"You fart! You look strange! Your whole family looks strange!" Ye Feng shouted discontentedly.

"All right, stop gossiping, you, concentrate on driving," Dick said to the taxi driver.

"OK, great Dick and Dick's attendant."

"You are the valet, your whole family is the valet!" Ye Feng wanted to give the driver a big mouth, but Dick stopped him.

"Come on, do you want to kill us all? Sit down!" Dick shouted to Ye Feng.

"..." Ye Feng sat on the seat angrily without saying a word.

Kip, who was driving his flying motorcycle on the road, looked back arrogantly from time to time. He wondered how far Dick had been left by himself.

This old bastard wants to break away from this "micro universe" and destroy his world. Kip can't let him succeed.

"Hey, hey, hey..." just when Kip was secretly proud to get rid of Dick, a taxi drove to Kip. In the rolled down window, Dick's disgusting face stretched out and said to the forced Kip with a grimace: "Hey, kip, Hello, happy Dean's day, fool."

"You're still coming up? Dick, you're really a thief! I won't let you succeed. I'll trap you in my world and show you the anger of the people on our planet. Then I'll see if you can laugh!" Kip roared.

"Don't you have anything else to say? Kip, you should know that always repeating one sentence is a manifestation of mental retardation. For you, I just want to say one word. You can't stop me. I will destroy you and the world!" Dick said ferociously.

"You fart!" Kip sped up and jerked away from the taxi.

"Dick, he's running!" Ye Feng shouted eagerly.

"It's all right, just look," said Dick. "Driver, turn left!"


After Dick said this, the taxi turned off at the next intersection.

While kip in Meng B state is still driving straight. He is thinking about what Dick just said to him, happy Dean's day? what do you mean?

Just when Kip didn't know he was fierce, he suddenly noticed the grand parade in front of him. A parade float carrying a huge dick's head was right in front of Kip's driving route. At Kip's driving speed, it was inevitable to hit the parade float!


Kip protected the key with both hands at the last second before the crash, and the whole company and the car were connected into the huge head of dick on the float.

Dick saw the scene of Kip's collision through the glass behind the window in the taxi. He was excited and shouted to Ye Feng: "success, success! Maple boy!".

Ye Feng just silently looked out of the window and didn't have time to talk to Dick. Ye Feng was still thinking about how much his body had been transformed by dick

"Hey, cheer up, maple boy. Let's go out and destroy the world."

"Excuse me?" when the taxi driver heard Dick say this, he couldn't believe it. He turned and looked at the old guy.

"You don't understand. This is a hindrance that God can understand. You know, our world is different from yours, and your words are a little different. Although your language is also created by me, it is still different from the real language used by God." Dick said expressionless.

"Well, I thought you were going to destroy our world." the taxi driver breathed a sigh of relief.

"Not necessarily. It depends on the mood. You know, God is also in a bad mood," Dick said.


"Dick, are you sure you want to do that?" Ye Feng said to Dick. "You have destroyed the world of soap man and egg man."

"Who knows," Dick said disapprovingly, "have you ever thought, maple boy, the world we live in may also be the world created by people from another dimension."

"Do you mean that people of a higher dimension created our world?" Ye Feng asked, "is it possible?"

"You should talk to Kip about it and he'll tell you how he feels," Dick said.

"Well... Maybe, after this experience, I don't know what to believe." Ye Feng said confused.

"In fact, I can tell you clearly that the world we live in is also created by a higher dimensional person," Dick said casually.

"Ah?" Ye Feng was stunned. "What did you say?"

"Yes, I've been in contact with this man, if we can call him a man," Dick said casually. "He looks very gentle. It's not difficult to get along with him. He's a good talker."

"Where is he now?" Ye Feng had a bad feeling.

"I killed him," Dick said, "so our world is safe. I TM is the hero of our world, the real hero."

"... you're kidding, aren't you?"

"Of course not," said Dick. "He was almost unsuspecting, so I easily poisoned his food. To my surprise, he was very fragile. Almost the moment he ate the food, he hung up, making my other attempts useless."

"... in other words, Kip is likely to kill us, just like what you have done before, and kill the people who created our world," Ye Feng said.

"Don't worry, Kip won't succeed. I'll be killed. Unlike the naive one. I'm a cruel man. I can't be killed by waste like Kip. As you just saw, the boy had a car accident. Now his life and death are unknown. Now he should care about whether his leg will be broken instead of trying to kill me." Dick said disapprovingly.

"Dick, you'd better --"

"Maple boy, I admit that I'm a little rash this time. I should bring more things in. The world has developed to a certain stage. I admit that my influence, Dick's name, is not as easy to use here as before," Dick said.

"No, great Dick, everyone on our planet knows your name, and everyone of us grew up listening to your story," said the taxi driver.

"No, as far as I know, I know someone who scoffs at me and my name," Dick said.

"Do you mean Dr. Kip? Don't take his words to heart. He's not aimed at you alone. He has the same attitude towards everyone, as if everyone else is rubbish. Only he can deserve the word" person. "The taxi driver advised.


"I think he is a fart spirit!" said Ye Feng discontentedly.

"Do you know Kip?" Dick asked the driver.

"Everyone knows him, just as everyone knows you. Great Dick, Kip. Although he is not as prestigious as you, he is indeed a scientist who makes contact and contribution. Although no one likes him because of his rebellious temper. But, well, some of his scientific discoveries and inventions are really angry in our daily life The whole world has taken a big step forward because of him, "said the taxi driver.

"It's only because I haven't come to you recently that he has made a loophole," said Dick contemptuously. "If I had been in your world, there would be nothing wrong with Kip!"

"Dick, did you forget? You just need a car battery, but you don't care about the rest," Ye Feng reminded helplessly.

"Er... Maple boy, I really can't refute you when you say that," Dick admitted.

"Car battery? What are you talking about?" the taxi driver looked puzzled at Dick and Ye Feng in the rearview mirror. "Are there some stems between you gods that we ordinary people don't understand?"

"Yes, your comprehension is really strong," Dick said expressionless.

"Thank you, great Dick," said the taxi driver happily.

"If people in the world were as heartless as him, I wouldn't have so many broken things to deal with," Dick said gently in Ye Feng's ear.

"Dream, Dick," said Ye Feng expressionless. "I just want to go home and have a good sleep in my bed. Oh, by the way, I want to be comfortable on my toilet."

In the sudden heavy rain, Dick and Ye Feng slowly walked back to the aircraft parked in the square. When Dick was about to enter the aircraft, a cry came from behind him.

"Dick!!! You don't want to run!!! Come here!!!"

It was kip, who limped slowly towards Dick's position with his injured leg and scars. Look at the determination in Kip's eyes.

Dick didn't speak. He took off his white coat, threw it on the ground and walked towards Kip. Ye Feng wants to stop it. When he sees the seriousness in Dick's eyes, Ye Feng feels that the old bastard is a soldier for the first time, so he lets him solve the matter between him and Kip.

"Dick..." Ye Feng didn't know what to say. Reason told him that at this time, he should rush over and stop Dick, and then the two people left the world together and returned to their world.

But Ye Feng was embarrassed to say.

"You left school, but you still have a lot to learn."

"I think so of you, Dick. Maybe you created the world, but you are not the master of the world. You are not qualified to do whatever you want. Dick, you must clearly know that the world is mine and must protect it from your hands."

"Well said, if you have the ability, take the world away from me," said Dick.

"Dick, the last winner standing will be me. Remember me!"

"I never use brain cells for losers," Dick said indifferently.

Dick came up to Kip. In the pouring rain, Kip and Dick looked at each other.

The contradiction between them is that they are all geniuses and highly gifted scientists who stand out in their own universe. The biggest problem between them is not who created whose universe. They just don't like another existence with the same wisdom as themselves. Every genius is very close to becoming a psychosis, and Dick and Kip can be called neuropathy in the eyes of ordinary people they despise. But they don't care. Dick and Kip just want to live as they want, but their existence makes it impossible. One of them must compromise. The loser in this battle will be the one who compromises!

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