"Get out of the car quickly!", "take them in!", "lock them up!", "take them into the tent!"

In the shouts of the soldiers, Ye Feng and Buster were pushed and pushed into a military tent. Although Ye Feng has been shouting the so-called "human rights", the soldiers escorting them ignored him and buster.

In particular, Buster has been shouting "we are good people! We are kidnapped!" and so on. Even in exchange for the fist on his face, Buster is still shouting. His strong desire for survival makes Ye Feng a little stunned.

"We are from the international rescue team! Save hungry children! You can't detain us!"

After being pushed into the cell in the tent, Buster still shouted. He seemed to think that as long as he kept talking nonsense, he could really impress these cold barrow soldiers and let them release him. His chirping cry did little good except to add a few more wounds to his face.

Ye Feng tried several times to stop him from killing himself, but he thought for a while and didn't speak. It was great to see bast beaten back and forth by a group of barrow soldiers. Ye Feng decided not to disturb the "interaction" between bast and the group of barrow soldiers.

Although Buster had been beaten black and blue, he was still tirelessly trying to attract the attention of the barrow soldiers around him by shouting.

As for Ye Feng, he was full of doubts at this time. He always felt that the development of things was strange, but he couldn't say that those places were wrong. Taking advantage of the gap where Buster almost attracted all his attention, Ye Feng began to turn his brain quickly, trying to find a way to solve this dilemma. Ye Feng frowned and paced back and forth in the cells guarded by soldiers in front and back. He didn't know what happened, but there was no doubt that he was in danger


He noticed a bald soldier outside the cell, fiddling with his digital camera and walking towards the cell. Buster swore in a low voice. He turned abruptly, trembling uncontrollably, with his back to the bald soldier.

Ye Feng noticed his change and was a little surprised. He just took a picture. Did he have such a reaction? Buster showed this signal all over his body. He was extremely afraid and even hysterically avoided in the corner, as if he wanted to turn himself into a pile of annoying dog shit so that he could not be noticed.

His strange performance makes Ye Feng more suspicious of him. Ye Feng feels more and more that this bastard named Buster is probably not an idiot brain cripple who simply takes refuge in terrorists. He has many doubts. The longer he contacts with him, the more Ye Feng feels that there is something wrong with this person.

What the hell is he doing? Why is there such a reaction? Ye FengSi Cen said.

He didn't dare to call Kobi, because in this crowded military tent, he knew that if he called Kobi's name, it would be difficult not to attract other people's attention. But Ye Feng really wants to make sure whether the fairy beauty is around him or not, because his intuition has started buzzing at this time, telling him that something bad is about to happen!

Shit... Those who come are not good, but those who are good don't come... Ye Feng stares at the busy barrow soldiers in the tent indifferently. He doesn't let his inner fear float on the surface, but he can't deceive himself. Ye Feng knows very well that he is now unarmed and locked up in a cage. If he wants to save himself, it is almost impossible to accomplish. Not to mention a buster.

Ye Feng has decided to pay attention. He would rather get a bullet in his head than let Kobi leak his identity in the barracks of the barrow army. Kobi's safety is very important!

While Ye Feng was thinking about it, buster in the corner was desperately pulling his collar and trying to cover his face with the standing collar to prevent the barrow soldier with the camera from taking pictures of his face. His action seemed a little funny to Ye Feng.

Buster's body movements are revealing a message: he is extremely resistant to his face being photographed.

But there is no doubt that he is just wasting his efforts. Barrow soldiers around glanced at Buster with disgust, as if he were a damn bug.

"What's your name?"

Let his soldiers open the iron door of the cell, and the bald soldier came in with a camera. In front of Ye Feng, the bald man asked Ye Feng aloud while shooting Ye Feng's face.

"Huang Shuo."

Ye Feng answered casually. Due to Buster's strange behavior, Ye Feng's attention was focused on him at this time.

"What's your name?"

After shooting, the bald man walked behind Buster with his back to him and asked expressionless.

"Mohammed. I want to see my lawyer. I want to contact him now!"

Covering his face with his hands, Buster half twisted and shouted. He shouted a mess of nonsense that he didn't believe himself, in exchange for a disgusting look and a big slap in the face of the bald soldier.


A loud slap in the face turned Buster around. He seemed to be blinded at once. He stared at the bald soldier who started to hit him, but his hand was still in front of his face and didn't let the camera capture his face.

Baster's strange behavior at this time has aroused Ye Feng's deep doubt: Why did he resist being photographed by barrow army? Doesn't this bastard want the barrow army to know his existence? Who the hell is he afraid of

"Sir, I need to pat you in the face." although the bald soldier said politely, he gave Buster a kick in the stomach.

What makes Ye Feng extremely magical is that even if he was kicked to the ground, Buster still blocked his face with his hand and shouted persistently: "no, this is my human rights! You have no right to do this! I want to sue you!!!"

Facts have proved that Pasteur's resistance is meaningless. As soon as the bald soldier turned his head, two soldiers immediately went into the cage, grabbed Buster's two arms and broke them with force. With the terrible sound of "Ga Bang", Buster couldn't stand the pain, so he had to turn around obediently. His face was exposed to the camera lens in his scream.


The bald soldier took his face. He looked at the camera and made sure that basster's face was entered. The bald soldier stepped to buster and stepped on to slap him in the face. He said, "let me be honest. Here is my site. I has the final say. Do you understand?"

"Yes, yes, you has the final say." bast's blood was streaming from his lips. He said with a sad voice, because he had been fighting fiercely, he needed to breathe heavily and breathe heavily, but he was afraid of the bald soldier in front of him, so that he was stupid to be choked.


The skinhead soldier finally stared at Ye Feng, and then led his subordinates away from Ye Feng and Buster's cage.

"Are you all right?" when there were no barrow soldiers in the tent, Ye Feng went to Buster lying on the ground and asked him like a dead dog.

"Go away, stay away from me," Buster said fiercely.

"You just don't deserve to be beaten. The five elements lack a father." Ye Feng scolded and stayed away from buster.

"Get out! Stay away from me!"

Baxter roared.


"This is the intelligence just intercepted from the barrow army communication."

The intelligence agent pointed to the photos of Ye Feng and Buster on the big screen and reported to Lei Zeyan. The dignified expression on the latter's face at this time made the surrounding staff feel a little scared, looking at each other and afraid to make a sound.

"Yesterday, the barrow army raided a Taniban stronghold and captured two prisoners. The two are now being held in a military base of the barrow army." the intelligence agent said to Lei Zeyan, who could swear at almost any time.

"M's! What did MI5 and MI6 say?" Lei Zeyan scolded angrily. I knew the people around me would look like this. They looked at the intelligence agent next to Lei Zeyan with sympathetic eyes, watched him panic and said to Lei Zeyan: "they have replied and are trying their best to search for relevant information."

A cold sweat had appeared on the intelligence agent's forehead.

"Let them speed up and keep in touch. Damn it, we have to get Ye Feng and Buster out of the barrow army."

Facing the current situation, Lei Zeyan is one of the first two. The barrow troops killed suddenly surprised Lei Zeyan. He is well aware that the worst situation he envisaged has actually happened. If his estimation is good, barrow should have started the next step at this time. In Lei Zeyan's view, it is likely to be the annihilation of buster and Ye Feng!

"By the way, have you seen captain Lisa?"

Lei Zeyan stopped the intelligence officer. He suddenly realized that he didn't seem to see Lisa this morning. This situation is somewhat abnormal. At this crisis, his most important subordinates are not in the combat room, which makes Lei Zeyan very dissatisfied.

"Sir, Captain Lisa seems to be investigating a case a few years ago. Do you need me to call her for you?" the intelligence agent dared not delay and immediately reported to Lei Zeyan.

"Find her and ask her not to investigate the previous cases. The command room needs people." Lei Zeyan ordered.

"Yes, sir."

The intelligence officer saluted, then fled and quickly left the combat room to look for Lisa.


"My name is Ye Feng, No. 9834928349879283, international security and rescue force No. 385. You'd better write these down." Ye Feng lowered his voice and said to the bald man. He looked flawless and said that he had rehearsed his speech with Lisa many times before coming. This speech is an excuse that Ye Feng needs to use when he is in unknown danger.

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