"Er, Mr. Dick, who is this?" the president pointed to maple leaf.

"My servant."

"Hello, Mr. slave. Nice to meet you."

The president warmly shook hands with Ye Feng, who was livid, and kept flattering him. In the president's view, God's slave is also God, which is the existence that he must strive to build a good relationship.

"Ha ha ha." Ye Feng smiled helplessly. He couldn't explain, so he had to silently pull his hand out of the president's hand and stood behind Dick.

The president looked at Dick again and said warmly, "Mr. Dick, we have held a grand welcome party for you. You will like it. We have prepared --"

"Those are small things. We'll talk about them later. Now I have something to ask you." Dick farted.

"You ask, Mr. Dick, I and the whole planet have no reservations about all your questions. You can -"

"..." the flattering expression of the president in the face of Dick made Ye Feng goose bumps. He was really a licking dog... Ye Feng couldn't help thinking.

"Mr. President, I find that you are not working hard. Have you not been generating electricity according to my Oracle recently?" Dick asked the blue president directly.

His tone was impatient. The president was keenly aware of Dick's tone and questioning in his voice, and a layer of cold sweat immediately came out of his forehead. In the relevant historical stories learned from childhood, the president has seen the consequences of angering Dick more than once.

It is absolutely the stupidest thing to annoy an omnipotent God. This is the conclusion drawn by the president after reading the history of the planet.

"Mr. Dick, let me explain first. It's like this. We have been developing science and technology and have never stopped. In the more than 50 years since you didn't visit, our technology has made great progress!!!" the president said enthusiastically. But Dick just threw him a few big eyes.

"What great breakthrough can you make without my help? Funny," Dick said contemptuously.

"That's right! Mr. dick! That's right! It's efficiency!" the president nodded hard and then said to the surprised Dick: "Yes, our technology has been innovated and science and technology has exploded! Really, Mr. Dick, under the guidance of your spirit, our best scientist - Kip - has developed a new type of energy, which is more efficient, more environmentally friendly and more cash. The emergence of this technology has eliminated" stepping energy "

After listening to the president's words, Dick was about to get angry: "you're so brave to eliminate my" stepping energy - "

"Don't be impulsive. I don't have anything. I don't know if you have weapons, but if there is a conflict with them, they have people from the whole planet. Don't do anything stupid." Ye Feng pulled ladic's arm and whispered in his ear.

"Well, Mr. President, I suddenly want to see the new technology in your mouth." Dick said gnashing his teeth after listening to Ye Feng.

But he finally didn't scold, which made Ye Feng secretly relieved. At the same time, he immediately realized that dick didn't have enough means to protect his life in the face of a star attack, so he would temporarily admit counseling. Otherwise, according to his usual temper, the old bastard would have jumped up and bitten

"Fuck you, m!"

The president greeted Dick's mother with a smile on his face. Of course, Dick's mother had been dead for centuries. He almost forgot his mother's appearance, but he was suddenly sprayed on his face. Dick, who was originally bad tempered, turned his face immediately, grabbed the president's neck and stared at him fiercely.

"What did you just tell me?"

"Mr. President, you are so direct." Ye Feng stood happily and couldn't straighten up.

"Don't laugh!" Dick roared at Ye Feng.

"Fuck you, Mr. Dick, you told us that this sentence means" thank you very much. "The president looked at Dick, his face turned, innocent eyes dripped in his eyes," you taught us the meaning of this sentence in the teachings of Dick, have you forgotten? "

"Oh, yes, get out of here," Dick loosened his collar and said sorry to the president. (Dick told the blue people that "get out of here" meant to forgive me...)

"No, no, no, get out of here," the blue president said softly to dick

"Let's go and meet the fool you call Kip now," said Dick.

The president corrected, "he is not a fool, but the greatest scientist on our planet, Mr. Dick."

"Compared with me, he is a fool. All right, hurry and lead the way," Dick said impatiently.

"Are you sure you don't want to attend the welcome banquet we held for your arrival first? All celebrities on our planet are waiting for you. You know, every time you appear, it is a major historical event for our civilization, and many people want to personally participate in the key nodes of history." the president said endlessly.

Ye Feng stared at the president who kept talking. He didn't seem to need to pause, change his breath or think. He just kept talking and talking. He looked like a walking radio.

"If you BB again, I'll turn you into a cabbage," Dick said to the president without expression.

"What is cabbage?"

"It's an edible plant. I advise you not to say any more, or your Presidential career will be over, and your people will not choose a plant as their president." Ye Feng advised the president.

Because the blue man scolded Dick unknowingly, Ye Feng still liked him very much. If he could help him once, Ye Feng decided to help him.

"Oh, all right." the president gave Dick a frightened look, then secretly distanced himself from Dick. He said respectfully, "Mr. Dick, let's go directly to Kip's laboratory. The car is right here. Please follow me."

The president led the way, and Ye Feng and Dick followed him.

"Dick, what are you going to do? Kill people and steal goods?" Ye Feng asked softly.

Dick didn't deny it. "Let's see then, M. I said why there is no energy supply. It turned out that they made something to replace my" stepping energy ". M, these primitive people."

"Dick, people have developed their own technology. How can you insult them like this? It's a progressive civilization. It's worth respecting." Ye Feng gloated.

Dick said angrily, "they are worthy of respect, but what about my car battery? Do you want me to make another one? Do you know how much energy it takes me? The specification I ask can provide energy for a planet!"

"OK, OK, but I advise you not to take the extreme way. I don't want to die here." Ye Feng told me.

"I can restrain myself. M's, it's really against them..."

Watching Dick swearing beside him, Ye Feng was a little pessimistic about his meeting with the scientist named Kip. He didn't know if the kip could survive under Dick, but according to the current situation, the kip should be more or less dangerous.

In a building called Kip building, the president led Dick and Ye Feng to the experimental institution of the scientist named Kip. After taking the elevator to the top laboratory where Kip is now, Dick and Ye Feng, the president who entered the laboratory cordially greeted a blue man in communication: "Kip, there's a visitor from heaven."

"I said it was 12 quantum stabilizers, not 13. Hurry up, or you'll look good!" Kip just made a "Shh" gesture to the president. After he had handled all the things in the communication, he turned to look at the others in the room and complained to the president, "Chris, I'm busy."

"Kip, this is the legendary Alien: Dick."

The president seemed to know Kip very well. He didn't feel slighted at all. Instead, he enthusiastically introduced dick to kip, but the latter seemed to have no impression of the "alien dick" and kept thinking about Dick's name on his chin.

"Dick? Alien dick..."

"Really, you want to pull this out for me? I guide your whole civilization. You have a festival called Thanksgiving Dick day, abbreviated as Ryan day. Children have to learn about me in school since childhood."

Dick was very dissatisfied with Kip's complete ignorance of his attitude. He was like a cat with its tail stepped on. He was crazy at Kip BB, but the latter didn't care about Dick's words at all.

"I dropped out of school. School is not a place for smart people," Kip said, looking at Dick expressionless.

"Ouch, Hello!" Ye Feng, who had been watching coldly, couldn't help shouting. He was slapped in the face, for old dick.

"Hello, man, you are definitely the most NB genius I have ever seen. Really, I'm not flattering you, I'm telling the truth." Ye Feng came forward and held Kip's hand tightly and said sincerely.

"Hey, with your nonsense? Do I know I'm a TM genius?" Kip said contemptuously.

Ye Feng said carelessly, "man, I like your character, really."

"What's wrong with you aliens?" Kip glared at Ye Feng and said in confusion.

"Listen to me, you arrogant little..." Dick was ready to spray feces all over his mouth. He simply saw that the atmosphere of the dialogue was going to develop towards swearing, and old Lanpi quickly interrupted Dick.

"Dick wants to see your new energy technology. I think he can learn a lot from you, Kip."

"Well, he really has a lot to learn." Kip turned to find the prototype, and Dick behind him stared at him with cannibal eyes.

"You TM -"

"Dick, pay attention to quality. You are a God, and I doubt that the dirty words you want to say may mean praise in the teachings of Dick. Really, what did you think at the beginning?" Ye Feng said softly to Dick.

"M, I didn't expect that these blue people would rebel TM. I thought they would continue to be idiots. Just like you," Dick said angrily.

Ye Feng roared helplessly, "shit, don't involve me in everything. I'm not an idiot!"

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