"Shit! Why do you have to think so hard!" Ye Feng stared at the scene in front of him. He was completely shocked by Kyle's suicide and didn't know what to do.

Ye Feng suddenly realized that he, Dick and kip, the three of them, were trapped in the world where birds don't lay eggs created by Kyle.

I can't go home

Ye Feng almost followed Kyle's footsteps and jumped off the cliff

Kyle's sudden suicide stunned Dick and kip, who were fighting each other. They stopped fighting and walked to Ye Feng, who was standing on the edge of the cliff staring at the wreckage at the foot of the mountain. They also looked at the burning pile of scrap iron. Kyle's body can't be found. It has fallen into the cliff and broken to pieces. There may be no way to do anything about him.

"What? Did that idiot commit suicide?" Dick asked blankly.

"It seems so," Kip said in the same stupidity.

"Shit! Look at the garbage soap man in the garbage world you created. The fool who always commits suicide is really an unsuccessful defective product," Dick said contemptuously.

"Fart! He must have seen you and felt that life didn't mean much, so he chose to commit suicide. He certainly didn't want to be like you when he was old, Dick. What are you proud of there?" Kip said contemptuously.

Ye Feng said discontentedly, "can you two stop bickering? Kyle is dead, you --"

What makes Ye Feng extremely speechless is that in the face of his censure, Dick and Kip have a very tacit understanding and say: "ha ha, despise the universe." they both show extremely disdainful contempt for Kyle who committed suicide.

"Even in the face of a great blow, I will not choose to embark on the road of self destruction. My death is a huge loss to the whole universe. People need me to live." Dick disdained. "Kyle is a coward, so he chose to commit suicide."

"He just thinks his life is meaningless. When he understands that the world he lives in is created by people like you and Kip!" roared Ye Feng.

"People like me and Kip? Are you saying that we geniuses you can't understand are a very disgusting existence in your eyes?" Dick said discontentedly.

"That's right!"

"Kip, do you see what kind of idiot I spend all day with? It's strange that I have a good temper," Dick said to Kip next to me.

"Are all the people in your world like him?" Kip pointed to Ye Feng and asked Dick, "don't you understand?"

"Almost. After all, there are very few people with high IQ, and I have hardly seen you who can keep up with my thinking speed." Dick looked at Kip seriously. "You can only catch up with me by 10% at most."

"Fart, a hundred of you are not as smart as me!"

"Ten thousand of you can't catch up with me," Dick said calmly.

"100 million you can't catch up with the mud on my heel!"

"Boy, don't you think you are childish now? Ye Feng, is Kip childish? He is very brain crippled." Dick asked Ye Feng, who stood silent.

"I don't care who the two of you are the most mentally handicapped. I only know one thing now. We can't go back, Dick. We can't go back! We TM are trapped in this damn universe! Shit!!! I knew there would be no good thing coming out with you!!!"

Ye Feng shouted wildly. Kip stared at the scene with a smack of his tongue and whispered to Dick next to him, "has he always been like this?"

"Yes, I always suspected that he had familial psychosis," Dick said calmly. At this time, Ye Feng had begun to pick up stones and throw stones at the bottom of the cliff, laughing all the time.

Kip said with lingering fear, "why don't you suggest that he see a psychologist? Treat..."

"It's useless. Many psychologists have been put into the mental hospital by Ye Feng. His power is too strong." Dick said helplessly.

"... OK." Kip nodded and looked at Ye Feng with a little more awe.

Kip knows a little. Don't be impulsive with psychosis. Looking at Ye Feng's posture, he is crazy. He may not even let himself go


Dick and Ye Feng are in the same cave at almost the same height on the two symmetrical hillsides, and Kip is in the other cave opposite. Even if they mix with the primitive society, the two madmen are still attacking each other and making trouble all day.

"Come on, come on!" Dick tried to melt some metal on the fire, and kip in the opposite cave was busy with his work. The two psychopaths were trapped in the "contempt of the universe" every day, and could only poke some inventions to humiliate each other.

Seeing that Kip finished his work immediately, Dick suddenly turned back and shouted to kip, "Raptor!!!". This sudden voice startled the dedicated kip, and the almost completed objects in his hand fell to the ground and smashed to pieces.

"Ha ha! Stupid B!" Dick mocked Kip loudly.

"Dick, you look stupid too." Ye Feng said helplessly to Dick. These days, he has been struggling to survive in this bird shit free world with Kip and Dick.

Because Dick and Kip are also top scientists with high intelligence quotient, it is not very difficult for them to survive in this world. As long as they don't die and provoke some prehistoric monsters they can't deal with at present, Dick and Kip can still make themselves very comfortable.

But they were thinking about killing each other almost all the time, and both sides had no usable weapons in their hands. In this way, the struggle between them looked like a child playing, leaving Ye Feng very speechless.

Although he spent most of his time in Dick's side, Ye Feng resolutely refused to participate in the middle of Dick and Kip's mischief. He just stood in a safe corner, watching two people make complaints about the KP and Dick, and occasionally Tucao a few sentences, so that the two madmen realized that there was another person named Ye Feng.

"When I leave this" scornful universe ", I'll smash it with you!" the angry Kip stood at the mouth of the cave and scolded dick in the opposite cave.

"When I leave the" contempt universe ", I will leave the" mini universe "outside it, and then the" micro universe "outside..."

Is Dick the kind of person who can be taken advantage of in his mouth? The big mouth threatened Kip across the street.

"Don't make things hard, Dick."

Ye Feng really didn't want to get involved in the war of words between the two science freaks if he wasn't trapped in these laborious universes. But Ye Feng still has to rely on these two unreliable goods to escape from this "despise the universe". Therefore, even if his heart is no longer disgusted, he has to act as a peacemaker, trying to get two talented scientists to work together to get out of this dilemma.

Of course, in fact, Ye Feng was already desperate for this idea. He knew very well that unless the sky fell, the two goods would not get out of this dilemma together. They would rather pull each other to die here with themselves than escape together. Ye Feng knew this snack.

M's... Genius must be bothered? At least in Kip and Dick, I can't find anything to refute this view. Ye Feng watched Dick and Kip scold each other helplessly.

"He won't destroy your world. We need it to start the car." Ye Feng tried to shout to kip, but he seemed to reveal something he shouldn't say

"What are you doing with my universe? Driving?"

When Kip heard Ye Feng's words, he was shocked and opened his eyes. He couldn't believe the universe he was born and grew up. The initial reason for its existence was to start a bastard's vehicle!? This NIMA hurts people's self-esteem!!!

"Dick, my world is just a part of your old car, a part?! Kip looked at Dick angrily. His whole body was shaking with shock and anger.

In fact, Kip had a vague concept of this possibility for a long time, but when Ye Feng slipped his tongue and made him have to face it, Kip broke out uncontrollably.

"That's right! Don't be too flattered. Standard dry batteries are always easy to find, you silly!"

After listening to Dick's shameless curse, the angry Kip turned and walked to the simple worktable made of wood branches, banging and banging.

Seeing what Kip was busy with, Dick was unwilling to show weakness and shouted, "what is he doing? What is he building? I TM can make things! Just like I made your world!" he turned and went to work.

Before Dick finished saying this, kip, who built a miniature catapult tied to his arm, hit Dick's head and fired stones, but there was a deviation in the accuracy. He rubbed Dick's hair and hit the workbench in front of his old friends, smashing the workbench made of wood branches.

"Hey! Look on time! You almost killed me!" Ye Feng, who was almost hit, shouted discontentedly to Kip.

"Shut up, you're his valet. I'll kill you with him!" Jeep growled.

"Are you a mad dog? Catch who bite who! M, I thought you were better than Dick. Now, you are birds of a feather! You are brain cripples!" Ye Feng cursed loudly.

"You fool!!!" can Dick swallow this breath? He shot several branches at kip in the opposite cave with a few simple crossbows. Although he had little power, he also hurt Kip who was hit on the upper body.

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