"Why? Dick, it's the second half of the night. I'm sleeping." Ye Feng said impatiently.

"What's the matter, dear?" Rihanna, lying next to Ye Feng, turned over. The sexy and graceful body of the Latin American beauty made Ye Feng ready to move again.

"It's all right, honey. Go to sleep. A friend called me." Ye Feng said.

"Ye Feng, are you busy? I need your help. You handle the matter quickly. I'll give you five seconds." Dick said in a careless tone.

"Five seconds? Are you kidding?" Ye Feng said in shock.

"Of course not. There are three seconds left. You'd better hurry. I'll come to you right away," Dick said indifferently.

"Can't you solve it yourself?"

"Me? I'm too lazy to move alone. In this way, five seconds have passed. OK, that's it. I'll open a space for you, guys. You go and help quickly." Dick hung up the phone after saying that.

Before Ye Feng could say anything, a fan of time and space appeared in Ye Feng's bedroom, and Dick came out.

"Hello, beautiful lady." Dick said hello to Rihanna, who nodded at Dick.

"Let's go." Dick opened another time and space and said impatiently to Ye Feng.

"I don't want to go!" Ye Feng resisted.

"You can't help it. Hurry, I'm forced to do it." Dick couldn't help but say that he came forward and pulled up Ye Feng, who was naked and wearing only a pair of pajamas, and was directed to the door of time and space by dikra.

"Ye Feng, work smoothly and come back early." Rihanna said casually.

"Honey, tell Avril they'll be right back -"

Rihanna watched Dick and Ye Feng disappear on the bedroom floor, shook her head and turned to sleep.

Location: Dick garage laboratory, the top floor of the office building of razor kindergarten.

After falling on the floor, Ye Feng shouted to Dick beside him: "Dick, why did you pull me here? I just came here for a few days to stop. Do you know what I did on my last mission? I was chased and killed in the desert for several days, and what annoyed me most was that the mission failed at the last minute! Although Kirby and I asked Shaq to apologize to buster in person, my bonus was missing!!!"

"You go on. I'm listening." Dick stared at Ye Feng without expression. It seemed that Ye Feng's words at this time were very attractive and made him happy.

Ye Feng thought Dick's calmness at this time was unreasonable. He carried himself directly from the warm bed to the orc planet in the middle of the night. Then Dick didn't see his damn action at all. He just looked at Ye Feng calmly and let him continue to complain?

Is the old guy really crazy? Ye Feng couldn't help thinking.

"I'm not crazy. I just don't think it's very urgent, so I want to hear your complaints. Maple boy, I've always said that you have the potential to talk about stand up crosstalk. Have you ever thought about retiring and not being a mercenary, and you're lucky to step on shit and don't die outside? Dick seems to be in a good mood. He gushed to Ye Feng.

"What's the matter with you, Dick? If you're not in a hurry, can you send me back to earth? I still want to sleep." Ye Feng said helplessly.

"It's easy. Help me fix the car," Dick said.

"Repair the car?"

"That's right. Repair the car."

Ye Feng looked at dick with crazy eyes: "are you sick? I can't repair the car at all. I -"

"Don't look at me like that if you don't want to die," Dick said. "I know you can only kill. In fact, you're not very good at it."

Listening to the contempt in Dick's tone, Ye Feng was angry and said angrily, "since I am a waste who can't do anything, why do you ask me to come? Ah?"

"You are very efficient. I want to laugh when I look at you. That's enough. A good mood is usually a rare thing for me," Dick said casually.

For Dick's words, Ye Feng was forced directly. He stared at Dick directly.

"Are you, are you serious? Dick, what you just said is not a joke?"

"Of course not. You are really efficient. I want to be happy when I see you," Dick said seriously. "So I think you are the best choice for my car repair trip."

"Repair the car? Still a journey?" Ye Feng said in confusion.

"Yes, maple boy, don't underestimate the repair of the car, although you don't understand it at all." Dick said solemnly.

"Well, I don't know anything. Can you kindly tell us what to do? Just let me die to understand?" Ye Feng said in despair.

"Yes, in short, I want to go to a distant planet for development only action, that is, to plunder resources. Don't look at me like I'm a bad man. This kind of thing is common in the universe. You don't have to be so surprised."

Dick still poked all kinds of devices on his experimental platform with disapproval. He really didn't pay much attention to his intention to invade other planets.

"Are you kidding?" Ye Feng stammered at Dick.

"I won't joke with you. Your IQ can't understand the stem in my joke." Dick said without looking up. He was intently poking and clutching a device that Ye Feng couldn't understand.

"You shameless, you take me from home to this place without saying a word. I have to give you up like an ancestor, and you play me like an idiot? Your uncle! Dick! I can't control what planet you're going to invade, and I can't intervene! But can you take me with you? Can I help you this time After the car is repaired, you still have to take me to be a villain boss? I tell you, no way, I certainly won't promise. I'm a real hero. "

Ye Feng knows that it's not enough to fight aliens defending his planet with his own strength. Dick's inventions are all over him and he can play at will. His ability of Ye Feng is not enough! Especially when you know nothing about aliens.

"Do you want to take part in my resource plunder?" Dick put down his work and turned to look at Ye Feng.

"Ah? Do you understand what people say? I mean, I'm determined not to go, and I want to resist your behavior. Dick, I despise you and severely despise you. If I had three hands, I would erect three middle fingers to you! No, I won't go!" Ye Feng roared angrily.

"Damn it, why should I know you!"

"Knowing me is the luckiest thing you've ever met in your life. Do you want me to remind you? I found your self-healing ability for you. Your elf girlfriend is here. You have a chance to get to know her. Ye Feng, do you want to make me angry?" Dick turned his head and said expressionless, which startled Ye Feng.

"No, I'm just, uh, I'm just confused. Dick, you're the most awesome person I've ever met. There's no doubt about that." Ye Feng's words are sincere.

"Well, I know, you said something. Well, you can not participate in the later things, but you must be my little brother on the car repair trip. Also, don't always make a fuss in the future, at least not in front of me." Dick said and clicked the screen on the wrist device a few times. At the same time, the roof on his head suddenly split in two, Split to both sides, revealing the sky.

"Can't we wait any longer? I'm a little hungry now, and my mental state is not very good." Ye Feng looked at the clear sky dumbfounded and asked some speechless.

"Why so much nonsense? Come here!" Dick went to the cockpit of his saucer aircraft and shouted to Ye Feng.

"Can this thing invade the planet? Isn't this the ragged aircraft we've been driving before? Didn't you say it was made of rags?" Ye Feng sat in the co pilot's seat dubiously. Looking at this small aircraft that seems to fall apart at any time, he muttered with lingering palpitations.

"Oh, great. Let me see if it still won't start."

Dick ignored Ye Feng. He was trying to start the engine, but he turned the car key several times, and the vehicle didn't catch fire. Lao Lvpi went out of the cab, opened the engine cover of the vehicle and checked the on-board battery.

"What's the matter? Dick, is the nuclear engine out of order?" Ye Feng followed dick out of the car and leaned over to observe the device in the vehicle. His remark was a sarcasm at Dick: your broken inventions are as unreliable as you.

"Nuclear engine" ? do you want to laugh me to death? God, maple boy, do you think you can really say anything by adding a noun you don't understand in front of a car part? It seems that you can keep up with my IQ? Don't try this fearless attempt. It seems that there is something wrong with the micro cosmic battery. We have to go inside and have a good look at what happened. I remember the last time there was a problem It's because they're on strike. "Dick poked a dark blue car battery box, looked left and right, and seemed to find the problem.

"Strike? What do you mean?" ye Fengmeng asked.

"Haven't you been to school all day? Strike means a group of greedy people who want to get more benefits from their boss. Stingy bosses usually make some concessions and let them deduct them in other aspects. It's a kind of repeated pulling. It's easy to be addicted. Young people don't try if it's easy." Dick once again regarded Ye Feng as a fool who couldn't understand people's words.

Ye Feng was trembling with Dick's anger. He roared, "I TM know what strike means! Why does your battery strike? Is it alive?"

"Dare you yell at me?" Dick glanced at maple leaf.

"Sorry, Dick, it's my fault. My attitude is not correct. Please accept my sincere apology." Ye Feng bowed 90 degrees very manly.

"Er, what's inside?" Ye Feng asked puzzled.

"Inside the battery, maple boy." Dick didn't wait for Ye Feng to think and understand. He grabbed his arm and pressed a button on the "micro cosmic battery" box with his other hand. The two people were sucked into the "micro cosmic battery" box with a "whoosh".

Then, the hood closes slowly.

Ye Feng felt that it was a moment. He and Dick were transferred to a room equipped with various computer equipment. Ye Fengmeng forced him to ask:

"Fuck. Where are we..."

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