The invisible Kou Bi watched Ye Feng answer like a stream, which took back the armored micro missile. She was very surprised that Ye Feng could really record those professional knowledge.

In fact, Ye Feng was even more surprised than her.

"Well, trust me now?" said Ye Feng. "I told you, man, I'm just an arms dealer for money. As long as you pay me, I'll provide you with the weapons and equipment you want. Of course, I can't ask too much. You know, I'm just a duty person in small business."

Buster spit on the ground and then said, "you? Duty? Are you next to these two words? Don't talk nonsense, I'll ask you again!"

"Your attitude is very undesirable in our future cooperation. You'd better treat me -"

"Shut your mouth."

Buster put the muzzle of a revolver against Ye Feng's forehead. This action was immediate, and Ye Feng immediately closed his mouth.

Ye Feng didn't dare to make a noise easily anymore.


"Well, it's quiet at last, isn't it? To tell you the truth, my first impression of you is not good, so don't try to make me pull the trigger on you again. Do you understand?" Buster said coldly.

"..." Ye Feng nodded heavily.

Buster patted Ye Feng's face with satisfaction, and then said, "good, let's continue the Knowledge Q & a session --"

In the next ten minutes, Buster tried his best to ask Maple Ye various questions. But fortunately, these questions are still within the scope of Lisa's knowledge of Ye Feng's painting. Although Ye Feng made a few mistakes on several questions, Ye Feng can answer most of the questions raised by buster.

For this, it's hard to say whether Buster was more surprised, or Kirby was more surprised, or Ye Feng himself was more surprised. In short, almost all the people present were surprised.

This makes Ye Feng a little unhappy. He wanted to shout, "little boy, who do you look down on!"

Some were surprised at Ye Feng's comprehensive professional knowledge in guidance. Buster couldn't help laughing. Then he turned and asked Ye Feng, "who are you working for?"

Buster seemed to have deep doubts about even one word that Ye Feng said. This makes Ye Feng question his acting skills.

"Money." Ye Feng replied freely. He was really telling the truth, so the answer was almost blurted out.

Shit, is that worth talking about? Ye Feng thought Cen way in his heart.

"Of course, there is also love and peace. I mean seriously. I send weapons to people and let them create their own happy life by themselves, don't I?" Ye Feng said with a smile. In his heart, he has indeed greeted the 18th generation of bast ancestors and is preparing to do it again.

Buster shook his head and said contemptuously to Ye Feng, "well, come with me -"

"I don't think so."

Facing Buster, Ye Feng took a step forward. It was risky, but in order to take the initiative in talking to Buster, he had to force himself to be tough, even if it might put him in danger. As expected, the terrorists present shook their guns violently, and several people almost pulled the trigger, but Ye Feng still walked in front of buster.

Although his actions at this time are very dangerous, Ye Feng can only take risks in order to master the initiative of dialogue with buster. He doesn't want to be brought by these extremists aimlessly. You know, he has neither weapons nor backup

Er, to be exact, Kou Bi is still there, but Ye Feng is not sure how she will shine on the stage. If possible, he hopes to solve the current dilemma only by his own strength

"I've gone far enough. If you want password software, come with me and leave this barbarian land. You can take as many guards as you want. I don't want to die in the hands of you Taniban lunatics. I'm not here to be a hero, I'm here to do business! Hey, you don't show any sincerity to do business with me, man, I don't want to be like a headless fly again , walking around behind your ass, how do I know if you're going to push me directly into the grave? "

Looking at Buster's eyes closely, Ye Feng, who spoke generously, felt more and more that he was acting at this time. He seemed to be aggressive. Looking at Buster's eyes, the sense of vigilance intensified, and Ye Feng was in an embarrassing situation.

"Maybe the grave is waiting for you, Huang Shuo. If you don't want to die, you'd better pay attention to me. I don't trust you at all. These beards think you are morally corrupt and weak. They don't want to contact you, you know? And I'm the only one here willing to talk to you about shit weapons! Scum like you don't even carry shoes for my brother Qualified -- "

"Your big brother?" Ye Feng keenly noticed the person accidentally revealed in bast's words. "Big brother", these two words are very interesting.

Buster pretended to be stunned and said, "what?"

He looked very angry at the moment, as if he was angry with himself, so he didn't have a good attack, so he had to hold it. Ye Feng stared at his big red face and couldn't help laughing. He quickly controlled his facial expression to prevent Buster from discovering that he was laughing at him.

"Brother you just said? Who are you working for?"

Ye Feng captured a message in baster's Curse: "big brother". Who is this man? Is there a direct connection between him and the sudden incident?


Ye Feng's words completely angered buster. He took out the pistol pinned to his waist and aimed the muzzle at Ye Feng's forehead.

"Sorry, man, I have to kill you."

Buster was not joking. His hand tightly on the trigger made Ye Feng sweat for a while.

Coby! You must calm down. Before this bastard shoots, you must calm down! Ye Feng shouted wildly in his heart. He knew that the first critical moment that might lead to the failure of the mission came.

"Uh... Sorry, what are you talking about? I didn't listen - RPG! Get down!"

Facing Buster aiming at his gun, Ye Feng procrastinated and looked around anxiously in private.

At this critical juncture, Ye Feng suddenly saw a soldier kneeling above the gully above his head, with an RPG transmitter on his shoulder!

Looking at the white smoke from RPG rocket firing, Ye Feng subconsciously shouted, and then suddenly threw Buster to the ground.

And Kobi also shot at this moment. She fired a bait bomb and detonated the rocket aimed at Ye Feng and buster in mid air. Without her, even if ye Feng noticed the RPG, he and Buster could not pull out the explosion range of the rocket. Buster will undoubtedly die miserably on the spot, and Ye Feng may have to waste several hours recovering and accepting the consequences of mission failure.

Although Ye Feng didn't lose much, he didn't want to see the word "mission failure". Although he often fails in his tasks

And the terrorists who didn't respond were unlucky. No one kindly reminded them, and no one, like Kobi, shielded them from bullets in invisibility, so they had to pay the price of bleeding.

The barrow soldiers of the whole company didn't know how they appeared, but they seemed to touch the gully suddenly and silently.

Almost in an instant, the whole yellow sand gully was covered with bullet rain, and more than ordinary extremists were killed in an instant. It seems only a matter of time for the rest to meet their lost companions.

Due to Ye Feng's "sacrifice" cover, Buster hiding behind the boulder was not killed. After shouting a few words of "enemy attack", he took advantage of the surviving extremists to fight with the barrow soldiers. As for Buster himself, he simply ran away. He didn't mean to fight at all. He skillfully abandoned all his companions and ran away without looking back. Because he ran too fast, he fell to the ground from time to time, and simply began to climb up quickly with his hands and feet.

Ye Feng murmured a few curses, still chasing after Buster on the battlefield with bullets flying. Ye Feng is a little surprised at the unexpected situations that are not in the current plans, and even numb.

He just wondered, what's the matter with these soldiers? They learned from there that he and Buster were here. Their performance was obviously well planned, not just an accidental encounter. Does someone have a head on him or an eye on Buster?

No... Ye Feng is avoiding stray bullets and thinking about it.

Damn it, where did these soldiers come from? This group of beards, too. With this fighting quality, what war and holy war! Isn't it good for the wife and children to heat the Kang at home?

"You found them!" Buster shouted to Ye Feng behind him as he ran. "You damn fool, we will all be killed by you!"

"What does it have to do with me to fart your mother? Don't you see? It's you who they want to kill. I just happened to stand with you. I TM will be killed by you!!!" Ye Feng roared and retorted.

From time to time, stray bullets rubbed his side and hit a unlucky man nearby. The scream and the explosion of ammunition made Ye Feng feel as if he had returned home, and his adrenal hormone began to secrete violently.

"You're farting. They must want to catch you, you unscrupulous arms dealer. Wait. When I make room, I have to kill you myself!" Buster still scolded, "don't think I don't know what you want to do. You must be upset and kind!"

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