
It was the bearded man escorting Ye Feng who gave a loud reminder that the white man called "Mohammed" raised his head and noticed Ye Feng's arrival.

At the moment when he looked up, Ye Feng couldn't help taking a breath. This white man called "Mohammed" was the goal of Ye Feng's mission: buster!

"I'm Mohammed. Who are you?"

Buster looked at Ye Feng curiously. He hasn't seen anyone except the Middle East beard for a long time. For the first time in several years, he looks at Ye Feng up and down with great interest. It seems that he wants to see his inner essence through Ye Feng's yellow skin.

This kind of eyes made Ye Feng very uncomfortable, but he didn't dare to attack on other people's territory, so he had to work hard and endure.

"Huang Shuo."

Ye Feng replied expressionless, this is his pseudonym in this mission. Although he strongly wanted Lei Zeyan to suggest that Ye Feng wanted to use an alias like Tony stoke. After all, his cover identity was just an arms dealer, Lei Zeyan ruthlessly rejected Ye Feng's proposal and gave him an unknown ordinary name.

"Huang Shuo? Welcome to Taniban base. We've been waiting for you for a long time." Buster stretched out his hand and shook hands with Ye Feng.

"..." Ye Feng silently shook hands with the task target buster. Seeing him so easily, Ye Feng felt an unreal feeling. He has seen his face in photos and documents countless times during this period. In front of him, a person on the screen stands in front of him. This strange contrast makes Ye Feng feel a little incredible. He often feels like this when performing tasks, although he is not unfamiliar with this feeling, But Ye Feng still can't fully adapt.

It's like when you suddenly meet a star who you think is familiar with him and find that he is actually an asshole.

I've been unlucky for so long. It's time to change. Ye Feng comforted himself. After all, he was alone in a stronghold full of dangerous elements. He would inevitably feel nervous.

Especially now he doesn't know whether Coby has followed

After a simple greeting, Buster led a group of extremists and escorted Ye Feng to a gully outside the stronghold. Watching groups of extreme militants hiding in the shade under the rocks, Ye Feng's footsteps became more and more heavy.

Somehow, he always felt that it was not like holding a welcome ceremony, but sending him to the gallows. Ye Feng thought of something terrible. Ye Feng could not see the slightest expression on the faces of the beards escorting him. After all, they were all covered with hair. The Buster walking in front of him was just a mysterious smile, which made Ye Feng want to beat him hard.

Now he has no backup and is alone on the other side of the earth. Even if he has the ability to heal himself and ensure that he will not be killed by random guns, Ye Feng must properly face every bullet fired at him in order to ensure the success of the mission. Ye Feng still doesn't know whether Kou Bi has followed up. He can only consider the most dangerous situation, that is, he is really alone, and Kou Bi is still sleeping in that hotel... -

Therefore, Ye Feng absolutely did not dare to do those extraordinary acts of death in the past. Ye Feng tried his best to suppress his impulse to die. He must be careful and alert to everything around him. All his inner desires are restrained by Ye Feng. He must prepare for the worst, facing hundreds of people and hundreds of weapons alone.

Before Lisa finds out what happened, Ye Feng must make sure that all Lei Zeyan's attention is focused on the task he is currently performing. This is particularly important. Lisa investigates things under Lei Zeyan's eyes, which is tantamount to dancing on the steel wire. As long as Lei Zeyan's slightest doubt is aroused, all their previous efforts will be burned. Therefore, Ye Feng must ensure that they are carried out normally and avoid all possible accidents.

But it's easy to say. Actually, it's a very, very difficult thing to control.

Although all this is very exciting, this nervous tension makes Ye Feng more and more miss the free and easy days of "being indifferent to life and death, if you can't do it". To some extent, ye Fengning can fight with this group of people alone. Don't you want to be like this now? A person and this group of people fight ha ha and say cold jokes that he feels very stupid

"Kou bi..." Ye Feng whispered.

"Well, what are you talking about?" Buster turned to look at him with a playful expression on his face.

"Er... Nothing, you know, I'm just a little acclimatized. This place is too dry, isn't it? I feel my skin is a little tight." Ye Feng said ha ha, pulling some irrelevant topics, "I still attach great importance to skin care. If we can, can we stop walking in the sun? You know, find a place to rest and drink."

"Are you all right, man? We still have work to do. Take a rest later. Trust me, you'll have plenty of time to rest." Buster said with a sneer. "By the way, what do you say you have to sell?"

Ye Feng is escorted to the execution ground where Taniban stronghold is used to execute the enemy. Buster looks relaxed and asks Ye Feng. Of course, if ye Feng's answer can't satisfy him, Buster will not hesitate to let several soldiers standing behind Ye Feng execute Ye Feng on the spot.

Ye Feng looked at the surrounding environment with anxious eyes. He didn't think this place was a good choice for conversation. He nervously looked at the assault rifles in the hands of dozens of people nearby and wondered whether the bullets would be enough for him to rush out of the siege of dozens of people alone if he grabbed one.

After thinking for a few seconds, Ye Feng reluctantly came to the conclusion that he could not do this.

Ye Feng shook his head, abandoned all the luck in his mind and said to Buster, "you know what I have."

Facing dozens of eyes around, Ye Feng spoke calmly. Although Ye Feng doesn't show mountains and dew on the surface, in fact, his heart has been mentioned to his throat at this time. He is doing his best not to move his legs, which takes almost half of his strength

Corby, where are you? I really need your help. I really need it! Ye Feng whispered in his heart, hoping that Kou Bi could hear his heart.

"Gamma defense system? Cobra missile? Or the password encryption software of the cracking UAV know system under design? So what?" Buster said with a smile, but his disdain was so obvious.

You're not fucking interested in these. Just say it, what big tail wolf! Ye Feng scolded angrily in his heart, but he didn't dare to show anything on the surface. He was afraid to annoy Buster, so he directly asked his men to hit him into a sieve

"I can get the encryption software for the guidance system of those UAVs. You can use it to control the attack target of UAVs."

Ye Feng has a calm look. In fact, he doesn't know what will happen to him if he uses these words to arouse baster's interest. Buster will be suspicious of him, but Ye Feng has no choice. He must get through this difficulty first.

"... Barney muttered lugani."

Buster looked at Ye Feng coldly for a few seconds, and then said something Ye Feng didn't understand to the terrorists around him. In Ye Feng's shocked eyes, the terrorists around him pointed their guns at him!


Looking around, he looked at dozens of muzzles locked on his body. Ye Feng raised his arms in silence and hugged his head with both hands.

I'll go! If you disagree, you'll shoot someone! You are too angry!!! Ye Feng shouted wildly in his heart.

At this time, he felt that his arm was twisted. Although the pain made Ye Feng frown slightly, he was not as scared as before. He knew that Kobi was with him. These people couldn't do anything to him!

"Huang Shuo, arms dealer, scum of Atlanta, give you a minute to answer my question. The timing starts now -"

"No, I..." Ye Feng's face was a little ugly.

Shit, what do you think you're doing now? Very 6 + 1? Ye Feng disdained to think that he now desperately wanted to spit on Buster's face, which made the bastard smile.

"-- how many categories of guidance technology can be divided according to different guidance methods?"

"Autonomous, search, remote control and compound." Ye Feng blurted out that he didn't even know these obscure professional terms, which had been deeply printed in his mind.

Buster raised his eyebrows and continued, "tell me two ways of radar guidance."

Ye Feng became more and more confident. He returned: "radar beam guidance, radar homing guidance."

Buster stuttered and then asked, "name the only, uh, the only person who has won an NBA championship and an Oscar."

"Kobe Bryant." facing this nonsense question, Ye Feng couldn't help grinning.

This bastard is fucking humorous... He can't help thinking.

Buster didn't laugh. He suddenly asked a question: "which of the above guidance methods does the existing Reggae missile use?"

"Strictly speaking, it's not. It's self-made, not radar guidance. It uses amplitude comparison monopulse direction finding technology." as these answers flow smoothly from his mouth, Ye Feng's face becomes more and more confident.

When you go back, you must thank Lisa. Just stay in bed.

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