Ye Feng stared in horror at the space where he and Dick were located. This must not be the dick laboratory where they were a second ago, but a brand-new place. Ye Feng didn't know what had happened. He just vaguely remembered that he and Dick, an old bastard, were sucked into something together, as if it were a car battery.

"Maple boy, do you remember a second ago, you said" what's inside? ", and then I said" battery ". Then we came here, and I didn't say anything. For example," Wow, it's amazing here! "," I didn't think it was like this. "," how incredible. "," Dick, it's so NB! "," I'm worthy of being the first scientist in the universe. " ...”

"OK, OK, we're in the battery. I see. You don't have to laugh at me all the time."

Ye Feng really wanted to give the old bastard a big ear, but at the thought that he might have to rely on the old bastard's black technology in the future, Ye Feng endured it, all for his own safe tomorrow!

And in fact, Ye Feng knows his skills very well and doesn't see enough in front of Dick. Ye Feng has reason to believe that even if Dick stands there and lets him fight with various weapons for an hour, Ye Feng can't do any harm to Dick. In addition to making his bad temper worse, ye Feng may need to face real terror, The terrible anger of a crazy old man

"That's not right. This pipe should send 19.5 TW of fuel into the engine. Why is the result displayed now zero? What are these wastes doing now? Are there really strikes?"

Dick frowned at the pipeline in front of him and looked at the relevant data on the screen. There is indeed a problem. There is no energy output now. Dick walked a few steps to the console and looked at more information and data.

"What, who? Dick, what are you talking about?" Ye Feng is still in a state of panic. He knows what will happen with Dick: you will encounter the most incomprehensible strange things in the universe, and this is usually accompanied by great danger, and the benefits can only be obtained by Dick alone.

"Maple boy, do you remember those little blue people I took out of my pocket universe in the quiet Hill dead city before us?" Dick said without looking up.

Ye Feng said subconsciously, "remember, you said that there is a micro universe in your pocket, in which there are many planets. For these creatures in the micro universe, you are -"

"God, fortunately, your memory is better than I thought," Dick said approvingly.

"I'm not an idiot! I admit that my IQ can't catch up with yours! But according to you, you TM is the smartest person in the universe, and I have a lower IQ than you. What's the matter? What's the shame? Can you stop being so explicit about my intelligence? I'm willing to repair your car with my life now! You're very safe, what about me? I don't have a self-defense weapon on my body, and I don't have one Now there is no sense of security! "Ye Feng shouted hysterically.

"You must be under a lot of pressure recently. Has your mental illness developed to such a serious extent?" Dick looked at Ye Feng with his dead fish eye, and then turned all his attention to the screen in front of him again.

"... I'm really under a lot of pressure recently," said Ye Feng tired. "And I was pulled from bed by you. I didn't have a good rest at all, Dick. I'm very uncomfortable."

"Don't worry, maple boy. I'm the God here. I created the world myself. Don't worry. You won't have another chance to use weapons here. You can walk with me safely. We can solve this little problem easily and happily, I promise." Dick said.

Ye Feng muttered in a low voice, "you promise? If you don't kill me, I'll have burned Gao Xiang..."

"The biggest problem with you is that you are too negative. You have a distorted character under your dissolute appearance. Well, it doesn't seem to be a small problem. I have to fix it myself. Maple boy, don't blame me for not reminding you when you stand firm and fall down."


There was no explanation for Ye Feng. It seemed that dick thought it was just a waste of words. Ye Feng couldn't understand it anyway. As Dick pressed a wrench, the space where Ye Feng was in began to shake violently. Ye Feng involuntarily made a harsh scream, which brought Dick's big ear scrapers.

Holding the fan's red face, Ye Feng in panic found that the small space he was in was an aircraft through a window in the space. The flying house he and Dick took was flying in the mid air of a gloomy green planet. It seemed to be moving in the same direction. I didn't know where it would take them.

"Shit, why are we flying? Is this room your invention? I'll go, Dick, you're so NB that you can build a flying house? It's so convenient! Why don't we put this house on the market? We'll make a lot of money!" Ye Feng shouted in surprise.

"That's your boy's vision. Really, you've been a loser for money all your life," Dick said contemptuously.

"Yes, yes, how powerful you are," said Ye Feng impatiently. "As soon as you start, you invade a planet. You are a big hand. I sincerely wish that you will not encounter any" porcelain bumpers alliance "to block your plan in the process of invading that planet."

"Don't worry, I can't meet any resistance," Dick said calmly. "I've made a small plan to make the heroes on that planet fall into civil war one by one. They should be dying by now."

"What have you done?" Ye Feng asked curiously.

"Simply, I sent a spy to spread some groundless accusations. You know, these masked guys can burn them up with the worst and the slightest flame of suspicion," Dick said lightly,

"You are so cunning."

"Thank you for your exaggeration," Dick said calmly.

"I'm not bragging! Forget it, Dick, I thought we were in your battery. It's a planet! Are we in your pants pocket? The miniature world?"

Ye Feng propped his hands on the window and looked at the scene outside the window. The buildings on the ground show a strange sense of science and technology, and the buildings built with soil and alloy give people a different aesthetic feeling. In addition to their light blue skin, the humanoid creatures on the planet have big and long brains and melon seeds. This is the first time Ye Feng has seen such a strange alien with his own eyes. It's really novel.

"Thanks, maple boy, I'm still very proud of this thing. Look..." Dick called Ye Feng near the console and showed off his achievements.

"... I put a piece of space chimeric void into a modified time field until a planet developed intelligent life. I introduced magical electric energy to them, and now the whole planet is generating energy. Part of it is used to power my engine and charge my other devices." I noticed that Ye Feng didn't understand his words, Dick succinctly concluded: "I let all the creatures on a planet in a miniature universe give me enough energy to attack. I don't ask too much for me, the God who created all this, but the energy transformed from their labor force."

"You mean, you let people on the whole planet do coolies for you? Just to let them power you!? this is really cruel!"

Ye Feng understood the implied meaning in a moment. This old man dares to enslave the life of a whole planet to provide energy for him, which is really in line with his consistent style, shameless enough

"This is called work. They are working hard for each other, for their God and their Creator. Maple boy, this is an equal exchange. I will provide them with a world where they can survive. These creatures can thrive on this planet. They buy houses, get married and have children.

"Children continue to work hard for them when they are old, so that they develop their civilization day after day, year after year. By the way, the passage of time in this miniature world is out of sync with our world. We stay here for a year, and only a few hours have passed outside. So, maple boy, don't every five minutes this time Urge me when I can go home once, will you? I'm so tired! "

Dick argued cunningly. He was very unhappy with the look on Ye Feng's face now standing on the moral commanding height.

"It's just cruel exploitation with a few more steps. You're a damn old vampire!" Ye Feng held high the banner of justice and denounced the shameless Dick. At the moment, because ye Feng thought he was standing with thousands of people enslaved and exploited by dick on this planet, he felt so confident that he was no longer afraid of Dick.

"Dick, I want to tell you clearly that your behavior is shameful and will be nailed to the pillar of shame in the history of this planet! You are not the creator, you are a bad boss!" Ye Feng shouted loudly, and didn't notice that dick looked at him like an idiot.

"Oh, hey, someone is about to win the Nobel Peace Prize. I don't know who killed countless enemies." Dick sarcastically pointed at Ye Feng.

"I'm killing the enemy in the way. What's in your way?" Ye Feng said discontentedly. "In terms of killing, you must kill more people than I do!"

"I don't pretend to deny it. Unlike some people," Dick said sarcastically.


"Speaking of your pain? Maple boy, your biggest problem is that Biaozi still wants to set up a memorial archway. What kind of goods are you? Do you need me to say?"

"Dick! I warn you --"

"Warn me what? You can hurt me in the slightest bit? If you can break one of my hair, I'm Dick and your last name!"


"If you can't do it, maple boy," Dick sneered, "I'll let you know why the flowers are so red!"

"Well, well, you're so old. Why are you still so angry? Calm down, calm down. How can I be dissatisfied with you? You're a wonderful flower in my mind! Er, a genius!" Ye Feng almost told the truth.

"Hum, you'd better keep in mind that if I kill you, you can run over an ant. Don't make me impatient with you? Understand?"

"When, of course."

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