"Too fast. You see, maple boy, this is a mistake made by an immature scientist."

As the aircraft reached its destination, a fast-moving roller ladder came out of the door and tilted to the ground. Dick whispered disapprovingly.

The subsequent welcome scene was as incredible as when Dick was welcomed, but slightly different from that when Dick was welcomed, Kip specially gave an impassioned personal speech in the square, which was very high: "... If you continue to roll these" shaking machines ", I will bring you more great alien technology!..."

"Complacency." Dick commented unhappily, "see? This is a mistake made by an immature scientist. You see what I do, maple boy. I usually let everyone see my dignified face, and then leave them a fantasy time to make their influence on me more profound, and then I will go --"

"Fool them. I know, Dick, I've seen enough of your tricks. You always do that, Dick. Don't you think it's boring?"

"Maple boy, boring? What does boredom mean?" Dick waited fiercely for Ye Feng who spoke unkindly to him.

"In my eyes, every time I see you install B, I feel the slowest time in my life. Really, Dick, I agreed that the flow of time will slow down during the exam, but since I met you, I realized that the exam is not such an unbearable thing. Really, Dick, I mean it sincerely "Yes," said Ye Feng indifferently.

In Ye Feng's opinion, it's a big deal that everyone is trapped here together. He has made up his mind. If Dick really does it to him, he will tell Kip the truth. He just shouted, "Hey, man, you know? Your world is the old guy's car battery!" Ye Feng believed, The power of this sentence is enough for Dick to drink a pot.

"You boy..." noticed the madness in Ye Feng's eyes. Dick didn't speak, but turned to a soap man standing a few meters away from him and asked, "Hey, let me ask you something. Can you understand what I mean? I don't look down on your thoughts, but you don't seem to have high intelligence."

"Isn't this the meaning of looking down on people?" Ye Feng muttered helplessly.

Dick and Ye Feng stood not far behind him when Kip was talking to the welcoming crowd. Dick was talking secretly with the little white man who claimed to be the Prime Minister of the planet.

"Hmm? I can understand what you said. Distinguished aliens, do you have anything you want to ask?" the soap man said politely to Dick. "I am the president of this planet. If you have any requirements, you can ask me. We will try our best to meet your needs. Respect aliens. You seem to be Kip's friend."

"Of course, we are Kip's best friends." Ye Feng quickly said to the soap man president before Dick who was going to swear.

"Kip's friends are our friends, and we will entertain you warmly," said the soap man president.

"Of course, of course, I believe we can get along harmoniously and become good friends, right, Dick." Ye Feng poked Dick's arm, and the latter just snorted contemptuously.

"You seem very unhappy. Is it because of our poor reception?" the soap man's president was very perceptive. He whispered to Dick.

"Of course, these welcome activities are really extravagant and wasteful. What's the point of making such a big noise? I don't have to clean up in the future. I never like pomp -"

"Dick, can you make complaints about others? Do you mean to say these words?" Ye Feng could not help but Tucao, "your own welcome ceremony is much more than these."

"Can you shut up?"

"Well, well, you calm down. Can't I stop talking?" Ye Feng said helplessly.

"Hum!" he glared at Ye Feng fiercely. Dick turned to the soap man president and asked him in a low voice, "are your scientists studying any new technology?"

"It's all there. That's what they do." the president of soap kept a polite smile. "If they don't study hard, we'll kill them all. There are no idle people on this planet."

"You're really tough..." Ye Feng said in surprise.

"It's more efficient and doesn't raise idle people." Dick glanced at Ye Feng and then asked the soap man president, "yes, yes. Your scientists should be working hard on science and technology, but I mean breakthroughs in energy. Does anyone on your planet study, for example, technologies such as the small universe in the box..."

Dick beat around the Bush and listened to the situation. When Dick said this, the president's face suddenly changed. He pulled Dick's arm, pulled him close to him, and whispered to the old man, "how do you know? It's a top secret."

"Shit, is this thing so popular? It's a scientist studying this?" Ye Feng was shocked by the soap man's words. He couldn't help asking

"Of course, this technology allows you to personally create a world that belongs to you and experience the feeling of becoming a creator God. People with brains will be crazy about it. Well, if so, I knew that causality has begun to affect the world in this world," Dick said to himself.

"Causality?" Ye Feng stared at Dick in confusion, completely unable to understand what she meant. He admitted that he felt that his IQ was not enough.

"You don't understand the explanation. In a word, I have reason to believe that we may have to enter the next world," Dick said.

"What do you mean? In the next world, we have entered the world of your car battery, and from that world to the world full of walking soap. We have to enter a more miniature world from this world? Why? If there is any difference, we may not return to our own world!" Ye Feng said in shock.

"It's very simple. Let that damn Kip realize that I'm really his creator. He should respect me more!" Dick said fiercely.

"... as for it?" Ye Feng watched Dick helplessly. For such a small thing, Dick was going to make such a big mess. Ye Feng was about to collapse by him. "Dick, you can't change another way. For example, after we returned to Kip's world, we directly killed him. You see how convenient it is."

"No, I can't make him so cheap. If I don't let him die convinced, even if I Dick lose! But I Dick live so long, I seldom lose!" Dick said fiercely.

"... you are free. Remember, don't kill me." Ye Feng said reluctantly. He has given up dissuading Dick. It's just a waste of words.

"We must remember that one day is not enough. Let's go! I told them that this means" world peace ". Don't you think it's funny?"

After finishing the long speech, Kip turned around and said to Ye Feng stealthily that the latter had no other reaction except giving him two big white eyes. No matter what ridiculous thing, it was not very fresh to contact twice in a short time

"Dick, it's really the rest of your game. I have a question. I want to ask you." Ye Feng whispered to Dick. He deliberately lowered his voice so that dick and himself could only hear him.

"What? It's mysterious." Dick looked at Ye Feng impatiently. "Hurry up and say, I'm going to talk to that damn little beast."

"Dick, have you ever left blood in Kip's world, eh, that is?" Ye Feng asked carefully.

"Blood? Did you ask me if I had children with the women in Kip's world? Of course not, you think I'm from above?" Dick's tone was not so firm. In fact, he didn't know whether he left blood when fooling around in that world.

"..." looking at the expression on Dick's face, Ye Feng thought it could explain the problem.

Without paying any more attention, Dick walked up to Kip and pulled Kip's arm while he was giving a speech.

"Hey, kip, your fake world's fake president wants to show you something fake and important." Dick smiled with a successful trick on his face. To Kip.

"Ah? What?" Kip looked at Dick curiously. He didn't know what medicine the old guy bought in the gourd.

"You'll be interested in a colleague who thinks the same as you," Dick said coldly.

"What are you smoking?" Kip looked at Dick inexplicably. He felt a chill emerge from his heart.

In the endless ice field and the cold wind, the snowstorm in the sky never seems to stop. In the snowy mountains swept by the wind and snow, the spire of a mountain suddenly falls into a space, from which a white square aircraft flies out and flies in one direction. Dick, Ye Feng and Kip are in this aircraft.

At this moment, the three people were lying on the window and watching the beautiful scenery of wind and snow outside the window, but Dick's expression was relaxed. He was looking at kip, who was stunned beside him. The old man felt a burst of darkness.

As for Ye Feng, he paid all his attention to enjoying the snow scenery. After all, his hometown was in the Linhai snow plain before his rebirth. He was really familiar with and yearning for the white snow scenery

"It's nothing now, but once I learn the technology of accelerating the time field, I can interact with any intelligent and evolved creature and bring them magical electric energy. With this pull based device, I call it a" puller ". But what they won't know is..."

A soap man in a white coat was driving an aircraft into a primeval forest. He explained his latest research results to Dick and Kip.

Kip learned that in the world he created, there was a talented scientist studying the same miniature cosmic technology, and Kip's world outlook collapsed. Until he followed the soap man scientist to the world he created, Kip still didn't say a word. He was shocked and couldn't extricate himself for a long time.

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