Gemma stared at the screen in front of her, which showed the archives of an Atlanta soldier. Ghana drogan. Due to Ye Feng's request, Gemma has been tracking down the target recently. This person is Ye Feng's former teammate, and now his whereabouts are unknown.

"Ye Feng, why do you suddenly want to find an old comrade in arms you haven't contacted for more than ten years?" jenma asked curiously, "it looks strange. You don't pay much attention to feelings, do you?"

"Hey, Gemma, I'm a person who attaches great importance to feelings. You should have a deep understanding of this." Ye Feng said to Gemma while exercising. "In fact, the relationship between me and this buddy is still very good, but for one reason or another, I broke off contact with him a long time ago and haven't taken the time to reconnect."

"Tell the truth." jenma stared at Ye Feng with an expressionless face. "I know you, Ye Feng. You must be hiding something from me. I've been helping you find this person. If you don't tell me the truth, you'll find a way by yourself." jenma left the keyboard with both hands, held it in front of her chest and looked at Ye Feng.

"... is there no room for negotiation? Gemma, do you know you will make me very embarrassed?" Ye Feng said with some hesitation.

"Of course there's no room for negotiation. When will I compromise with you?" Gemma said naturally. "If you don't tell the truth, I'll go to Avril to play. She should be in the library now." Gemma tried to stand up.

"OK, OK, I said, can't I? Lei Zeyan knew I told you this, he would spray me to death." Ye Feng said with lingering fear, "the relationship between us has just been eased. Hey..." Ye Feng sighed.

"Lei Zeyan, the director of the 19th branch? Does he have anything to do with this?" jenma looked at Ye Feng curiously.

"Yes, in fact, he asked me to find this man." Ye Feng said, "I don't know why he suddenly asked me to find him, but obviously, he thinks it's the safest task for me, because he knows my roots and knows that I won't sell him." Ye Feng's tone was a little proud, "A man believes that another man will never betray him, Gemma. Don't you think it sounds cool?"

"Lei Zeyan believes you will never betray him?" jenma said contemptuously. "Do you believe it yourself?"

"Er... No." Ye Feng thought carefully and said to jenma, "maybe the word forever is a little too heavy."

"Won't you betray Lei Zeyan?" jenma stared at Ye Feng.

"Er... I didn't think about it. I don't know. Ye Feng's tone is very uncertain. He seems to be seriously thinking about the lowest price he can reluctantly accept if someone wants him to betray Lei Zeyan.

"Your bottom line has never been high." jenma said sharply, "he asked you to find this old comrade in arms, who should also be Lei Zeyan's old comrade in arms." jenma pointed to the picture on the screen and said to Ye Feng, "He should have more resources than you. Although his hackers must not be as powerful as me, he doesn't need to drag you in. Maybe he can find the whereabouts of this person himself as long as he takes more time."

"Who knows, maybe Lei Zi himself is inconvenient to come forward. You know, his industry can't be seen in public. I suspect he will be killed within five minutes as soon as he leaves the security personnel. There are always many people who want to kill him. It can be said that his enemies may be more than mine." Ye Feng analyzed.

"More than your enemies? It's impossible. I tried to make a general statistics of the people who want to kill you in the world, but unfortunately, I finally failed. The number is too large and covers all walks of life. I really can't complete this challenge. Ye Feng, how did you cause so many troubles in your short life? Let countless people want to kill you." Gemma stared at Ye Feng helplessly.

She was not alarmist. She did try to count the list of people who threatened Ye Feng before, but unfortunately, she failed in the end and did not really complete this feat.

"Hey, it's like everyone spits on me! I'm a mystery!" said Ye Feng discontentedly. "To some extent, I'm the most popular person in the world!"

"That's true. The people who like you and the people who don't like you are almost equal." Gemma said reluctantly, "you are really a celebrity. Few people in the world don't know you, which is a fact."

"Hey, I'll tell you, celebrities will face such a situation. You know, they have mixed praise and reputation. Although I'm tired of such a life, I didn't do it against it. This is my world, don't you say, Gemma?" said Ye Feng, with a dark and cool expression on his face.

"You really should look in the mirror and see your ugly face. Ye Feng, I can't help but want to beat you." jenma didn't say anything. She really threw her slippers at Ye Feng.

"Hey! Gemma, I'm exercising. I must keep my body strong. Otherwise, how can I protect you from harm? You are all weak women!"

"Me? Weak woman?"

"Er... You're not, you're terrible." Ye Feng said with lingering fear.

"Jane, Audrey, Chu Qian, Rihanna, Kate, everyone is a strong hero who can be alone. Who do you think is a weak woman? Avril? She is, but she has our protection. You don't have to worry about it. As long as you don't cause us trouble, really, ye Feng, as long as you can do this, I'll burn Gao Xiang." Jenma said seriously, "I'm really satisfied that you can stay at home and don't die. Founder, I've made some money recently. You don't have to go out to pick up the task."

"You made some money?"

"Well, when I'm free to play, I didn't expect to make a lot of money at once." jenma said lightly. "After all, my IQ ranks the top in the world. Coupled with the smart Avril helping me, making money is not a very difficult thing. After all, I took the original funds from your bank account. It's easy to start the funds."

"My bank account?"

"It's easier to crack your password than to move your fingers. But don't worry, I've returned the money to you with interest. I don't care about your small money at all now." jenma said arrogantly.

"... how many things have you done to my life behind my back?" Ye Feng looked helplessly at jenma. "I won't disagree to give you money. At least can you tell me that this is at least a respect for me."

"It's too much trouble. I don't want to do it."

"... your reason is really fresh and refined," said Ye Feng, biting his teeth.

"Flattery, flattery."

"..." Ye Feng stared at jenma speechless and did push ups more quickly, as if to vent his anger.

The latter turned directly to the computer and paid no attention to Ye Feng, but focused on the whereabouts of the person Ye Feng asked her to look for.

"Where has he gone? Really," jenma said to herself with a headache.

Ye Feng looks at jenma with some worry. He absolutely believes in her ability. If jenma can't find his whereabouts, Ye Feng doesn't think others can find the whereabouts of his old comrade in arms on the Internet.

Hey... Leizi, why are you looking for him?

“*Aite aite aite aite aite**You got me feeling like a Feeling like a Papillon**Aite aite aite aite aite aite aite**Find it**I'll s hine like a diamond*”

"Ye Feng, your cell phone rings." jenma turns to Ye Feng, who is doing push ups in the open space.

"I see." Ye Feng stood up, came over, picked up his cell phone and connected the phone.

"Hello?... well, I see. Hasn't he embarrassed you lately?... OK, tonight, OK, OK, see you then."

"Who?" jenma asked curiously.

"Lisa, Lei Zeyan's deputy. She is also my friend."

"Girlfriend?" jenma stared at Ye Feng coldly.

"Er... Female friend." Ye Feng said with evasive eyes, "between me and her, er, you know, Gemma, is..." Ye Feng kept stumbling and couldn't say a complete sentence.

"Oh, did you and Audrey tell you about Lisa, or did I help you?" jenma looked at Ye Feng with a cunning look in her eyes.

"...." Ye Feng was even more depressed. "Can you not tell them that I know they have been busy fighting crime recently, so don't disturb them..."

"I think sister Audrey, they really want to know who you will see tonight." jenma said solemnly, "they have the right to know you, where Ye Feng will see you again, who he will see and what he has done. You are a worry free master, Ye Feng. They care about your move."

"I just met an old friend. You know, she must have brought Lei Zeyan's latest information, that is, things at work. You know, I've always been public and private. During the implementation of the task, I can't fool around -"

"You? Are you kidding? You're the most unreliable person among the people I know!" jenma said contemptuously. "Can you distinguish between public and private? Don't be kidding. You'll eat all the beauties you know. I don't want to know some beautiful big sisters." jenma said angrily. She stared at the embarrassed Ye Feng and said mercilessly, "I'll tell sister Audrey about it. We're on the same front!"

"You really make me feel cold when you say that. Really, Gemma, I always think I'm the closest person to you." Ye Feng said sadly.

"Hum! You are not the closest person to me." jenma blushed. "Sister Audrey and I have a better relationship. Who will be nice to you? Sister Chu Qian is so kind to you and cooks for you every day!"

"Well, whatever you say, I want to go out. You and Avril say to them, by the way, leave me some snacks, remember?" said Ye Feng.

"So early? Are you going out now?" jenma stared at Ye Feng in confusion.

"Well, go early. Anyway, I want to exercise. It's a big deal to run. There's still some distance from us. It should be enough for me to warm up." Ye Feng said casually.

"Be safe and don't die outside," Gemma said anxiously.

"OK, OK." Ye Feng said with a bitter smile, "in your eyes, am I always on the edge of hanging up?"

"Yes, who knows when you will succeed in killing yourself." jenma said angrily.


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