Lei Zeyan slightly turned his head and avoided Lisa's eyes. He was silent. It seemed that he was thinking about Countermeasures in his mind. Somehow, it may also be psychological, but in the sixth sense of female sensitivity, Lisa always felt that Lei Zeyan seemed to look a little different at this time. His heavy appearance always gave Lisa a strange feeling.

"Why do you care so much about him and Ye Feng's life and death?" Lei Zeyan finally opened his mouth. He looked coldly at the panicked Lisa. "He's just an external agent. What's between you and him? Tell me!"

"Sir, I'm just, I'm just worried that if ye Feng dies, the task will --" Lisa explained in a panic.

She knew that her expression had explained everything, but she had to do something to remedy it. Lisa knows that Ye Feng is one of the people Lei Zeyan hates most. She must explain the relationship between her and Ye Feng.

"Do you think I will believe what you said?" Lei Zeyan laughed angrily. "Ye Feng is really the same as before. He is a world-class level in hooking up with women."

"Sir, he and I are not --"

"Go out." Lei Zeyan said coldly. The coldness in his tone made lisa scared.

"I, sir, I really --"

"I'll let you out!!!" Lei Zeyan roared, "can't you understand? Get out! Get out!"

Facing Lei Zeyan's almost crazy face, Lisa turned and directly opened the door of the office and ran out. It was the first time she saw Lei Zeyan's anger, which made her almost out of breath in fear.

On the endless Huangsha Gobi, a lonely pickup truck was driving on the wild dirt road. As the speed of the pickup truck slowed down, buster in the rear compartment, like a drowning man clutching the last straw, began to shout to the soldier in the compartment:

"Listen, man, I have a lot of contacts here. Do you know what I mean? I'm rich. Kill this boy and let me go. I can give you a lot of money. I -"

It seemed that he was tired of bast's chatter along the way. As soon as the pickup stopped, the soldier in charge of guarding Ye Feng and bast directly stood up and walked towards bast. Three or two steps in front of Buster, the soldier raised his arm and smashed the pistol firmly into the big face of Buster, who was still begging for mercy.

"Shit, can you shut up! With so many words at the end of your life, are you going to annoy us with nonsense?" Barrow's soldiers looked at buster in disgust.

"He may think so, man," said Ye Feng gloating aside. "Shit!!! Why do you give me one too? I keep quiet all the time!"

Ye Feng's face was also severely given by the barrow soldier. He covered his bloody nose and shouted at the barrow soldier who beat him unconvinced.

"Your long face disgusts me." barrow said coldly.

"I'll go. Your reason really hurts people, Kou Bi. I know you're laughing. Don't be stunned. Help him quickly and kill him." Ye Feng turned his back and silently said to Kou Bi, who he couldn't see in the air.

Fortunately for Ye Feng, his silent reminder was seen by Kou Bi. He noticed that the barrow soldier in front of him seemed to be strangled suddenly, and his whole face showed a painful expression. Before baster did not see this scene, Ye Feng, who had been waiting for an opportunity, did not miss this opportunity. When the soldiers tried to get rid of the shackles of the invisible Kobi, Ye Feng on one side was fierce. He stood up and grabbed the pistol raised by the soldiers with his bound hands.

This scene stunned buster. He directly curled up into a ball, buried his face deeply in his chest, and dared not look up at Ye Feng's actions.

Fortunately, the insurance of the pistol has been opened and the bullet has been loaded, which saves Ye Feng a lot of trouble. Otherwise, with his hands tightly tied behind him at this time, it is difficult to adjust the pistol to a state where he can pull the trigger directly. In order to be more realistic, Ye Feng decided not to use Kou Bi's help.

After all, Kobi is his trump card. If he doesn't expose her existence in advance, Ye Feng is not going to let Kobi show up in front of buster. He doesn't trust this bastard at all. He knows that once there is an opportunity, the ungrateful Buster who has been saved by him several times will gnaw his bones

So Ye Feng made up his mind to solve these barrow soldiers by himself. On the one hand, he wanted to protect Kobi's existence. On the other hand, he had to show his strength in front of Buster, so that he could hesitate a little when selling himself.

Ye Feng knows that Buster, an asshole, is lying on the ground peeping, and whoever is ready to escape by random.

This damn bug... Ye Feng couldn't help scolding Buster's shameless behavior in his heart.

Ye Feng flew up his left leg and kicked away the soldier wrapped around buster. Then Ye Feng kept going east and pulled the trigger directly at the latter.

BANG! BANG! BANG! In Ye Feng's accurate three shot shot shot, the barrow soldier fell to the ground and died without closing his eyes.

Buster on one side was scared stupid by the gunshot. While he covered his ears and screamed, Ye Feng took the opportunity to give him a hard kick. Then he turned decisively, pulled the trigger just in front of the other party, and shot the driving barrow soldier who was pushing the door to get off. At this point, Ye Feng escaped from death and did not end up being secretly shot in the wilderness.

"Thanks, Kobi." Ye Feng said in a silent voice. He also made a greasy kiss, which was just seen by Buster trying to get up from the ground.

He was stunned for five seconds. Bast, who had just curled up in a ball, just jumped out of his mouth. His eyes at Ye Feng have changed, although they are still full of doubt and caution. It seems that he just met Ye Feng, not two people who have been living and dying together for nearly two days

"What are you doing?" he looked at Ye Feng suspiciously and was very puzzled about his actions just now. "Are you flying a kiss?"

"No, I'm doing a victory posture that belongs to me. Well, go away, you bastard. If you still have a long heart, write it down silently in your heart. I saved your fucking life again. I can't count how many times I have saved you passively and actively in the short dozens of hours we met!" Ye Feng complained helplessly.

"Sure. Man! You're handsome!" Buster's expression was exaggerated.

Ye Feng knows that this is after his little show, Buster is ready to start flattering him. Knowing that Ye Feng can handle his life at any time, Buster also made a 180 degree turn in his attitude towards Ye Feng, with a disgusting fake smile on his face.

Without paying attention to Buster, Ye Feng jumped off the pickup truck, went to the soldier's body, fumbled for a while, and found the key to the handcuffs. With the handcuffs on his hands untied, Ye Feng began to feel for himself on the bodies of two barrow soldiers and stuffed everything he could use into his pocket.

Buster has kept the essence of his chatter and kept talking beside Ye Feng, trying to attract his attention.

"Come on, brother, you're really hidden. You were really cool just now. Like the hero in the movie, how did you... I mean, kill like a dog? Eh... I mean, thank you, man. Thank you for saving your life. I saw you were a trustworthy person before. Really, from the first time I saw you At a glance, I said to myself in my heart: Hey, man, the man in front of you is the lucky star in your life. As long as you follow him, you will be able to turn the crisis into safety, and you can -- "

Noting that Ye Feng's eyes were not very friendly, Buster forcibly swallowed what he vomited to his mouth.

"This is the nth time you saved my life, isn't it?" Buster said tremblingly. His small eyes were still looking at Ye Feng's face. He seemed afraid that he would jump up and kill himself.

"I'm saving my own life," Ye Feng said coldly to buster. Although at this moment, Ye Feng wants to use the pistol in his hand to shoot Buster, who has been abusing himself, reason tells him that Buster is the key to his task. Although he didn't care about Buster's life or death, in order to make this bastard receive the punishment he deserved, Ye Feng decided to keep the original plan and consider whether to kill him after getting out all the secrets of the goods. Although Ye Feng knows what kind of choice he will make

After Ye Feng searched all the ammunition on the bodies of the two soldiers to make sure he didn't leave anything valuable, then he opened the door of the pickup truck, checked the remaining oil and vehicle condition, and casually stuffed the available things in the carriage into a backpack he pulled from the body of a barrow soldier, which contained his booty, These things can ensure that he and the damn Buster can survive in the desert, rather than end up dying in the wilderness.

Ye Feng has been waiting for Buster to chatter, which can give Ye Feng a chance to teach this bastard a lesson, but Buster seems to see this idea in Ye Feng's eyes. He has closed his mouth tightly since before and stopped saying useless nonsense, which makes Ye Feng angry, The expression on his face was more serious and cold.

When Ye Feng was making close preparations for escape, Buster just stood by and watched. Simply, Ye Feng deliberately didn't untie Buster's handcuffs.

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