What does he mean, Taniban? Is he laughing at the organization? From baster's contemptuous expression, Ye Feng can analyze that he does not belong to the Taniban organization as Lei Zeyan analyzed. If he is not working for the Taniban organization, who are the beards who stood with him and were abandoned by him? Is there still a mysterious big man standing behind Buster who is not being realized?

Damn it, my head hurts... Ye Feng feels that his brain capacity is not enough at this time. He can't discuss with Kobi, who is invisible standing aside in front of buster. It really makes Ye Feng feel uncomfortable.

"Who the hell did you take refuge in? Buster, what did you do? Who are you working for?"

In the face of Pasteur's slickness, Ye Feng's corresponding method is very simple: if you don't tell the truth, we'll spend it here until Barrow's army comes!

Anyway, I have CORBI. I can get out of this damn place at any time. When I really see Barrow's pursuit force, if he doesn't bother, I'll mix him up and let Kobi take us together! Well, that's it.

Ye Feng, who made up his mind, leaned directly on the door of the pickup truck and didn't mean to leave here at all.

Facing Buster with two sides and no truth in his mouth, Ye Feng must understand his cards. If ye Feng is sold by the bastard Buster, Ye Feng may be kept in the dark.

Buster obviously has a lot to hide from himself, which makes Ye Feng feel very unhappy. Now he regrets taking the task. In Ye Feng's opinion, even if he didn't give him money and let him kill buster for free, he felt he didn't lose on this deal. Because he really felt that Buster was hopeless. If there was no him in the world, it might be easier for world peace to come.

Ye Feng pretended to look at Buster inadvertently. He felt Kobi in the invisible mode standing beside him. Kobi said in a subtle voice that Ye Feng could only hear: "this man has no truth in his mouth. Why don't you mix him up and take him back for interrogation."

"Well... I think we'd better take a look again. If we can find something valuable, it can also be our hand to contain Lei Zeyan later." Ye Feng said without moving his lips.

"Well, I'll pay attention to your safety," Corby whispered.

"On the premise of ensuring my safety, Kobi, if you can save this bastard's life, you'd better stretch out your hand to save him." Ye Feng said.

"Well... All right," Corby said regretfully. After dozens of hours of observation, Kobi was shocked that there were more people in the universe than Ye Feng and Dick. At the same time, she had a very poor impression of buster. If Ye Feng hadn't repeatedly stressed to ensure Buster's survival, Kobi wouldn't protect this bastard and let him still breathe and lie.

"Who are you talking to?" Buster looked at Ye Feng with his head tilted to the other side.

Ye Feng scolded loudly: "talking to yourself, does it have anything to do with you? To tell the truth, asshole!"

"I took refuge in Shaq, do you know who he is?" noticed the determination in Ye Feng's eyes, Buster finally said his boss's name: Shaq.

Baster looked very reluctant and seemed to tell Ye Feng the name. How disgusting his own move was.

"Damn it, I swore never to tell this name to irrelevant people, damn it, I swore..." Buster kept muttering, and occasionally grabbed his dirty hair.

"Shaq?" Ye Feng has never heard of his name. Who is this bastard? "Is Shaq a big man?"

Ye Feng looked at Buster suspiciously. He suspected that the Shaq was probably made up by him temporarily. Buster, an asshole, could do such a thing.

After noticing the contempt and doubt in Ye Feng's eyes, Buster jumped up angrily from the ground as if he had been trampled on his tail, and shouted to Ye Feng angrily: "I didn't lie to you about this. Damn it, if you had seen him, you would know that Shaq is the one you're looking for. Yes, don't look at me like this. I'm telling the truth. He will be the future savior of this place! Shaq has to pay for every important thing here. Yes, as you said, he's a big man -"

"It's the protection fee," said Ye Feng disapprovingly. He has generally understood what the Sark in Buster's mouth does. Ye Feng has seen too many people like him. To tell the truth, he is a little bored and even disappointed with the Sark in Buster's mouth.

After all, this is the Middle East. In this war ridden area, private armed forces, large and small, are everywhere. Any bastard in every corner, fooling a few people and carrying a few guns, dares to call himself Jihad for war... And such people can't be cleaned up at all. If these people are killed, the next batch will spring up and spare their predecessors This is a group of despicable people like locusts. Like a group of blood sucking insects, they are sucking the blood coagulated by the pain of others on this barren land

"Protection fee!?"

Buster still looked like he was trampled on his tail. He shouted to Ye Feng excitedly:

"It's tax! Shaq is a big man with foresight and vision. Pay attention to me! Huang Shuo, this man will buy your guidance encryption program and give you a lot of money! So if you want to make a lot of money, keep your mouth clean! Bastard, you know Shaq -"

"You'd better respect me." Ye Feng simply put the muzzle of the pistol on Buster's forehead. Although the latter trembled with fear, he did not shrink back this time, but forced himself to glare at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng was a little surprised with bast's courage at this time. This was the first time he saw bast's neck like a man on the way.


Finally, Ye Feng moved away first. He shook his head noncommittally and didn't speak again to refute buster.


When Ye Feng moved the muzzle of the gun against his forehead, Buster let out a cold hum of contempt. Ye Feng wanted to shoot him directly at the door of his brain, but reason didn't make him crazy in the end.

"Hum." Ye Feng also hummed to express his disdain for buster and the Shaq in his mouth.

Standing aside, Kou Bi, who was in an invisible state, shook her head helplessly and said silently: "man..."

Ye Feng can't judge whether the Shaq in Buster's mouth is the future savior of this land. He believes that even if this bastard has the ability of heaven, he can't be as Buster described. From his tone and look, Ye Feng felt that Buster had regarded this Shaq as his faith. For him, this Shaq should be an indisputable Savior, which made Ye Feng feel a little afraid.

However, Ye Feng believes that he is definitely a good player because of his leadership. It can be seen from this that a multi-faceted agent like Buster can be determined to him and his ability of personal charm. Ye Feng suddenly had a strong interest in this Shaq. He wanted to see with his own eyes the man who could tame buster.

"Don't blame me for urging you, man, those barrows are searching for us now! If we don't go, we TM will wait to be caught and shot!"

The spitting stars in Buster's mouth sprayed on Ye Feng's neck. Disgusted, he patted his coat. Ye Feng took out the key and untied Buster's handcuffs.

He knew who he was going to take Buster to see next, the mysterious Shaq.

"OK, calm down. It's settled. You take me to meet this" great Sark ". Where are we going next?" Ye Feng asked Buster, who rubbed his wrist.

Although he was reluctant, in order to take care of Buster's mood, Ye Feng could only open the handcuffs on Buster's hand. In fact, Ye Feng seriously thought about whether he asked him the destination first, and then confused Buster directly to make the journey quieter. But Ye Feng knows that with the degree of watering the flowers of Buster, he can't get out of it directly. If he is expected to give directions, Ye Feng can only be a little friendly to him.

Bear it again, soon, you will be able to get rid of Buster... Ye Feng comforted directly in his heart.

"Drive along this road for 15 kilometers, and then we'll walk." with his red and swollen wrists moving, Buster pointed to the way forward and told Ye Feng. As Ye Feng thought, he just said a general direction and how to drive. According to Buster's appearance, he was ready to say while walking.

The damn fox... Ye Feng opened the door and cursed in his heart. But on the surface, Ye Feng didn't show his dissatisfaction with Buster at all.

"Where to? Shaq's cave?" Ye Feng asked half jokingly and half seriously.

"Cave? Shaq is an individual face man. He won't hide in the cave, you fool." Buster scolded. He seems to rely on Ye Feng to need him. He has recovered his bad attitude and cursed unclearly.

"Listen, stupid, do you need me to remind you? I just TM saved your life. You'd better make it clear, where is this Sark? And be polite and understand?" Ye Feng said to buster in a bad tone. In order to express his anger, Ye Feng broke his fingers with a bang bang, and then extended his hand to the pistol inserted in his waist.

"Barnestan." Buster, who was staring at by Ye Feng, said where Shaq was.

"Barnestan? Great." Ye Feng sighed deeply. He knew that the next road must be difficult. This is a very dangerous journey

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