"Hey! You have to register before you leave!"

Dick and Ye Feng reached the first floor by elevator and were almost stopped by the guard when they ran out of the building. Dick didn't pay attention to the blue guard at all. He shouted to him, "everything you do is meaningless. Your existence is just a lie!"

"Dick, he is a doorman. You don't have to hit him," said Ye Feng reluctantly.

"You know, I Dick treat everyone equally. No matter what his job is, they are meaningless in my eyes!" cried Dick.

"Are you sick? Aren't you that great Dick?" the doorman saw Dick's appearance, stopped in front of Dick and Ye Feng and said to him, "Dick, can you sign for me? My grandfather's grandfather's grandfather had dinner with you. He said you have a very bad temper, but -"

"Go away!" Dick pushed the guard away. "Don't you see I'm running for my life? Go away and get cool!"

"Run for your life?" the guard said in surprise.

Ignoring others, Dick and Ye Feng ran out of the building with their heads depressed.

After listening to Dick's words, the door guard who was stunned in place thought about what the alien called "therick" said to himself and muttered alone: "if this is true, then..."

"I'm looking for Paul Anderson." a beautiful lady asked the guard for information.

"The third floor. Would you like to have dinner? And..." the guard tried to chat up the beauty. As for what Dick just said, Dick's words that subverted his world outlook were forgotten by him after the charming lady appeared

"No. why should I have dinner with you? Psycho." his invitation was rejected by the beautiful woman. She turned around and walked into the elevator.

The doorman who was hit by Dick and beautiful women had to sit back in his chair

"You may have created the universe, but I live here! Dick, this is my home!"

Just as Dick and Ye Feng ran out of the building and headed for Dick's aircraft, Kip flew a flying motorcycle out of the three floors of the building behind Dick.

He purposely hovered over Dick's head and mocked him loudly. Then, amid Dick's disgusting curse, Kip flew his flying motorcycle to the square where Dick parked his aircraft.

"Wait, Dick, when I cut off your escape, you'll face the anger of the whole planet. Don't worry, I won't let you die easily, ha ha ha..."

Facing Kip's wild laughter, Ye Feng simply shouted to kip in the air, "I'm not familiar with this old man. I was kidnapped by him. Can you cross my name off your revenge list? I'm your good friend -"

"Ye Feng, you wait to be cut into pieces!" Kip's roar came from a distance.

"Damn..." Ye Feng muttered helplessly, "Dick, we're dead now..."

"Don't worry, the great Dick will correct Kip's mistakes, of course, and yours." Dick squinted at Ye Feng. "You and I are not familiar, are you? Didn't we get all this mess together? Maybe I have a little more responsibility than you, but dare you say you are innocent? Ye Feng, think it over."

"Shit! You fart, you old bastard made all this. You are the culprit of all this! Damn it! What to do, Dick, we TM are going to be finished! He will go back to the aircraft before us and destroy the way we left the world. We can't go back again. Kip will take people to kill me!" Ye Feng roared angrily, He was trembling with fear.

"Come on, Ye Feng, it doesn't help us at all. Think about some good aspects. At least we won't have the pain we have to face when we are alive. To be honest, I don't fully believe what Kip said. He's a coward," Dick said.

"You fart!" Ye Feng scolded angrily.

Ye Feng is really driven crazy by Dick and Kip. The car repair trip with Dick is much more dangerous than completing the task alone. MD, you must be careful next time you go out with this old guy. "Pa". Ye Feng gave himself a big mouth and wanted to have another time!? Are you really tired of living?

"Come on, maple boy, imagine yourself a plane!" Dick suddenly stopped, turned around, grabbed Ye Feng's shoulder and shouted to the latter.


"I forgot how long ago, I implanted a subcutaneous chip into you, which can wake up the nano robot dormant in your vascular system, reconstruct your body structure and turn you into a plane." Dick turned and continued to run. While running, he explained to Ye Feng behind him, "there's no time to hesitate and turn into a plane!"

"What are you talking about!?" I can't describe Ye Feng's mood at this time. Let's say that he feels as if he was fed a bucket of shit when he was sleeping. Ye Feng feels like this now

"Concentrate, maple boy! Concentrate and become a plane, maple boy!" Dick turned back and commanded Ye Feng.

In the face of the crisis situation that may be erased by kip, Ye Feng had to stop asking Dick when and how he thought. He secretly transformed him. Ye Feng tried to eliminate the distractions in his head. His eyes were closed and tried to concentrate on becoming a fucking plane.

Ye Feng uses all his strength. He roars. He doesn't want to die in this "micro universe". In order to reach his destination before kip, he must become a plane. He must do it for him and Cobi!!!

"Ah ah!!!" Ye Feng shouted.

"Damn it, I forgot, I implanted the chip in the bald lad, not on you." Dick patted his forehead and said suddenly, "all right, give up, you're pulling out the shit."

"..." Ye Feng stared at Dick silently, and the swearing words in his heart poured into his mouth, but he couldn't say a word angrily, "Dick, you TM -"

Dick explained, "I just remember wrong. You and big bald ladle are really a little like --"

"Me? Like milk bald?" Ye Feng shouted, pointing to his face. "What's the similarity between me and the big Orc? You say it, I'll change it!"

"No, you two are idiots at the same time, which can't be changed at all," Dick said leisurely. "You are extremely similar to him in some aspects, such as stupidity, complaining about others, not enough success, more than failure, and so on."

"... I don't want to use Kip to do it. I want to strangle you myself now." Ye Feng said angrily, "Dick, at this critical moment, when you and I fight the whole world, you don't forget to humiliate my IQ?"

"You and I fight the whole world? No, you're wrong. I fight the world alone, and you drag me back!" Dick shouted.

"I'm really sorry!" Ye Feng shouted, "I'm really sorry for you, Dick, great Dick. I didn't commit suicide, but then entrusted your old man's hind legs. You're really great."

"If only you knew."

Ye Feng roared, "I'm not praising you! Asshole, Dick, I'm TM -"

"Oh? I thought you had a sudden enlightenment before you died." Dick pretended to shake his head. "You may not have much more chance of enlightenment than iron trees."

"... Dick, one of the things I regret most in my life is knowing you." Ye Feng said, "m, if I didn't meet you, I --"

"Long dead. Forget it. It's okay. There's a taxi. Come in. It's okay." Dick's bastard voice came. Ye Feng opened his eyes and saw the old guy standing in front of a yellow taxi. He was waving Ye Feng to get on the bus. Shit... This is the only adjective that Ye Feng can think of to describe his mood at the moment

"Even if I die, I won't follow you. It's better to suffer alive!" Ye Feng said discontentedly as he sat next to Dick.

"Drive on to Dick square," Dick said to the taxi driver.

"Dick's Square? Isn't there no access? I heard Dick was coming -" the taxi driver was suddenly stunned. He turned to look at Dick, "you're the great Dick. It's the first time I've seen a living --"

"Please look ahead when driving. I don't want to die in a car accident in this world," Dick said.

"Oh, I'm sorry." the driver quickly turned back. "I'm just, a little excited. You know, Dick, I grew up listening to your miracle story, so, uh, a little excited -"

"I know it's strange to see God sitting in the back of your car. Believe me, God is usually good tempered, but he's impatient, so can you stop talking nonsense? Concentrate on driving!" Dick said.

"Er... OK," said the taxi driver, startled by Dick. "You are very different from what I thought. What's more --"

"Asshole?" said Ye Feng.

"Er..." the driver didn't retort.

"Ye Feng, haven't you finished venting your complaints?" Dick glared at Ye Feng.

"Hum, I can't help but make complaints about you," Ye Feng said.

"Hold it, if you don't want to die."

"... I know. I will restrain myself," said Ye Feng.

"..." the taxi driver looked at Dick carefully and dared not speak. The image of the great Dick he has been instilled with, the real dick, is much more vivid and ferocious.

"Are you peeking at me?" Dick asked the taxi driver.

"Er... I think, you know, um, great Dick, I'm a little excited. You know, I've never seen you live with my own eyes. You know, Dick, I've only heard your name in books and legends. You know, you're a big man and a real God!" said the taxi driver excitedly.

"Come on, don't ink. Your world is almost over. I've regretted it. My God now regrets getting you blue people out." Dick said casually.

"Ah? Dick, you're kidding, aren't you?"

"Sort of," Dick said indifferently.

"The great dick in your mouth is a man who does what he says. Oh, it's God. I remember that he is God in your eyes." Ye Feng said sarcastically, "if it's strictly calculated, I'm also God, aren't I? Dick, I come from the same place as you."

"Are you also a God? From the divine realm?" said the taxi driver excitedly. "I said why do you look so strange? So you are also a god!"

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