More than half a month has passed since Dick and Kip began to be coerced to work together to find a way out of the "contempt of the universe". The two diehards had no intention of cooperating at the beginning. Ye Feng's way of dealing with them was very simple. He placed the two people in different areas and let the primitive people take strict care of them, but he just didn't let Dick and Kip meet and contact.

After three days of such a peaceful life, Dick and Kip couldn't stand it. When they have something to do, they don't feel how boring they are in this world. They are immersed in attacking each other and don't realize other things. But suddenly, when Dick and Jeep cooled down from their angry frenzy, they began to realize how boring the world was. We can't use boredom to describe this kind of life, but we have to use the words that living is meaningless to describe Dick and Kip's feelings at this time. For those two people who feel uncomfortable without fooling around all day, their life in this world can be described by the words life is better than death.

In addition to eating, drinking and sleeping every day, Kip and Dick have no way to relax. They are energetic and need to keep looking for new things to stimulate their highly developed brain. When the two people fought with each other before, this boring feeling did not find them. Once they were under house arrest in a group of primitive people, Both Dick and Kip began to dislike the primitive people who smelled of excrement and urine, especially some of their actions were completely incomprehensible and intolerable.

Don't catch Ye Feng. On the fourth day, the two people made an appointment to find Ye Feng.

"Are you here?" Ye Feng squinted at Dick and Kip. He was lying on a wooden post. Nearby stood the primitive bodyguard and two attendants who were fanning him. He looked good as a child.

"Enjoy it very much, maple boy. I think you're a little unhappy." Dick sneered.

"Dick, I'm just having fun in bitterness," said Ye Feng. "Kip, do you want to open it, too?"

"Hum." Kip snorted coldly and didn't speak.

Ye Feng said calmly: "Dick, kip, it's my previous suggestion. Your cooperation will certainly save us from this situation. I believe in your IQ. Although I don't believe in your character, you should have seen clearly what kind of life you will face in this world, so I believe you should have made the right choice.

"I'd like to state that if I'm not satisfied with your answer, I'm going to keep you in captivity. Founder is better than watching you continue to fool around in the woods. If one of you dies, our probability of successfully leaving the world will be a little less, won't we?"

"By myself alone, I can save you from this world. I will let you and me go back to the last world and then back to my world -"

"Kip, I know you hate Dick, and I really hate him too." Ye Feng ignored Dick's killing eyes, "But going back to your world is not the end of my journey. I want to go back to my world, and Dick is the key to ensure that I can go back to my family. Therefore, you can either cooperate with him or I will continue to close you for a period of time until you finally give in."

"Give in? You want me to give in, kip, I -"

"Is it hard to make you give in? Dick, can you handle all this alone? If you can, our tribe won't raise idle people." Ye Feng looked at Dick.

Dick said quickly, "of course, if you give me more time, I will be able to handle all this -"

"I'll do it!" Kip shouted. "Can't I do it? Damn it! Ye Feng, I agree to cooperate with Dick, but Dick, an old guy, won't cooperate with me. He's a fool with his head full of shit -"

"Kip, in order to prove that I'm not the one who is full of shit in your mouth, I'll finish what Ye Feng entrusted to us with you." Dick said under Kip's shocked gaze, "I can do anything if I can see your expression like eating shit!"

"Well, we have finally reached a consensus," said Ye Feng happily.

With the passage of time, the primitive people's strict imprisonment for the two people began to gradually relax, because in the day when the two madmen worked with each other, they began to abuse each other from the beginning to today's harmonious coexistence, although they didn't know whether the two playwrights were hypocritical performing "revolutionary brotherhood" However, at least these two products have maintained consistent efficiency in the research progress.

After more than ten days of joint efforts, Dick and Kip have completed 99.9% of the device for returning to the "mini universe", just connect a wire and press the switch.

"I didn't expect to be finished one day," Kip said kindly.

"Yes, kip, you're in trouble these days," Dick said to Kip with a smile. "I wouldn't be able to do it without you."

"You're too modest, Dick. I know you can do it alone. It just takes a little more time. After all, you can't find a suitable assistant here, and everything can only be done by yourself." Kip said. "Even Ye Feng can't help you in this matter."

"Ye Feng? If the maple boy doesn't make trouble for me, I'll thank him," Dick said. "If I do it alone, I should have two to four months more R & D time. Moreover, due to the extension of the construction period, there will be more possibilities of failure. After all, a heavy rain can destroy all the progress."

"Well, Dick, that's true. It seems that both of us are indispensable." Kip said with a smile. "Dick, you are indeed the smartest person I've ever met. You are definitely the most powerful scientist in the universe. There is no one. Even me is still a distance from you."

"Kip, if I were any more modest, I would look a little artificial."

"Yes, Dick, you're really better than me," Kip said convincingly.

"It's because you've lived hundreds of years longer than you. If you can have my experience, I think you must be better than me. Really, kip, I'm talking from the bottom of my heart," Dick said.

"Dick, you are really a good partner, a good mentor, and an indispensable friend in my life experience. My previous actions are really out of line, and I want to apologize to you." Kip said movingly.

"Kip, I'm a little disrespectful for my old age. Kip, I'm the one who should apologize," Dick said.

"Have you two finished playing? Are you playing any bitter drama? Damn it, I'm not here to see you two disgust me! Have you all done?" Ye Feng, who stood aside and looked coldly, said impatiently. He had been disgusted and vomited several times before, and there was really nothing in his stomach to vomit.

I don't know when Dick and Kip have been so friendly. Although it helps the two people study how to get out of the world together, Ye Feng will always be disgusted when he looks at them.

"Ye Feng, are you worried?" Kip looked at Ye Feng.

"Nonsense, I can't wait a second!" said Ye Feng angrily.

"Watch your attitude, maple boy," Dick reminded.

"Do you believe I broke your head?" Ye Feng stared at Dick.

"Well, it's not bad." Dick checked the finished device for the last time.

"I guess you have no problem with the original docking." Kip and Dick easily discussed the design of the device that they were not satisfied with.

"I've seen more serious ionic cell double oxidation."

"If it's successful this time, I'll buy you a drink." Kip and Dick joked, and their faces were full of bright smiles like blooming plastic flowers.

"If you come, you'll have to apply for the next loan. I'm an alcoholic," Dick whispered, patting Kip on the shoulder and pretending to be afraid of being heard

"Me too."

Kip cooperated with Dick and whispered next to Dick. Then the two psychopaths began to laugh. It seemed to outsiders that the relationship between the two people was extremely harmonious, which was a model of brotherhood, although two weeks ago, they shouted to kill each other.

"All right, all right, that's enough."

Ye Feng, who was monitoring them, couldn't see it. He came to Dick and Kip. He knew that the conveyor could run. Ye Feng, Kip and Dick held their hands on a purple metal block of the device. Kip pressed the switch, and then the whole device began to emit dazzling white light.

Before the three of them were about to be sent out of the "contempt universe", Ye Feng, who had been holding for a long time, began to crazy BB to the primitive people around him: "you TM are really rotten. Your God is just a lie! Fuck you m, fuck your m nature, fuck your m shit tree! You brain disabled primitive people who don't take a bath!!!"

"Maple boy, they don't understand what you're talking about," Dick said calmly. "These primitive people may think you're saying some blessings to them. Look at them, they're waving to you."

"Yes, Ye Feng, you are wasting your efforts. Although these primitive people smell bad, it is not particularly difficult to get along with them. You know, it's good not to let them eat you. Well, make sure you're not delicious in their eyes, so you won't have too much trouble."

"That's right." Dick nodded. "Maybe that's why each of them smells like shit and urine. If they don't listen, that's one of the ways they protect themselves and make themselves look bad. Their living environment is still very bad. They are big monsters and big forests. Maple boy, you can't be too strict with them."

"Go away! Don't talk nonsense. This is my last chance. I must scold them well!" said Ye Feng.

"Even if they don't understand you scolding them? It's like you scolding people in your hometown dialect. The other party doesn't understand and thinks you're praising him," Kip said. "It's boring."

"That's right, that's right, Kip. I knew you were a moral man. I didn't mistake you," Dick said.

"It's all learned by your side, Dick. You're a respectable person," Kip said sincerely.

"What's wrong with you two?" Ye Feng looked at Dick and kip in horror. "Are you two sick?"

Although the primitive people didn't understand his words, who cares? Ye Feng didn't want to recall what happened during his few months here in his life

"Hey, maple boy, be nice to your friends," Dick said to Ye Feng.

"Yes, yes, pay attention to quality," Kip said aside.

"Go away! When are you going to disgust me?" Ye Feng muttered impatiently.

With a "Shua", in Kyle's laboratory where he committed suicide in the "mini universe", Ye Feng and others who returned from the "contempt universe" appeared in the laboratory. The soap aliens around looked at the three people in rags and looked at them in some wonder.

"Shit, it's successful, great!" Ye Feng shouted excitedly.

He looked around at the surroundings. These soap people who looked very stupid and ugly in his eyes now looked particularly good-looking.

"Damn it! You succeeded!" Ye Feng shook Kip and Dick's shoulders crazily. "You succeeded. With my help, you succeeded!"

"Your help? What have you done? Cheer for us in your heart?" Dick looked at Ye Feng sarcastically. "You didn't help anything except sleeping every day!"

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