"Nothing. You go on." Ye Feng quickly said to Kip.

"What is nothing? It's nothing! Kip, do you know the essence of your behavior? It's exploitation and oppression! Your ugly face now will be nailed to the stigma of history! Do you know?" Dick said in a righteous voice.

Ye Feng stared at the excited Dick silently and said, "Dick, you don't seem qualified to say such words..."

The picture is ironic. The person Ye Feng said this last time is commenting on Kip's behavior in righteous words: "I don't mean to offend, Kip. But I really think your behavior is really immoral. It's wrong. You know? Your behavior will be despised. Don't you think it's too cruel to these people when they know that they exist to generate electricity for your world?"

Ye Feng listened to what Dick said and stared at the indignant old guy. For a moment, he choked and couldn't speak. He just shouted, "what?"

"What? Cruel? I created the universe where they live. It is because of me that they can reproduce. I gave them the whole world and let them exchange labor for their ability to survive. Isn't this a fair deal? Alien Dick, I don't know where you come from. You make me sick." Said Kip contemptuously.

"Dick, Dick, don't do it. We can make a noise. Let's try not to do it. You killed him. How can we get away from the universe." Ye Feng stopped Dick and didn't let the old guy rush in front of Kip.

"Old man, your mind is really old. Like the wrinkles on your face, you should be thrown into the trash can," Kip said contemptuously

"You enslave a whole planet to generate electricity for you. In my opinion, this is slavery. It is an act without moral bottom line. You are doing evil, young man. I advise you not to use your wisdom on the wrong path, and you will eventually pay for it."

Dick continued to stand on the commanding height of morality, taught Kip the same thing he did, and didn't notice the two big eyes cast by Ye Feng next to him.

"Oh, really? I saw the exact opposite of what you said in your mouth." Ye Feng said sarcastically.

"Go away, don't talk!" Dick yelled at Ye Feng.

"No, no, no, they are working for each other. In exchange for money, and then they..." what makes Ye Feng speechless is that Kip's sophistry is as weak as Dick, and even his words haven't changed much

You must be related by blood, m, absolutely, you two science lunatics. Ye Feng roared in his heart.

"No matter how you explain it, all you have done is slavery with more steps. Listen, young man, you are playing with fire. Science is not the toy of some bold bastard. It is a sacred art, you stupid groundhog!"

"What the hell is a groundhog?" Kip said puzzled.

"Nothing, a lovely little animal," Ye Feng explained.


Listening to Dick say this to kip, Ye Feng really refreshed the concept of Dick's thick skin again. The old guy is really shameless. Even if he is as obscene as Ye Feng, he doesn't feel like watching it anymore

"Dick, you're plagiarizing what I said to you. Do you want a face?" Ye Feng whispered.

"Face? Can that eat? Can you change money? Don't make complaints about me, BB, and what, who are you standing on?" Dick said with displeasure. "I brought you here to make you laugh at me, not to let you tuck me, maple boy!"

"Well, well, of course I'm on your side."

Watching Dick gnashing his teeth, Ye Feng quickly said to him.

"Oh, I'll go. Some people must win some peace prize." Kip interrupted Dick's denunciation, mocking the old man who was actually like him.

"Dick, can I have a word with you?" Ye Feng couldn't help it any more. He was really speechless about the shamelessness of these two strange people.

"What was that about just now? You told this man that his" mini universe "was immoral. What's this? Don't you think it's hypocritical?" Ye Feng called Dick aside and asked the old man.

"I'll go, you're right. Hypocrisy! Somewhere on this planet, there must be an arrogant scientist who will soon complete the micro universe technology. Then Kip will completely eliminate Kip's" shaking machine "and force Kip to admit that the" mini universe "is wrong. Then he will understand what a hypocrite he is, and his people will go back and step on them "Bo taineng". Then we can go for a ride in space! Full horsepower! High! "

Dick spit out his saliva excitedly. Ye Feng wiped the disgusting saliva on his face with his hand, looked at dick with contempt and stared at him silently.

Dick stared at Ye Feng discontentedly and said, "what do you mean by this expression? Holyshit!!!"

A purple skinned monster with four big red eyes like tomatoes on his head suddenly walked up to Ye Feng and Dick and scared the old guy who was talking and burst out a rude remark.

"Shit! What is this? Scrambled eggs with tomatoes are fine?" Ye Feng also scolded a dirty word.

"It's me. I let the aborigines on this planet think I'm a traveler from another world. You know, this will make them more awe of me. In fact, I'm the God in their eyes, you know? I'm a God and the creator of this world. You won't experience this feeling in your life."

Kip pressed a switch on his clothes, and his head emerged from the monster's open mouth, saying to Dick and Ye Feng.

"Man, you're so ignorant." Dick said expressionless. "Don't you think it's too much? To achieve the same effect, you only need a pair --, forget it, I shouldn't be gossiping. I'm an alien!"

Dick was going to teach Kip a lesson by pointing to the ornaments on his head, but on second thought, the old guy turned his head and didn't reveal more information. After all, he knew that he and Kip were really fifty steps laughing at fifty steps

"Yes, you TM are just an alien who can only deceive people. Dick, I knew you were nothing. Maybe you lived a long time, but it doesn't matter. Living a long time doesn't mean you understand. What do you say, Ye Feng." Kip said to Ye Feng.

"Of course, kip, what you said is very reasonable. I hold the same view as you on this matter." Ye Feng nodded.

"Maple boy, how dare you put your elbow out?"

"Dick, I'm just agreeing with Kip. Everyone has the right to agree with others. Once again, I'm not your attendant, nor are your orcs who don't know shit -"

"Orcs?" Kip asked curiously.

"It's an ugly creature, but it's very powerful. It's a group of mindless hooligans," Ye Feng explained.

"Oh, it's really the right person to be a little brother," Kip agreed.

Dick farted and said, "of course, it doesn't depend on who found them. Wait!" Dick reacted. He turned his head and looked at Ye Feng, "Maple boy, what do you mean when you just opened? Is your boy going to rebel?"

"Of course not. How dare I disobey big dick? Unless I want to have a drink on the car phone -"

"All right, shut up." facing Ye Feng's teasing smile, Dick roared, "I'll settle with you after I go back. Now shut up!"

As he drove into the universe created by kip, Dick didn't know whether he could return to the universe where Kip lived without Kip's power, so Dick must ensure that kip, an asshole, won't be angry with himself because he learned the truth.

Dick knows his character very well. He is the kind of person who has to pull people on the back when he dies, and kip, who is very similar to him, should also be this kind of person. Therefore, in order not to be trapped here forever, Dick can only swallow his anger temporarily.

When I get back to my place, I'll show you both what Dick's anger is!

Hum! Dick, this old guy is afraid sometimes! Ye Feng looked at Dick who was sulking alone and felt very happy in his heart.

"What are you talking about? Are aliens really like you? What a pity..." Kip pretended to shake his head and said in an extremely disappointed tone, "when I was young, I wanted to contact you aliens. It's really a child's idea."

"I'm sorry for the destructive power of your stupid childhood fantasies," Dick said sarcastically.

"Nothing. The adult world is like this. Too many disgusting people are attracted to you, but you have to deal with people you don't want to contact at all," Kip said casually.

"Am I included?" Ye Feng asked angrily.

"You? Of course, aren't you this Dick's little attendant?"

"Yes, he is the ugliest and stupidest of me," Dick nodded.

"You fart! I'm here to repair your car -"

"Repair the car? Does it mean literally?" Kip looked back at Dick who blocked Ye Feng's mouth in confusion.

"Of course not. Car repair is a new action code, such as" operation Black Hawk "and" assassination No. 1 ". The action code specifically refers to my action of spreading science and technology on your planet, ha ha ha ha." Dick kept ha ha ha laughing with careless eyes.

"Fucking brain crippled aliens..." Kip muttered, then turned and walked to the console of the aircraft.

"Hoo, luckily he's a brain cripple." Dick breathed a sigh of relief and then glared at Ye Feng. "Are you TM brain cripple too? What do you think we'll do if this guy knows that TM is a small creature living in a battery? Hmm? He'll happily take us back? You TM idiot!"

"Sorry, I had a cramp. As you said, I may not have enough IQ. Dick, relax. I'll pay attention to what I say, I promise." Ye Feng said to Dick. He was also very angry at his behavior that he almost slipped his tongue. In fact, he almost killed himself

Dick complained, "you TM know, maple boy, pay attention to your big mouth. Don't talk if you can, you know? I didn't bring much with me at all. Shit, I thought I came in to brag about B, but I didn't expect to encounter such bad things..."

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