"Do as I say. Don't play tricks. I'm crazy. I'll kill myself. Can you hear me clearly?" before getting on the bus, Ye Feng looked very serious and knocked at buster.

"You'd better not annoy me." bast responded to Ye Feng with a fierce and feeble face. In order to show his toughness, he deliberately said to Ye Feng fiercely.

In addition to making Ye Feng think that Buster should brush his teeth, his toughness didn't frighten Ye Feng at all.

"It seems that we are going to talk business with shack." Ye Feng said faintly.

He knew that Corby had already sat on the roof of the pickup truck, because he heard a sound from the roof of the pickup truck.

"What's going on?" Buster put his head out of the window and looked at the front of the car.

"Nothing. Let's go..." Ye Feng said later.

After adjusting his mood, Ye Feng started the pickup truck and drove towards the border between AWU Khan and banistan. Ye Feng doesn't know what he will face next. Waiting for him will be completely unknown


Intelligence 7 division

Operation room of branch 19

"Sir, what's the situation? Ye Feng --"

Noticing that Lei Zeyan's figure appeared in the combat room, Lisa hurried up and anxiously asked Lei Zeyan who went out to spy on intelligence.

At this time, she knew that it was meaningless to hide her concern for Ye Feng from Lei Zeyan. After her argument with him in Lei Zeyan's office, Lisa knew that Lei Zeyan had seen everything, and he must be very disappointed with her.

Lei Zeyan, after all, is the officer who promoted her. But Lisa must get the exact result on whether Ye Feng is safe. Even if it may make Lei Zeyan extremely angry, Lisa will not hesitate. She is ready to be removed from the 19th branch by Lei Zeyan.

The thing Ye Feng entrusted me to do is about to come to an end. Even if I leave the 19th branch, I still... Lisa is a little desperate to think that she can be cleared out of this place, which she has worked hard for nearly five years. She still can't help feeling a little discouraged.

However, to Lisa's surprise, Lei Zeyan just gave her a cold stare and did not scold her or announce Lisa's dismissal. Instead, he said to Lisa in his usual cold tone: "The barrow side should not have fully mastered the specific situation. The only thing I received that disappeared, and the only thing I can be sure now, is that Ye Feng and bast are not in the hands of the barrow forces. Although no one knows what happened, there is no doubt that all the signs show that they escaped from the hands of the barrow forces and their whereabouts are unknown Know. "

Lisa asked in surprise, "really!?"

Lei Zeyan nodded reluctantly.

Lisa cheered silently and tried not to show too much in front of Lei Zeyan. She stamped her feet in situ.

Lei Zeyan just went out on purpose. He went to the barrow embassy. Even though it was one of the places he didn't want to go, Lei Zeyan forced himself to go in person in order to spy on Dao Yefeng and buster.

During the conversation with the cunning Ambassador barrow, Lei Zeyan keenly noticed that the other party was bluffing. He didn't seem very sure about the whereabouts of Ye Feng and buster.

This makes Lei Zeyan see that there are some hidden secrets that the person doesn't want to know. After Lei Zeyan deliberately deceives the other party with words, Lei Zeyan is more sure of his speculation from the panic that Ambassador barrow can't hide: Ye Feng and bast have fled from Barrow's forces. At least the tribe doesn't know whether they are alive or dead now 。

"That's good... By the way, sir, MI5 and MI6 just came. They didn't find anything." Lisa breathed a sigh of relief and then reported back to Lei Zeyan.

After recovering from her surprise, Lisa remembered to report to Lei Zeyan. She was embarrassed and didn't dare to look Lei Zeyan in the eye.

Lei Zeyan looked at Lisa coldly and said sarcastically, "that's great. Now we are all blind. Ye Feng and Buster disappeared from all of us, which makes it impossible for me to send follow-up reinforcements to him."

Although Ye Feng's behavior is not tolerated, Lei Zeyan's frown is slightly relaxed. Now the diplomatic pressure has fallen on barrow for the time being. Even if ye Feng and bast have an accident and never appear again, barrow can't bite Atlanta back. For Lei Zeyan, this is the most important point.

As for Ye Feng, his problem is not the most important. Whether he can survive depends on whether his own intermittent exhaust will occur. Lei Zeyan thought coldly

"Sir, I'll answer the phone outside." Lisa pointed to her cell phone and said to Lei Zeyan. After getting Lei Zeyan's nod permission, Lisa left the combat room and came to the end of the corridor.

Lisa was shocked when the phone shook in her pocket just now. She subconsciously took out a look, and then almost hung up the phone, because the number displayed on it could not be revealed by Lisa in front of Lei Zeyan.

"Hello? Have you got the result? Well, thank you so much for coming out so soon. Well, I'll go and get it later. You can tell me the comparison result first. Um... What! Are you sure!?... OK, please. We'll meet and talk about it in detail later. OK, first."

After hanging up her cell phone, Lisa was stunned for half a minute, which was like waking up from a dream. When the ballistic comparison report came out, Lisa was completely shocked by the results. She thought about countless possible results, but this one was not in all her ideas. She couldn't help feeling a little dizzy and began to shake her feet.

Lisa reached out to hold the wall and let herself stand still. No matter how surprising the result of the report was, it was the final fact. Now she was a little confused about whether she should tell Ye Feng this cruel fact. If he knew the truth of the matter, how much pain he would suffer. Lisa seemed to have seen the unbelievable expression on Ye Feng's face, and he had been struggling with pain

The result of trajectory comparison has been released. It is completely different from Ye Feng's previous thinking. The bullet in John Snow's head was not shot from the assault rifle Lei Zeyan used in those years, but from another gun she and Ye Feng had never imagined!

It's John Snow's own gun!!!

Yes, that's the fact. The dead soldiers were shot by John snow. In the end, after discovering that he killed his teammates by mistake, John Snow should want to kill himself, but one shot didn't kill himself immediately. Instead, he became a vegetable and died in pain for more than ten years.

"Ye Feng, this is the truth. How would you accept it..." unconsciously, Lisa's eyes were wet.


Under the hot sun, Ye Feng and bast, walking on the Huangsha Gobi, have now reached the junction of banistan and AWU Khan: This is an area without jurisdiction and a paradise for private armed tribes.

"Damn it, why do we have to abandon that car? I really can't walk..." Buster said drily. At this time, if someone can give him a bottle of iced beer, he would do anything.

"I TM have said countless times that the car is out of gas! If you ask this question again, I'll knock you out and throw you to some damn vulture!" Ye Feng scolded. Along the way, he was almost bored by buster. He was also in the grinding of extreme thirst. He was in a terrible mood.

Buster explained, "but I didn't see that there was no oil in the tank. Maybe there was a little in it. We can drive another section --"

"Shut up! Or I'll close it for you!" said Ye Feng angrily.

In his view, on the rugged and steep cliffs, except for the scattered grass, at a glance, it was all vast loess, as if this was a restricted area of vitality. Cool and barren, this is a dying soil. Its vitality has been exhausted in the continuous war for thousands of years. This is a forbidden area of life and a forgotten place

Ye Feng couldn't help but immerse himself in this solemn and cool atmosphere. He didn't speak or move for a long time. He just stood there quietly.

Buster rarely shut his mouth. He stood beside Ye Feng and stared at the land in front of him in silence.

Buster whispered, "it's beautiful, isn't it?"

"I can't see beauty. I only see the mess after the war." Ye Feng said faintly.

On this issue, their differences have arisen again.

Buster ignored Ye Feng, but raised his hand excitedly and pointed to the direction in the distance: "look, there is barnestan, and behind us is AHU Khan and Huang Shuo. Where do you think the border is, ha?"

"What the fuck are you trying to say?"

Ye Feng, who had been soaked with sweat, said to the excited buster. Looking at Buster's look like a fish in water, Ye Feng was angry. For the look of "here is my home" on Buster's face, Ye Feng wants to give him a big mouth to let him know his status.

That's crazy, you bastard! Ye Feng thought angrily.

"Man, this is a territory under tribal rule. This has never changed over the years. The people living here will take care of the so-called national and international law." Buster looked cynical and angry.

"What the hell do you want to say? Do you still care about this? You will care about other things besides yourself?" Ye Feng said sarcastically.

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