"The man I created created created the planet where you are now!"

Kip threw the branch off his body and shouted, pointing to Dick. He looked like a fierce beast with crazy hair. He was exhausted and bruised, but he was high in fighting spirit and wanted to continue to fight his enemies to the death.

"It's the star I made that allows your world to exist. You TM is my brain disabled work. Don't look aggressive, you fool!" Dick's poor quality and low quality are obvious to all

"Dick, don't say a word. After all, you are his creator. You should be more exemplary. Dick, you are a higher person than him -"

"Superior?" Kip looked angrily at Ye Feng. "He's superior to me? Which eye of yours can see that this old dish is superior to me? You're Farting!"

"Kip, little fool, please remember that I created your world, so you have the opportunity to stand here and BB with me. Remember, I created your world, so you have the opportunity to create your world, and the people in the world you created will be mentally disabled to kill themselves and trap us in the world he created. In other words, it is because of you." Dick pointed his finger at Kip. "Let's pay for your mistakes! Remember, I created your world --"

"I didn't ask to be born!" Kip said angrily.

Ye Feng saw from Kip's angry to twisted face that Kip was telling the truth. Kip was very painful about the fact that he was created by people like Dick. He couldn't accept it at all, but this was the truth, so this self denial almost drove Kip crazy. He has only one idea in his mind now. He will die with Dick. He is not even ready for himself. Even if he dies, he must take dick

"Kip, calm down, Dick. He's wrong, but he just wants to get a durable car battery. You're just unlucky and accidentally created by him -"

"Inadvertently, maple boy, I Dick never do anything I'm not sure about!" Dick shouted to Ye Feng. He kept throwing all kinds of rags at Kip. The latter was also trying to kill dick with his simple weapons.

It's just that the things made by these two people are hardly lethal. In addition to adding a few wounds to their bodies, they increase their anger towards each other.

Moreover, I don't know whether it was intentional or not. These two people always have a tacit understanding to hurt Ye Feng, which makes Ye Feng unbearable no longer.

"Fuck your mushrooms!!! That's enough! I've had enough. You TM go to live and die! I won't serve! Go!" Ye Feng, who looked coldly at one side, couldn't stand the endless quarrel between Dick and Kip day after day. He finally broke out, "I'm going to the wasteland. I'm going to live with those forest people. I can catch up with now?"

"Then get out of here and don't get in the way!" Kip shouted loudly, startling Ye Feng.

"..." Ye Feng doesn't know what to say. After all, Kip is a complete psychopath now. He doesn't want to have a direct conflict with him.

"Yes, maple boy. Come back before sunset, or the woods will eat you." Dick didn't look back when he said this, stabbing a piece of wood with his back to leaf maple, "I will take your flesh and blood back and give it to your friends. I believe they will miss you very much, but I think this kind of miss will only last for two months at most? Maybe less."

"Dick, you --"

"Shut up, Ye Feng, you TM are a giant baby. Don't tell me such words about running away from home in the future. I'm not your father. You don't have to say these words to me. Do you think you can threaten me? Let me kneel down and beg you not to go? Are you kidding? Get out now! Let the primitive people in the forest eat you!" Dick scolded.

"That's just a rumor! Why do you make up such nonsense?"

If ye Feng hadn't been able to beat the bastard with black technology, he really wanted to press the old man on the ground and rub it well. What makes Ye Feng feel helpless is that even if Dick is almost empty, he can't help the old guy. He knows he can't get close to Dick.

Because he has seen Dick's body, but he has several layers of protection, and whether the old guy is really unarmed. Ye Feng can't confirm this matter. He knows the bad character of Dick. He is the kind of person who indulges in anti killing and pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. Ye Feng won't be fooled by him easily.

"Defying the universe" created by keldo who committed suicide The humanoid creatures in the world are still in the stone age when they eat their hair and drink their blood, and the civilization is still in the stage of uncivilization. This is also the main reason why Dick and kip, two small experts in science and technology, have been trapped in the universe for so long. They have no available resources and conditions. The civilization in the world is in the embryonic stage, and there is no emergence of science and technology at all Believe that the creatures in the world have not yet created wheels, and may even have just had their own language.

For this native, Ye Feng picked it up once or twice when hunting in the forest. Ye Feng is almost unfamiliar with them. However, from the awe in their eyes and their whispering expression, Ye Feng thought that these aborigines should still have no malice towards him, which made him have the previous idea to stay away from Dick and kip, even living with a group of primitive people who can't even understand people, Ye Feng also thinks it's much better than standing between Dick and Kip!

In Ye Feng's opinion, Dick and Kip's performance at this time can only be described as unreasonable. In order to distinguish who is better than who, they are inseparable. Even if they are trapped in this damn pocket universe, they still regard killing each other as something higher than everything, even if they can cooperate completely, Let them get rid of this embarrassing situation, but they don't!

No matter how Ye Feng persuades them, they just don't want to calmly think about the current situation, that is, when one of them falls at the foot of the other, they will use their smart brain that they crazy boast about, which is driving Ye Feng crazy.

Although Ye Feng is a little crazy at ordinary times, his nerves are so tight for the first time, because he is facing not only Dick, but also kip, who is on the same level as dick in terms of prisoners.

Ye Fengtou felt unable to commit suicide for the first time, which was also a very painful thing. He envied Kyle. He got rid of all this directly. If not for the friends and lovers who are far away on earth, Ye Feng might have collapsed

In fact, to be precise, the conditions for breaking away from the universe can be achieved. As long as Dick and Kip work together, it is not impossible to break away from the current dilemma.

But Ye Feng also saw it. He was desperate. Want these two temperaments to be very similar, that is, both stubborn and incredible psychopaths work together to complete one thing. Ye Feng hasn't done it for so long. It can be imagined how impossible it is

"The civilization of this planet is still in the prehistoric stage. Someone always has to bring them some culture. It can't be that the significance of some civilization is to give power to my people! Ah!"

Dick began to go down, and began to ridicule Kip. The latter also showed no weakness and began to fight against Dick again.

Looking at the two neurotics who scolded the street again, Ye Feng could only silently fall down the bound trunk into the forest below the cave and began to look for his forest companions. Even if ye Feng lived with the primitive savages, he didn't want to see the two neurotics again.

"Hey, maple boy, where are you going?" Dick noticed Ye Feng's movements and asked him.

"Go and die," said Ye Fengtou without looking back.

"Are you really ready to be a primitive food?" Dick looked at Ye Feng in surprise. "I thought you were just a coward. I didn't expect you to be not only stupid, but also very dedicated."

"Fart you, Dick, go to hell!!!" Ye Feng looked back at Dick, then he looked at kip, "and you, kip, go to hell!!! I curse you that you will never catch up with Dick, an old bastard!"

"Isn't it vicious of you to say such words? I can't catch up with him? Fart!" Kip angrily threw a big stone at Ye Feng, but Ye Feng skillfully avoided it.

"Maple boy, this is the first thing you've said in your time." Dick said triumphantly. He grabbed the right time and hit Kip's head with a stone in his hand, which smashed Kip's head and kept wailing.

"Ah!!! Bastard, how dare you attack me?" Kip angrily picked up a stone and smashed it at Ye Feng.

"You TM are sick. That old bastard smashed you! Not me!" Ye Feng shouted at kip, expressing strong dissatisfaction with the latter's act of hurting him by mistake. "Are you blind? Or are you completely crazy? Don't you see that dick and I broke up?"

"We just broke up?" Dick asked Ye Feng.

"Yes, you annoying old dish!" Ye Feng scolded angrily.

"Kip, the drag on my side is finally going away by myself. You'll be tortured to death by me!" Dick didn't answer Ye Feng at all. He shouted at Kip with a wild smile.

"Really? Are you going to blame all your failures on a fool? Dick, you're worse than I thought!" Kip laughed unafraid.

"... can you have a face? I'm still there! You two dare to slander me in front of me?" Ye Feng roared angrily.

"You, go away!" Dick said to Ye Feng angrily, "go and live with those primitive people who can only smell their feet. Your temperament matches them very much!"


"Fuck off, don't stop me from killing Dick." Kip's stone once hit Ye Feng.

(first of all, it is the "contempt universe" in the "mini universe" in the "micro universe" Although Ye Feng, Dick and Kip have been trapped in the contempt world for more than a month, due to the unequal passage of time, in the main universe of Ye Feng's life, the time has passed less than 6 minutes... So it's not difficult to understand why Ye Feng is so angry that you and two psychopaths who know how to fight each other and swear at the street all day, You'll explode...)

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