"The news is 7:15 a.m."

In the live broadcast, a male announcer was broadcasting an important notice on the screen: "... It seems that we have been visited again by an alien called Dick. He once gave our world the name" trample energy " Technology: as long as we keep stepping on it, it will generate electricity to provide energy for our home life and work. It will improve our quality of life and safely and reliably transfer the dangerous disabled energy to a special waste treatment plant. But why did Dick come back and what would he say when he heard the important new news? Let's wait and see. "

"Let's welcome our special commentator, Mr. longico. What do you think of Dick's return? Mr. longico," the male announcer said to a man connected to his real-time video.

"Well, every time dick appears, it is a great change for us. I believe his arrival will make our civilization take a big step forward. Now, please allow me to take a few minutes. My latest book will be officially on sale on the 29th of this month. Please buy it enthusiastically. I -"

"Next news, this city -"

The male announcer directly cut off the call with Mr. Lang Nigo. He went on reading the next press release without expression.


"You have to tell these people that they live in a car battery. Don't you think it's ridiculous? They were ruthlessly trampled by you and exploited by you, and then they invited someone to give you a banquet? Shit, what did I see? They even prepared a hot pot!?"

Ye Feng lay on the window, looked at the bustling aliens on the ground and made a fuss to Dick.

"Can you stop? Maple boy, I'm the living God for them. What's the matter with a hot pot? I created their world! Damn it, remember, we didn't do anything bad. Come on, put on this antenna, so these idiots really think we're aliens."

Dick took a headworn ornament and put it on Ye Feng's head. He also wore a headband of the same style on his own head.

"What? Why?"

"It seems that you really don't know anything about repairing cars." after Dick said this, he went to the console and began to land the aircraft on the ground.

"We must maintain a sense of mystery before they will continue to respect us. Maple boy, distance, distance can make them fear us." Dick said without raising his head.

"Of course, this will make it easier for you to deceive." Ye Feng rolled his eyes. "What did you say to them? You are a God from another world? You are the master of the sky and the creator of all things?"

"Almost, but not as tacky as you say," said Dick. "I am the creator of the whole universe and the father of all of them -"

"You said to them," I'm your father "?" Ye Feng asked speechless.

"Yes, they all agree, because I don't look like them at all," Dick said.

"Are you talking about people?"

"Of course, how can God look the same as people? We are two different species at all. This is more convincing. How can we deceive them with the same face as them? Think carefully and see if this is the truth."

"I'm not as shameless as you. I don't understand."

"This is not the reason why you are shameless or shameless, because your IQ is really not enough. Hey, I regret it. I knew I brought milk bald. At least it is not as wordy as you," Dick said.

"Shit! In your eyes, I can't catch up with a straight hearted Orc?" said Ye Feng discontentedly.

"Can't catch up. Although milk bald is stupid, he at least doesn't have ink. Maple boy, you look like a housewife."

"In short, you fooled people on the whole planet? Is that so?" Ye Feng said.

"It can be said that maple boy, this is a long process. I have been guiding them in the development history of intelligent creatures on this planet. Yes, I will appear in front of them every few hundred years and tell them that I am their Creator. Every time I leave some technology, so that their scientific and technological level can be improved by leaps and bounds. So, maple boy Son, I am their God, that's right. "

"Because the flow rate of time here is different from that of our world?"

"Yes, I come in every three or five times, but the world has been a thing for centuries, so I have been an old friend to them for thousands of years," Dick said casually.

"It's really persuasive. An alien recorded in history appears every few hundred years and flickers again." Ye Feng sarcastically said.

"Hum, whatever you say." Dick didn't care about Ye Feng's criticism.

"Have you established a religion to serve your deception?" Ye Feng said sarcastically.

"Hmm? You're not stupid."

"Shit! You're really so smelly and shameless?" said Ye Feng speechless.

"Of course, it's a very efficient thing. Why don't I do it?" Dick said naturally.

"..." Ye Feng didn't say anything. He was afraid he couldn't help swearing.

With a narrow landing gear extending from each corner of the square aircraft chassis, it landed safely on the ground of the planet. As the exit opened, Ye Feng and Dick stood at the door and looked at the welcoming crowd gathered in the square.

"Wait for the ladder to go down. They love the slow ladder. They are excited. Look at the ladder and stretch it down slowly." Dick said softly to Ye Feng who was ready to jump down.

Then, a staircase at the door automatically began to extend obliquely below the ground. Welcome Dick's high standard is completely beyond Maple Ye's imagination. It was his first time to experience such an occasion. Ye Feng had only seen similar scenes in the broadcasting of TV pictures before. Ye Feng was a little thirsty. He glanced at Dick beside him and found that the old guy looked calm. He seemed to be used to similar welcome scenes. The corners of his mouth rose slightly and showed a proper smile. Looks confident and mature.

"Shit, you are very calm, Dick." Ye Feng whispered.

"It's just a small scene," said Dick.

Dick walked down lightly, while Ye Feng staggered step by step, as long as he followed Dick very slowly.

A ceremonial Orchestra in red uniforms played a melody Ye Feng had never heard of. The excited crowd around waved various flags and banners printed with Dick's image, and countless flash lights took photos of Ye Feng and Dick. The air was filled with the smell of gunsmoke. The loud sound of the salute almost made Ye Feng fall. He stumbled on dick, so he didn't fall to the ground. Dick threw away Ye Feng who grabbed his arm in disgust.

"You can't even walk? Has it deteriorated so badly lately?" Dick said.

"...." Ye Feng was angry, but he didn't attack.

"Hello, everyone, yes, it's me, Dick, your God, okay, okay, I know you all love me, of course I know, hey, my lost lambs, your guide is back! Yes, I'm back!" Dick shouted loudly.

People around responded to Dick's words enthusiastically. Ye Feng saw several people pass out directly, and the scene was chaotic. It seemed that some people wanted to rush through the isolation belt and come to Dick, but these people were stopped by the security personnel who had already been waiting, and no one could break through to Dick.

In an excited cry, Ye Feng saw several female aliens wearing T-shirts printed with Dick's head, choking and fainting, just because Dick waved at their area... Haven't you seen the old man? With crying, one by one excited into this child

Ye Feng looked at the welcoming crowd with extremely high mood. What made him speechless happened. He saw a group of people holding huge slogans, including men and women, but the slogan said "dick!!! I want to have children for you!!!"

"What... Dick, what has this done to these people?" Ye Feng's world outlook collapsed again.


Dick, who was so popular, put aside his big mouth and raised his arms to greet the crowd. Then, the old man began to shout at the crowd with his hands higher than his middle finger, which made the welcome crowd burst out louder.

Dick was very satisfied with the reaction of the crowd. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of being king.

"..." extremely makes Ye Feng want to kill. But at the thought that he couldn't kill Dick, he gave up the idea.

"These people are really crazy enough."

"Of course, I can communicate with them. Their grandpa, Grandpa's grandpa, have integrated the concept of me as their God into their blood for generations, so their performance is very normal," Dick said softly.

"Well, you are really Yin enough."

"It's called wisdom, maple boy. You can't learn it."

"Maple boy, compare the middle finger to them. I told them it meant" world peace ". Don't you think it's funny?", Ye Feng ignored Dick who was crazy, because he saw a little blue girl comparing the middle finger to himself, and Ye Feng raised his middle finger to the little girl without expression.

"Here we are, two real aliens."

Dick and Ye Feng walked down the stairs with their hands compared to their middle fingers and came to the square. A well-dressed old blue man came to Dick and Ye Feng under the protection of the guard and warmly greeted Dick: "Dick, our alien friend! My grandfather was lucky to see you when you came last time. As he described, you are still so dazzling."

"Oh, I say you look familiar. You're in charge here now?" said Dick.

The president said enthusiastically, "yes, I am now the president of this planet. Mr. Dick, we have made great progress under your leadership. Mr. Dick, you can't imagine the level of science and technology we are developing now. You --"

"Oh? Really? I'm really looking forward to it," Dick said coldly.

"Mr. Dick, why are you here this time? It has been fifty years since you last came. You -"

Dick said later, "it's only 50 years? It seems that I'm really a little idle recently..."

"Leisure? Aren't you always ready to invade the planet?" Ye Feng whispered.

"I can finish this little thing when I sleep," said Dick disdainfully. "I'm the whole universe --"


"-- famous Dick, you boy TM give me respect!" said Dick discontentedly.

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