"Yes!" Kip was also very excited to be separated from the primitive society. "Finally I'm back! My God, I'm really back from that damn primitive society!"

"Mr. Kip? What's the matter with you?" a group of soap men came up and looked at the three kips who were fleeing in some confusion. "Where's our Dr. Kyle? Didn't he come back with you?"

"He? He has something to do. He may be back in a minute," Kip said casually to the soap people, calming down.

"Oh, all right."

"What about wine?" Dick asked jokingly, squinting at the excited Kip beside him.

"No problem, let me get my wallet from the aircraft," Kip said, retreating to the elevator at the exit of the laboratory.

"Oh, your wallet is in the aircraft? The transmitter is also there. Why don't we go together?" Dick came forward to grab Kip's hand, but the latter skillfully avoided him. He went straight into the elevator car and sneered at Dick and Ye Feng.

"It's all right. I'll come back to pick you up in a second," Kip said with a sneer, his face full of determination.

When he noticed Kip's expression, Ye Feng knew what he was going to do. He had seen this expression on Dick's face countless times. This is the expression that dick would show whenever he wanted to kill others.

"Dick! Kip, this bastard, he's running away! He wants to get rid of us all!"

Sure enough, in front of Dick and Ye Feng, Kip immediately pressed the "close the door" button. When the elevator was about to be completely closed, one foot reached into the elevator door and stuck the closed elevator door. It was Dick. He didn't believe Kip would go back.

"Do you know how long a second can last in the micro universe? Asshole, I know what you're paying attention to. You want to destroy the world and me, don't you?" Dick shouted at Kip.

"Destroy the world? Our world?"

A group of soap people around looked at Dick and kip in horror. They all hesitated and didn't know what to do.

"Hey, don't take it seriously. These two people are mentally ill. What they say is not reliable." Ye Feng quickly comforted the soap people. The faint soap people seemed to react. They gradually surrounded Ye Feng, which made Ye Feng very frightened.

"Hey, guys! Your enemy is those two lunatics, not me, but I've always been on your side, love and peace!!!" Ye Feng said loudly.

"Dick, don't worry, I'll let you die unknowingly," Kip said to dick in a low voice. "In my world, you're still that great Dick. Only I know that you'll never come again!"

"Kip, you're crazy. Do you really want to destroy your own efforts? Destroy the world you created. These are a group of very lovely soap people. Uh... Well, I admit, they're not so cute." Dick looked back at the soap people gradually coming around.

Dick pushed open the elevator door with both hands and tried to push his upper body into the elevator. He asked Kip. The latter answered him with one leg, put one foot on Dick's chest and kicked dick out of the elevator. Then the elevator began to rise!

"Run! Maple boy, this bastard would rather sacrifice everything he cares about than defeat me! He's crazy!"

"Er... Didn't you still respect each other like guests before? The break is so fast? There is no sign?" Ye Feng ran quickly behind Dick.

"Come on, we're all honing our acting skills. Anyway, we're idle. We're also idle. It's better to compare who's in the city!" Dick shouted.

"You are idle, Dick. You and Kip are sick," said Ye Feng.

Dick and Ye Feng ran frantically in the building where the laboratory was located. They ran all the way to a hall on the top floor and looked up. It was the glass roof for building decoration.

"Maple boy, hold my waist!" Dick shouted to Ye Feng behind him. The latter looked at him suspiciously, "why?", but also obeyed Dick's words and tightly held the tall and thin Dick's waist.

Then Dick began to shout loudly at the device on his wrist: "go, Sanchez skateboarding shoes!". Dick's sole emitted a blue light. These light beams formed a pair of skis. Dick pushed hard on the ground, and the skis began to slide quickly on the wall.

Ye Feng held dick in his arms. They flew to the glass cover on the roof of the building on the skis flying close to the ground. They "bang" through the glass cover and came to the apron on the top floor of the building for parking Kip aircraft. Dick and Ye Feng just fell and hit Kip who tried to open the door of the aircraft. The three people got entangled and rolled into the aircraft.

"Don't fight again, don't fight!" Ye Feng shouted in panic. He has noticed that a large group of soap people are frantically coming here. They are constantly shouting some words, "where's our Dr. Kyle?", "you can't destroy our world!", "Dr. Kyle is right. Aliens are not kind!"

"Enough, you walking Soaps!" Ye Feng shouted, "if you don't want your world to be destroyed, shut your mouth to me!"

Soap people were frightened by Ye Feng's fierce expression and looked at Ye Feng in the aircraft one by one. Ye Feng kept panting, while Dick and Kip were still fighting each other fiercely, hitting each other's body in the most primitive way, biting people with their mouth and tearing their hair with their hands. The war was extremely fierce.

"I said you two can have different occasions! Ah? When is it? Kip, your soap people have begun to attack. Damn, we're going to die here!" Ye Feng screamed. He watched the crazy soap people outside the aircraft, ran back and forth in the aircraft at a loss, trying to persuade Dick and Kip to untie them behind him.

Ye Feng and Dick hurriedly kicked Kip who stopped them, climbed to the console first, pressed the transmission button to leave the "mini universe", and with a "Shua", all three returned to Kip's laboratory in the "micro universe".

"M's, finally back..." Ye Feng took a breath and touched the cold sweat on his forehead. Dick and Kip were still in a fierce fight. The two people didn't stop at all, even though they had returned to the world created by Dick and belonged to Kip.

At this time, President Chris in the laboratory was cooking food with a pan. Seeing the return of the three, he said enthusiastically to several people, "Hey, Hello, I just finished a big meal. What's the matter with you? What happened between them? Why is the fight so fierce?"

The president stared at Dick and kip in confusion. Ye Feng didn't pay attention to him at all. At this time, the most important thing in his heart was to return to his own world, so he firmly stood on Dick's side and punched and kicked Kip. Under the siege of Ye Feng and Dick, Kip was gradually weak and unable to resist. He kept shouting, as if he wanted the president watching to join the war, but Dick kept pulling Kip's mouth, so he could only make some meaningless noises.

"What's the matter? Stop fighting, stop fighting." the president said casually while cooking, without any tension.

The three people who beat each other didn't pay attention to the blind president. Ye Feng took the lead in leaving the battlefield and went into the elevator to wait for Dick to go together. Dick kicked off the scarred Kip and was ready to run into the elevator and return to his aircraft with Ye Feng.

"TM's waste, kip, you're a garbage!" Dick spit on Kip lying on the ground. "You're a high imitation fake!"

"Dick, what happened? Is there any misunderstanding between you and Kip? We always respect you very much. But Kip didn't receive formal education, so he didn't understand you very much. Please allow me to express my most sincere apology to you instead of him." the president said.

"Chris, this Dick is a big liar. He's not our Creator at all. Er... Even if he is, he's just a selfish bastard. He doesn't deserve our respect!" Kip shouted.

"Don't worry, when I get back, I'll throw your world into the dustbin. Save your damn respect for yourself in hell!" Dick shouted madly.

Ye Feng was playing ha ha. "Don't take it seriously. He's just angry. Really, Dick sometimes says one thing, but does another. Don't worry, I'll persuade him not to let him throw your world into the sewer."

"Sewer? Our world?" President Chris forced to look at Dick and Kip. "Why can't I understand what you're talking about? Kip, what's going on between you? Mr. Dick, we've always maintained a good relationship, haven't we? We're all your people. You promised to let us live a happy life."

"Yes, I promised before, before I met this damn Kip! I've changed my mind now! What? You bite me!" Dick said angrily.

"I don't want to bite anyone, Mr. Dick. I just want to know what happened," said President Chris in confusion.

"What happened? I just knew Dick was a total liar, that's all!!!" Jeep said angrily.

"Really?" Dick was dragged to the elevator by Ye Feng, but when the goods passed by the box with "mini universe" made by kip, his hometown raised Kip's painstaking research for more than ten years and smashed the box in front of Kip.

"Er... Dick, did you just destroy a universe?" Ye Feng stared at Ye Feng who ran into the elevator.

He just realized that all the soap people, as well as all the primitive people, died at that moment. However, Ye Feng was slightly gratified that due to the different flow rate of time, the primitive people he knew should have died before the world was destroyed by dick

"I have no feelings for them, I am a cold killer!" Ye Feng kept comforting himself.

"Come on! Stop the ink!" dick then ran into the elevator with Ye Feng. He pressed the button on the first floor. It's time to start running.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

Kip's eyes were bleeding with hate. He knelt powerlessly and watched his destroyed research. This was his lifelong effort. He was ruthlessly destroyed by a madman. He was unwilling, unwilling!!!

Kip frantically ran to the elevator where Dick and Ye Feng were, but it was a pity that he didn't catch the elevator. In front of him, Dick and Kip kept making faces at him and gradually went down to the bottom floor.

"Kip is a big idiot, Kip is a big idiot." Dick's laughter kept coming into Kip's ears. At this time, he was already bleeding his pupils. The whole person was like an enraged bull. We must catch Dick and kill him with our own hands in order to solve his hatred.

"Dick!!! You must die!!!" Kip roared angrily. "I must skin you!"

President Chris is still holding a pan in his hand, completely unable to understand the situation: "it seems that this journey is not very smooth..."

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