In fact, if Barrow's people investigate the name and number, the relevant information of Ye Feng is real, that is to say, in fact, Ye Feng does have this identity, and he is not lying. This is also an important reason why he is so confident.

When the bald man interrogated Ye Feng alone, after weighing again and again, Ye Feng decided to reveal his true identity to the friendly forces. He must ensure the safety of himself and buster.

Well, Ye Feng didn't really think about Buster's life or death. He has neglected him now. But he still has to at least fight for it,

Pointing to Buster shrinking in one corner, Ye Feng bravely said to the bald man, "that prisoner, the Atlanta adult you are holding, he is my prey."

"Lord Atlantis?"

The bald man stared at Ye Feng coldly and asked word by word.

From his eyes, Ye Feng can feel a kind of cold and cruel condensed into essence. This bald man must be a cruel character who kills people without blinking an eye. Ye Feng was sure of this at his first glance.

To Ye Feng's horror, the bald man in front of him didn't seem to believe his words at all. He still looked at Ye Feng coldly. Although he didn't look at Buster's "you're already a dead man", this kind of attention made Ye Feng more uncomfortable, Because he knows one thing very clearly: he has been stared at by this bald head. No matter what he says, he won't believe it

Ye Feng's strategy of keeping a low profile undoubtedly ended in failure. I don't know why. Ye Feng knows that his identity has been exposed. Even if the bald man is sure that the cover identity he just said is true, Ye Feng may not be able to escape from the barracks of the barrow Army

"What are you pretending to be stupid? It's the ugly guy with an obscene heart!"

Ye Feng looked back at Buster, who was still locked in the cell behind him, and roared loudly to the bald man. Ye Feng noticed that these barrow soldiers were strange in their attitude towards buster. It seemed that they had regarded him as a dead man from the beginning? I didn't mean to ask him anything

In order to attract the attention of the skinhead soldiers, Ye Feng just put all his eggs in one basket and shouted, "his name is buster. He caused --"

Didi Didi

The phone on the desk suddenly rang, interrupting Ye Feng's speech and ruining Ye Feng's plan to bring disaster to the East. The bald man stared at Ye Feng coldly and then answered the phone.

Damn it... Ye Feng cursed in a low voice. He had planned to tell about Buster so that barrow could be interested in buster. This may not be a good move, but at least it can delay Ye Feng for some time. But unfortunately, even such a move is meaningless now.

Ye Feng noticed the change of his expression from the bald man's face who was answering the phone. The corners of his mouth rose slightly, as if he had received instructions that made him feel happy. Ye Feng knows that it must be bad for him and Buster to make the bald soldier so happy

"Sir, it's me. Uh... Understand, uh... Yes, understand. OK, sir."

After a brief communication, the bald man put down the receiver in his hand. He raised his head and glanced at Ye Feng again. Then the bald man said to his soldiers, "he was sentenced to T-4."

"T-4? What is T-4?"

Ye Feng's heart sank when he observed the expression changes on the faces of other soldiers. Sure enough, as soon as the bald man's voice fell, Ye Feng's waist was severely beaten by the soldiers standing behind him, and Ye Feng immediately collapsed to the ground in pain.

Damn it, my kidney! It's already full of holes. Why do you treat it like this!? Ye Feng cursed helplessly in his heart.

"Hey! What are you going to do to me? I'm a free man and haven't done anything. Why should you treat me like this? I tell you, I'll expose all this. If I go out, I'll despise your actions! You'll pay for your rude behavior at the moment!"

When two soldiers tried to pull Buster up from the corner, he kept struggling and twisting, shouting harmless nonsense.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng lying on the ground was almost ready to cry without tears

Corby, you must do it at the critical moment. It's obviously to kill buster and me

Ye Feng thought helplessly.


"Damn it! I want to see my lawyer, I want to see the ambassador!", "I'm a legitimate Atlanta citizen. You have no right to do this!"

Ye Feng and Buster, who were pushed out of the military tent by the soldiers, had no choice but to roar angrily. Although unwilling to admit it, according to Ye Feng's speculation, he and bast are likely to be secretly executed by this group of barrow soldiers. Ye Feng doesn't think that T-4 is the code name for releasing prisoners.

Looking at the pickup in front of him, Ye Feng instinctively resisted. In his eyes, it was a pickup leading to death!

"Get in the car! Get up!"

Ye Feng and Buster, who were imprisoned in their hands, were directly roughed into the pickup truck by several soldiers. Looking at the soldier with a pistol riding in the carriage with himself, Ye Feng knew that there was not much time left for him

Bast is still shouting at the barrow soldiers in the carriage, which makes Ye Feng very angry. He wanted to give a big ear scraper to Buster, who couldn't shut up, but unfortunately, they were both tied up in their hands and couldn't do it.

Ye Feng knows that Kobi must be near him. She is waiting for an opportunity. When barrow soldiers drive far enough, Ye Feng knows that Kobi will start to save him.

To tell the truth, Ye Feng is now a little grateful to the bald soldier. If he hadn't let these barrow soldiers escort Ye Feng and Buster out of the barrow army camp, Kobi really couldn't do it without scruples. Now as long as the car drives a little farther, Ye Feng knows he will be free.

Corby, hold back. You can save the hero right away! Ye Feng said silently to the sky with his mouth. And whether Coby is in the position he's facing


"Have you received the two materials? OK, thank you very much. Yes, yes, it's very urgent. Yes, do your best to inform me of the comparison results in the shortest time. Yes, it's very important. Well, OK, as soon as the results come out, you'll contact me immediately. Well, OK, please."


Put the phone down and Lisa breathed. It was too exciting for Lisa to investigate Lei Zeyan under his nose. But fortunately, she finally collected all the data Ye Feng asked her to investigate and sent it to a friend working in the ballistic comparison laboratory. Next, she waited for the comparison results to be released.

Lisa didn't know whether she was right or wrong about her behavior at this time. Because of an outsider, she would risk investigating her officer. It was a little abrupt anyway. But what Ye Feng said was so shocking that Lisa was inspired by him unconsciously.

This is mixed with various factors, public and private. Lisa knows that she must help Ye Feng. And now it's impossible to think about quitting. Lisa knows that everything has rushed forward uncontrollably

"Captain Lisa, are you here?"

The sound from behind woke up Lisa, who was thinking. She turned her head and looked at the people behind her.

"Ah, I'm a little tired. Come out for a cup of coffee." Lisa smiled awkwardly. She tried to hide her surprise, but it didn't succeed. The intelligence agent looked at her with surprised eyes.

The intelligence agent looked at her in confusion and said, "Captain Lisa, sir Lei Zeyan is looking for you."

Lisa nodded, "Oh, OK, I'll go back to the war room now. Thank you."

"Well, Captain, I'll go first."

"OK, you go and be busy."

Lisa watched the confused agent leave, and she breathed a sigh of relief. Lisa stood up, cleaned up her makeup, regained her mind, and then walked to the war room.

Lisa's battle has passed the most difficult part, and Ye Feng, thousands of miles away, his task has just begun



Intelligence 7 division

Office of the 19th branch director

"Sir, I don't understand. Barrow people have reason to imprison Buster, but what's the matter with Ye Feng?" pushed open the door of the director's office, and Lisa came in with a frown.

After learning about the latest development of the situation, Lisa quickly contacted Barrow's embassy in Atlanta to discuss the detained Ye Feng and buster. However, to Lisa's surprise, barrow insisted that their troops had captured only one tanaban militant. As for the special agent Ye Feng in Lisa's mouth, she denied Ye Feng's existence, which puzzled Lisa.

"Why does barrow deny the existence of maple leaf?"

Facing Lisa's question, Lei Zeyan sat behind his desk with a gloomy face and didn't speak. In fact, he didn't know why, but he had guessed it by and large. After all, they are all peers. According to some details, rezeyan can easily infer what Barrow's purpose is.

At least he can be sure of one thing now: Ye Feng and Buster are dead.

After working under Lei Zeyan for so long, she can see a lot from Lei Zeyan's expression. After seeing Lei Zeyan's uncertain face, combined with his silence, Lisa came to the worst answer.

She trembled and asked Lei Zeyan: "... Damn it, they want to kill, don't they?"

Lisa's face suddenly became very ugly. Combined with the current signs, Barrow's side obviously wanted to kill people!

"...." Lei Zeyan did not speak.

Lisa roared, "is Ye Feng in danger?"

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