In the dark sky, it seems that dark clouds are not far above. You can reach them by raising your hand.



Kip and Dick walked towards each other. Their eyes were very firm. A war was about to begin.

The cold wind whistled across the earth, making people shudder like three headed dogs in hell. The falling raindrops make the color of the ground darker and darker. In this stormy weather where normal people will not go out, the two tall and thin people are marching towards each other.

Even if the blue skinned one has been scarred, even if the white skinned one is old, the two tall and thin people still firmly want each other to go over, and one of them will fall in this magnificent heavy rain to taste the bitterness of failure.

"It will be you, Dick."

"No, I've never been a loser, kip, and you need to learn more from failure to make you awe the world." Dick looked at Dick calmly.


After the angry roar, there was neither too much language nor mutual gaze. At the moment Dick and Kip met, the final confrontation between the two began in a silent tacit understanding. Dick raised his right fist and hit Kip hard in the face. The latter fell to the ground.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah!!!" due to the heavy blow on his body, Kip roared like a beast. He stared at dick with blood red eyes. The disgust and determination in his eyes made Maple Ye standing in the distance feel Kip's anger at Dick.

Kip really wanted to kill dick... Ye Feng looked at Dick and kip, who were wrestling with each other. He couldn't help worrying. He was afraid that if Dick was killed by kip, he would be trapped in Kip's world all his life. Maybe he didn't have a lifetime. Once Dick died, He'll be killed by Kip.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng moved. He walked quietly to Dick and kip, but Dick looked at him after only a few steps.

"Go away! Maple boy, this is between me and Kip. Don't interfere!" Dick shouted decisively.

"But --"

"What? Maple boy, do you think I'll fail? I'll fall on this Kip's hand?" Dick spit contemptuously, his hands intertwined with Kip's arm. "Don't be kidding, just such a rubbish, how can I fail!"

"Dick, you'd better let that maple leaf help you, or I'll kill you right away!" Kip looked at Dick contemptuously. "Do you think your old arms and legs can kill me? Don't be delusional!"

Kip was covered with bruises and bleeding wounds due to the traffic accident just now. In the most primitive battle, even though he was in his golden age, he was still not the opponent of Dick because of all kinds of injuries, but he didn't give up and still fought hand to hand with Dick.

It is also because Dick and Kip are stubborn people. Neither of them used any scientific and technological means in the fight with fist dialogue. Otherwise, it is really uncertain who will win or lose.

Of course, the reason why Kip didn't dare to use it was that he was afraid that Dick's scientific and technological means were more powerful. He didn't want dick to react. Dick didn't use it because he didn't bring anything at all

"Dick, you're a waste! I just had a car accident, and I can kill you with my body. You wait to accept the consequences of failure!" Kip shouted madly.

"Are you proud of your car accident just now? Are you sick? It only shows that your driving skills are not in place. Go home and practice well! You stupid grandson!" Dick retorted.

"Brain crippled grandson? Do you think you can insult me like this when you are older than me?" Kip roared.

"Yes, you bit me!" said Dick.

"You're older than me, but Dick, you died earlier than me!" Kip yelled. "You old bastard!"

"That's not certain. Maybe those young people with good legs and feet will die in front of me." Dick said. "Even if the car accident can't kill you, I can kill you myself!"

"Then try it!"

"Just try!"

Of course, now at a disadvantage, Kip didn't want to be beaten passively. He struggled to get up from the ground, sat on the ground, hugged Dick's legs and dragged the latter to the ground. Kip then made a sudden force, rushed to Dick and sat on the latter. With one hand, he grabbed Dick's coat to keep him from breaking free. With the other hand, he clenched his fist and gave Dick a hard blow back, which immediately swollen Dick's left face.

"You look so much better, don't you? Dick, you look so funny!" Kip mocked Dick severely.

"Your aesthetic is as disgusting as your appearance. Really, kip, you're really disgusting. You should listen to the people who know you. They know you, but no one likes you!" Dick said.

It seemed that Dick's words poked Kip's pain. He roared and began to hit Dick madly. Dick calmly stared at kip, who was falling into madness. He ignored the rainstorm fist that fell on him, just stared at Kip contemptuously.

Maybe it was so boring. Kip gave up and continued to greet dick in the face. He pressed his two thumbs firmly on Dick's eyes and shouted at Dick in pain.

"Try this, Dick, can't you resist? Try this! See if you like it!" Kip shouted madly.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah!!!" cried dick in pain.

Have fun! Ye Feng, who was watching coldly, waved his arm. At this time, he had completely forgotten that dick would die if Kip killed him. Now all his attention is focused on dick being beaten. In his dream, he had fantasized about similar pictures countless times, the picture of Dick being beaten.

Because of the intense pain from his eyes, Dick's desperately moving arms just pulled Kip's head and pushed the latter down from Dick's own body, which gave Dick, whose eyes became red and swollen, a chance to breathe. He quickly stood up from the ground with pain, looked a few meters away and stared at his Kip with angry eyes.

"Dick, you still have two skills, but you're like this. You've reached the limit, haven't you?" Kip said contemptuously, staring into Dick's eyes. "I've just finished warming up. Dick, wait. Don't you say you've always been a loser? The day of your failure has come, and now!"

"I'm at my limit? Kip, you're really blind. Are you at your limit? I usually exercise more in the bathroom than fighting with you! Kip, you still want me to fail? Have your dream. A person will fall today, but that person must not be me!" Dick said.

"It's not me either." Ye Feng raised a hand far away.

"Shut up!"

"Well, just hold on, Dick. I know you'll fall at my feet and be beaten hard by me at any time," Kip said.

"You're procrastinating, Kip. I know you're at the end of a powerful bullet." Dick calmly looked at kip, who was gasping for breath and looked like trying to breathe out his lungs. "You were hurt more in that car accident than we thought, didn't you?"

"..." Kip gasped, without contradicting Dick.

Ye Feng, who was watching the fight between two science lunatics at the entrance and exit of the aircraft, didn't do anything. He just watched silently. Although he couldn't tell which one he hated more about Dick and kip, Ye Feng felt bored from the bottom of his heart in the face of the battle in which the two people threw themselves. Yes, it was too boring, This kind of fight similar to that of primary school students makes Ye Feng not interested at all. What Ye Feng thought in his heart was: Dick, you should kill the "blue low configuration version of yourself" quickly. What atmosphere is there to set off? It's really

"Dick, hurry up. I still want to go home early." Ye Feng said impatiently.

"Shut up," Dick shouted impatiently.

"If you don't want to do it, I'll go and give Kip -"

"Maple boy, go away, there's nothing for you here!" Dick roared. "Kip, this bastard, I must kill him myself and let him know what it means to be outside!"

"There's someone out there, and he's a big asshole!" Kip shouted.

"You, shut up," Dick said, pointing to Ye Feng. "Don't try to rob my head."

"Well, if you insist," said Ye Feng reluctantly, "but you'd better hurry. I think Kip is struggling to stand now. If you don't do it again, Dick, you may have no chance."

"Ye Feng, you fart! I'm in good shape!" Kip shouted insincerely.

"Come on, kip, let's decide the outcome. I really hate you, you stupid grandson." Dick hooked his finger at Kip.

"Exactly what I want! Dick!!!"


It seems that Ye Feng felt what he thought in his heart. Two science madmen looking at each other rushed to each other. Because they all worked too hard and rushed too fast, the two heads collided and fell to their knees. Dick, who was the first to stand up, kicked Kip's crotch. This lethal move broke Kip's defense in an instant. He knelt on the ground again with his heavily hit crotch.

"Aha!!!" Dick shouted excitedly, "try this, boy, try my power!" Dick stepped madly and ignored Kip who screamed at his feet.

"Dick, you son of a bitch, you play with Yin!!! You must die!!! Ah ah!!!" this unspeakable pain makes Kip feel that his soul has been torn apart. He wails in pain and wriggles wildly in Dick's laughter, trying to get himself out of this unbearable pain.

"Kip, I think you're almost done in your life, don't you? Are you satisfied?" Dick stepped madly. "Kip, how do you feel? Ah? Are you enjoying this pain well?"

"Dick, you must die hard. I'll make you kneel in front of me and cry!!!" Kip cried in pain.

"That's it, boy, you have to grow up in pain, don't you?" Dick smiled cruelly. His face was so terrible in Ye Feng's eyes.

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