people really experience the changes of life and death can their character change greatly.

The death of his comrades in arms, his dismissal and a series of blows made Ye Feng disguise his heart with his dissolute and uninhibited. Over time, Ye Feng really became invincible, but he also lost some things he cherished. Something he once disapproved of, but now he is very melancholy, such as his fear of death.

Ye Feng disguised himself with madness. He turned his life into a absurd play. He was immersed in the situation of "the world is drunk and I wake up alone". The cruelty of life makes a determined soldier a psychopath.

This is the former Ye Feng, a lonely patient who willingly degenerates. If it weren't for his friends in the new metropolis, Ye Feng really didn't dare to think about what he would become

"What do you think? Ye Feng" Kou Bi in invisible mode whispered to Ye Feng nearby. In order to hide people's eyes and ears, Lei Zeyan and all other people involved in the operation did not know that Kobi existed. Ye Feng thought that doing so would be safer for himself.

"Nothing. It's just that we're old and easy to sigh." Ye Feng smiled and whispered, "Kobi, when there's no one, such as when we're in the room, we can take some time to do what adults are allowed to do, you know."

"Scrape leg hair?" Kou Bi said softly, with a cold tone.

"Well... Of course, if you like. But I don't mean that. I mean, we can relax, you know, through -"

"Cut your fingernails?" Corby said coldly.

"... well, I'll give up. I can't beat you anyway. If you don't cooperate, I'll give up..." Ye Feng reluctantly raised his hand and made a gesture of throwing.

"Hum, you'd better focus on the task. Don't take it too lightly." Kou Bi said, "are you sure you don't need my help? Just let me stay with you and only take action when the task is threatened?"

"Of course, you don't need to take care of me. I can take care of myself. I have no problem. But you know, my task goal is to safely bring a person out of the dens full of dangerous elements, so if there is any accident, I think you can still help." Ye Feng finally added.

"Hum, I know." CORBI snorted coldly.

"Thanks, Kou Bi. I want you to come with me. This trip is really not close, thousands of kilometers." Ye Feng said with emotion,.

"It's all right. It's just a stroll. Anyway, there don't seem to be many people on this planet who can pose a threat to me." CORBI said confidently.

"Kobi, not to mention this small earth, the whole galaxy and even the whole universe. If you wear hell bat clothes, not many people pose a threat to you. You can run, eh... There is no possibility of escape, because no one can beat you." noting the pain from your arm, ye Feng wisely shut his mouth, Stop talking nonsense.

"Be quiet, someone will find out," Corby whispered.



"Shit, is this your hospitality?"

He was held by two extreme militants and sat in the carriage of a pickup truck. Ye Feng with a cloth bag on his head asked helplessly. At this moment, he realized for the first time that he had come to the most chaotic place in the world. This is a place where he can't relax his vigilance for a minute, and he even TM forgot this. It's time for a dog.

According to the original plan, Ye Feng, who took the plane, immediately joined a local interpreter and liaison after arriving in Mogadishu city of AWU Khan. Kobi was always by his side, but she didn't let others notice her existence.

After a little adjustment, at noon the next day, Ye Feng and his party, disguised as arms dealers, met with a group of people belonging to the tanaban armed forces in AWU Khan at the site of a dilapidated building in the city center to discuss the business of arms purchase.

The atmosphere of the original meeting was very harmonious. Ye Feng looked calm and talked with several extremists. The two sides are negotiating on the specific matters of the purchased arms. However, it is a little regrettable that the other party is not very interested in the various weapons and equipment provided by Ye Feng.

Simply, Ye Feng directly threw out what these extremists are most interested in: the latest generation of password encryption software that can crack the guidance system.

Ye Feng believes that the Taniban armed forces will be very interested in this strategic resource that can control the war situation. Facts have proved that Ye Feng is right. He just underestimated the enthusiasm of these terrorists for what he said

After hearing Ye Feng's goods, the leader of the tanaban armed group issued instructions directly to the soldiers under the enemy. In addition to Ye Feng, the translator and the local liaison of the 19th branch died directly under the random gun, and Ye Feng was also kidnapped by the tanaban group and left Mogadishu city.

In the whole process, Kou Bi firmly implemented what Ye Feng asked her: she only helped when the task was in crisis. However, in Kou Bi's eyes, Ye Feng was kidnapped by a group of heavily armed dangerous elements, which had little impact on the task

Ye Feng's original sneaking plan failed, but he succeeded in entering the Taniban armed forces

At the same time, a pair of barrow soldiers are quietly following the jeep escorting Ye Feng. What dangerous opportunities will their appearance bring to Ye Feng


"Damn it, don't touch me! I'm your guest, don't get me!"

After two hours of bumpy driving, Ye Feng was finally taken out of the car and came to a stronghold of Taniban. Throughout the process, Ye Feng has been trying to hint Kobi not to do it through various words. He knows that these people will take him where he wants to go.

However, what makes Ye Feng feel uncomfortable is that Kobi doesn't mean to do anything. Ye Feng doesn't even know whether Kobi has followed up. She doesn't know whether she is with herself or buying all kinds of novel items in the market. He could only beg silently. Kobi could take away her curiosity about local specialties and accompany him

With the hood off his head, Ye Feng couldn't open his eyes because of the dazzling sunshine. He slightly opened an eye gap. There were endless yellow sand gullies in his sight. In the hot wind and sand, Ye Feng could only have hands to cover his eyes and reluctantly adapt to the cruel environment.

Without enough time to look around, he was pushed forward. Ye Feng came to a man with a broken beard and a slovenly look.

In this Taniban stronghold full of Middle East beards, this white man with Caucasian characteristics is very obvious.

He is tall, with deep eye sockets, low cheekbones, thin lips, tall and straight nose, scattered thick curly hair, and two blue-green pupils in the eye sockets, which makes him stand out from others. The white man was fully engaged in the first person shooting game. For the first time, he didn't notice Ye Feng's arrival.

This guy plays shooting games in Taniban's stronghold? If you just pick up a gun and experience the real battle, it's over... Ye Feng has some wordless thoughts.

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