After slapping buster in the face, he finally woke up.

"What's the matter with me? I fainted?" he asked vaguely.

"Who knows, hurry on the road. You should have passed out just now. Maybe it's because of water shortage. In short, there's not much time to linger. Shaq's pursuers may appear at any time." Ye Feng said lightly.

"I feel like I've been clicked..." Buster muttered.

He made a gesture to Kou Bi, who was invisible behind him. Ye Feng, who was naked, said calmly, "nothing, let's go..."

"Can we really get out of this damn desert? I mean to get out alive," Buster said with lingering fear.

"You spend more time here than I do, man, what do you think?"

"I think you might die here," Buster said seriously.


"Unless you become a sponge, you can't get water here at all." Buster said sarcastically. "Your body is stronger than me and consumes more water. You haven't adapted to the climate here. Unlike me, I've adapted to it for several years."

"So I'll die before you? Man, if I die, you're no better." Ye Feng said disapprovingly.

"By that time, 70% of the water in your body will be my supplies," Buster said seriously.


"Why do you suddenly look at me like this?" Buster said in fear.

"Shut your mouth and go on your way. Do you hear me clearly?"

"When, of course..."


"- yes, this is the place. Yes, the time is 17:00 to 19:00. You send someone, and no one will disturb you. OK, that's it."

In the corridor of branch 19, a spy ended his call with the director of barrow intelligence. He has been inside the 19th branch since before this year and has been stealing intelligence. And since Ye Feng took over the entrustment, he has been involved, because barrow didn't want Ye Feng and Buster to leave the land alive.

In fact, for barrow, the one who wakes them from their sleep every night is Buster, a multi-faceted spy trained by them, who knows too many hidden secrets. Once these secrets are exposed, barrow will bear great pressure from all aspects and may even find international arbitration.

Ye Feng impressed the barrow spy who broke into the 19th branch

In the last mission to rescue Ellie snow, he thought it was impossible for anyone to complete the mission. It was really completed, which made him deeply impressed by Ye Feng.

In fact, except for a few people who believed that Ye Feng had the ability to complete the rescue mission, most people did not expect that Ye Feng really rescued the little girl alone. In order to avoid causing unnecessary doubt, the spy did not dare to attack Ye Feng openly, even though he had a hunch that Ye Feng might be bad.

Ye Feng, who had thought he would come into contact with, came to the door again. The spy was not ready to let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He wanted to ensure that Ye Feng fell into the hands of barrow in this complex struggle of various forces and lived in the future forever. Somehow, when he knew that Ye Feng was going to carry out the task of bringing Buster back, his first reaction was that something might happen to this crucial action. This man could really bring Buster, who was very dangerous to barrow, back to Atlanta, so he has been secretly contacting barrow and informing them of the latest developments.

Of course, the spy didn't know that Ye Feng had almost "immortal power" against the sky. Otherwise, the plane that Ye Feng came by might not land safely

"Hanks, I can't believe you really did this!"

Lisa broke into the end of the corridor where spy Hanks was, and glared at Hanks standing in the corner.

"Lisa, you --"

Lisa directly interrupted Hanks' explanation. She took out the micro bug she put on Hanks' back and said to Hanks in disgust, "Hanks, I've recorded your conversation just now. You don't have to hide it!"

Lisa was very careful to put a miniature detector on all the personnel of the 19th branch who could enter the combat room in case there were barrow spies. Her superfluous action really had a miraculous effect, which Lisa didn't think of at all. In her eyes, the people in the 19th branch are all solid. Now it seems that it's not so. At least Hanks is the spy planted by barrow!

In the face of Lisa's sudden intrusion, Hanks was stunned for more than ten seconds, and then continued stumbling: "Lisa, barrow just, just wanted to ask Ye Feng about something -"

Lisa interrupted Hanks' sophistry again. She said angrily, "ask!? you know they will kill Ye Feng and Buster directly! You want Ye Feng and Buster to fall into the hands of the barrow people, Hanks!"

Hanks, who was pressed by Lisa step by step, shouted with a distorted face: "Lisa, pay attention to your words! Why do I have to have trouble with Ye Feng -"

Lisa scolded angrily, "because you're a damn spy!"

Looking at Hanks' ugly face at this time, Lisa's disgust for the same time reached its peak. She can't believe that a person with an ugly and dark heart can disguise such integrity in his daily work and life!? If the heart is separated from the belly

"I've been vaguely aware of an insider in the 19th Bureau, but I never thought it would be you, great Hanks. You're really hidden deep enough, asshole!!!" Lisa has a lot of contact with Hanks in her usual work. She thinks she knows this normally gentle man, but when she hears his cold voice, Lisa knows that all this is an illusion. This man is a damn spy sent by barrow. Several previous missions failed, and he may have direct contact with him!

Damn it, several excellent agents were killed for revealing their identity because of this Hanks! Lisa stared angrily at Hanks.

Faced with Lisa's accusation, Hanks stood in place like a sculpture without moving his eyelids. The secret hidden in the bottom of my heart was torn open, and Hanks's body began to tremble.

After more than ten seconds, Hanks asked softly, "what are you talking about?"

Lisa looked at Hanks coldly. She took out her matching gun and said to the dizzy Hanks, "asshole, what I say doesn't matter. Let's go and see what Lei Zeyan wants to say to you!"

"No, you misunderstood me. I actually --"

Hanks rushed out to Lisa, but Lisa was prepared for it. She pulled the trigger without hesitation. The bullet hit Hanks accurately in the thigh and he fell to the ground.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Hanks, shot in the leg, screamed like a pig, which attracted a lot of people.

"Lisa, what happened to Hanks?", "Sir Lisa, you shot?", "what happened? Lisa?"


Lei Zeyan separated the crowd and walked to Lisa, who inserted the gun back into the butt of the gun.

"What's the matter? Why did you shoot?" Lei Zeyan asked Lisa with a frown.

"After I found Barrow's running dog, the dog jumped over the wall and was subdued by me. That's it, sir. This bastard has informed barrow of the evacuation location and time. We must change the plan and inform Ye Feng!" Lisa said quickly.

"Hanks, it's you who can't be found." Lei Zeyan sneered at Hanks who fell to the ground.

"Not me, sir! Not me, Lisa, she -"

"Shut up, Barrow's dog is not qualified to talk to me. Send someone to stay with him. Don't let him die. I still have a lot to ask him." Lei Zeyan said and turned away. Lisa followed him closely.

After entering the office, Lei Zeyan finally exposed the hidden fear in his heart. The buzzing tinnitus sounded in Lei Zeyan's ears. For a moment, he felt that the whole world began to collapse and the wall of the office began to invade himself. The uncontrollable vertigo made Lei Zeyan breathless. The death of buster and Ye Feng made him helpless. A strong darkness that seemed to drip liquid was about to devour himself

Staring at Lei Zeyan, who was shaking, Lisa quickly said to him, "Sir, we must act immediately. If the evacuation plan has been known by barrow, let me personally bring Ye Feng back before the barrow! Sir, give orders!"

"No! You can't go. It's too dangerous," Lei Zeyan said.

"Sir, I'm not afraid of danger. Give orders. I'll bring buster and Ye Feng back safely!" Lisa said in a righteous way.

"No, you're not suitable. Your personal feelings for Ye Feng will force your reason. At the critical moment, Buster is more important than Ye Feng," Lei Zeyan asserted.

Lisa said anxiously, "but -"

"Nothing, but if I say no, I can't!" Lei Zeyan roared.

"Sir, how are you going to rescue Ye Feng and Buster?" Lisa asked coldly, standing stubbornly in place and looking directly into Lei Zeyan's eyes.

"I'll pick them up myself." Lei Zeyan said coldly.

"Sir, you mean --"

"Yes, I'll pick them up myself!" Lei Zeyan said firmly.

Lisa said in some panic, "but what about the 19th branch? Without you, we --"

"It's all right. With you, it doesn't matter if I leave for a few hours. I'm not gone forever." Lei Zeyan said seriously, "Lisa, I believe in your work ability. You can make the 19th branch run normally."

"But --"

"This is an order, Lisa. I'm not discussing with you." Lei Zeyan said flatly.

"... yes, sir." Lisa seemed to know Lei Zeyan for the first time. She saluted silently, then turned and left Lei Zeyan's office.

Until Lisa left the office, Lei Zeyan still didn't sit down. In fact, he wasn't as calm as he showed. He was worried that he might die in that cursed land. However, both public and private, he can't watch buster and Ye Feng fall into the hands of the barrow people, so he must take personal risks. After all, he doesn't know how many enemy spies are installed in the 19th branch, and Hanks won't be alone.

Lei Zeyan began to breathe deeply, but his uneasiness and anxiety really intensified

Due to the rugged road and the hot weather, in order to prevent dehydration, Ye Feng and Buster can only walk and stop in a short straight-line distance of 10 kilometers, and the time seems to have passed for more than 5 hours.

Ye Feng kept silent. He didn't speak and didn't have any expression, which made him look cold and hard to approach.

Looking at Ye Feng who didn't speak much along the way, Buster felt something strange in his heart. He was acutely aware that after connecting the call, Ye Feng's whole state had undergone subtle changes, which made Buster afraid.

But Ye Feng is his last straw. Buster can only talk to Ye Feng from time to time, trying to weaken his inner uneasiness. But somehow, Buster's intuition is strongly warning himself that some danger is coming

"Buzzing, buzzing, buzzing"

Feeling the vibration of the mobile phone in his pocket, Ye Feng took it out to check the unknown number. After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng pressed the answer button: "Ye Feng, I, Lei Zeyan. You go straight north and I'll pick you up."

"You are a busy man. How can you think of working in person?"

"When did you buy Lisa?"

"Leizi, the word buy is not used well. She and I attract each other."

"... I'll plant it, maple. Go back to Atlanta first."

"You came alone?"

"Of course, OK, I've seen you."

Put down his mobile phone, Ye Feng also saw an off-road jeep in his field of vision, driving towards his position.

A few minutes later, Lei Zeyan drove the vehicle to Ye Feng and buster. He was a little tired and said to Ye Feng, "get in the car. Let's go to the evacuation point first."



In Ye Feng's exclamation, a bullet directly exploded Buster's head standing beside him. The relaxed expression on his face had not changed, and Buster directly turned into a corpse.

Ye Feng was stunned by this scene. Knowing that Lei Zeyan yelled at him, he just woke up like a dream and ran out of Lei Zeyan's jeep, with a series of bullets roaring past behind him. In the sandstorm, Ye Feng saw a motorcade speeding towards him and Lei Zeyan.

"M's! M's! Shit! Damn it! Why did the goods suddenly die? I TM wasted my efforts!" Ye Feng climbed into the co pilot's seat and looked at Buster who had become a corpse in shock. The goods were still talking one second before and had been killed the next?! This makes Ye Feng realize once again the fragility of ordinary people's lives. Compared with them, he is a bug like existence!

"Damn it, what shall we do now?" Ye Feng roared to Lei Zeyan.

"Damn it, there must be a spy in the 19th branch who locked your position through the mobile phone signal. Throw your mobile phone out! Maple!" Lei Zeyan shouted. Ye Feng threw his cell phone out.

"Damn it, we may not be able to run out!" Ye Feng shouted.

"Yes..." Lei Zeyan looked at the team chasing behind him in despair.

"Well, I really want to forget someone."

Ye Feng suddenly realized that the explosion behind him was not shack's team attacking. In fact, they were being quickly destroyed.

"What's going on?" Lei Zeyan looked back in shock.

"Nothing," said Ye Feng calmly. "We're lucky. They kill each other."


"Of course, why should I lie to you." Ye Feng knew that it was Kobi who was helping him clean up his pursuers. "Leizi, where is the evacuated plane? I really miss home."

"Right ahead."

"Go home!!!"

"Go home"

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