

Leonard River

Lisa stood alone in the wind at night, waiting for the man's arrival. Although the time was approaching may, the river wind blowing along the Leonard River still made lisa in windbreaker feel a little cold. Inadvertently, Lisa noticed the figure coming towards her - Ye Feng in black clothes and trousers appeared.

"Hey." Ye Feng said hello to Lisa, "Lisa, I haven't seen you for a long time. I've been very busy recently. Really, if you stay with a group of primitive people for several months, you will become as enthusiastic as me. You are very enthusiastic about your former friends. Come on, Lisa, hug." Ye Feng stretched out his hands and opened his arms to Lisa.

"... you haven't changed, Ye Feng, although I don't know what you mean." Lisa reluctantly walked over and gave Ye Feng a big hug.

"Has Lei Zi's attitude towards you changed? I mean, after going through such things," said Ye Feng.

"No, it's the same as before. It's very cold," Lisa said. "Nothing has changed. He's still the same. I feel very good."

"That's good." Ye Feng rubbed Lisa's head with his chin. "If he bullies you, tell me, Lisa, I'll clean up his clothes."

"Are you kidding? Do you dare to beat Lei Zeyan?" Lisa looked at Ye Feng with a smile. "All right, stop hugging and get down to business." Lisa pushed Ye Feng away, and the latter took a step back with some regret. "Lisa, sit in the chair and talk."

Ye Feng pointed to a bench on the Bank of the river.


Lisa and Ye Feng sat on the chair side by side.

"Ye Feng, I've had a rich and colorful life these days. I haven't been to the new metropolis for a long time. I have to say that there have been great changes here. Last time I came to lanstanton City, I remember the night at that time, but it was very restless. I have to say, the harvest these days is still great." Lisa smiled and looked at Ye Feng.

"Lei Zeyan didn't come with you?" Ye Feng asked.

"Of course not. He has a lot of things to do. He won't come out of the field in person," Lisa said. "He's busy with other things now. I'm fully responsible for dealing with it with you."

"Why does Lei Zi have to find Ghana drogan? Suddenly he called me and asked me to help him find Ghana drogan. At that time, I was frightened and thought something big had happened." Ye Feng said, "does Lei Zi want to hold a party between his old comrades in arms? It should not be. He is a very cold person. You can see his attitude towards me."

"It's definitely not a party," Lisa looked at Ye Feng reluctantly. "It's a big event. Do you know the" chimera plan "

"Chimera plan"? The damn human body transformation plan? "Ye Feng asked." isn't that plan not really implemented at all? I remember that the plan was stopped immediately after it was leaked out, because it was very inhumane and cruel to the experimented. I remember that the success rate of human body transformation was no more than 10 percent. "

"Yes, Ghana drogan is the last experimenter to survive in the world." Lisa said, "he has been hiding for more than ten years, but the hunt for him has not stopped. Rezeyan has his internal information. The people who hunt Ghana drogan have determined his hiding place."

"It's you? There's too much in your heart. I need to sort it out one by one," said Ye Feng. "Ghana drogan is the experimenter of the chimera plan?"

"Yes, and survived."

"His human body transformation experiment was successful?" asked Ye Feng.

"No, he's just lucky not to die," Lisa said. "In order to kill people, a weapons development group that originally proposed the" chimera plan "has not given up chasing him for years. After all, if Ghana drogan is alive to accuse them of their crimes, this large group will go bankrupt in an instant."

"The pursuit of an experimenter by a large group company? It's just my friend. He can escape more than ten years." Ye Feng said, "but he has been found, hasn't he?"

"Of course, so Lei Zeyan needs you to come out and save Ghana drogan." Lisa said, "our 19th branch is not easy to come forward directly. After all, in order to protect the spies we planted in that big company, Ye Feng, Lei Zeyan thought of you."

"Well, in order to save my former comrades in arms, of course I am duty bound!" Ye Feng said, "but we have not found the whereabouts of Ghana drogan. Can't your people pass this information on?"

"He has no access to such information. He can only know that Ghana drogan's location is really exposed." Lisa said reluctantly. "If we already know Ghana drogan's location, does Lei Zeyan still need to ask you to find someone? Aren't you friends with Xu wenweak's top hacker? Can't you ask him to help?"

"There is a top hacker around me, and Xu wenweak should not be needed for this matter." Ye Feng said, "her hacker is also very powerful. Don't worry. Give her some time, she should be able to find the whereabouts of Ghana drogan."

"We may have time, but Ghana drogan may have no time. It's hard to say whether the people of that big group set out to find Ghana drogan." Lisa said with a bitter smile.

"What does this big group mean?" Ye Feng asked curiously.

"Robertson group," said Lisa, "you must have heard the name."

"Of course I've heard of it." Ye Feng widened his eyes. "Many of the weapons I use are products produced by their company. I'll go! Are we going to confront this big company?"

"Yes, you have seen the facts." Lisa said reluctantly, "this will make the journey very dangerous. Really, Ye Feng, you can tell Lei Zeyan that you can't do it while you're not too deep."

"No," said Ye Feng, "Ghana drogan is my comrade in arms. I will not abandon him. Don't abandon, don't give up!" Ye Feng raised his hands and waved hard, "Lisa, am I a greedy man? In your eyes."

"No, of course you're not. You're the one who died," Lisa said with a bitter smile. "You've always been like this. You'll never give up your old knowledge and let them live and die."

"Of course, I am Ye Feng, the God of death in the eyes of the enemy." Ye Feng said, "it is because of my noble quality that you fall in love with me, don't you?"

"Of course not. I just like your appearance," Lisa joked. "Would you be happier?"

"Really." Ye Feng nodded and put his hand around Lisa's shoulder.

"Scared?" Lisa asked.

"Of course not," Lisa said calmly. "How can I be afraid? I just fear. Sometimes I want to give up, but in the end, I always come down to earth and kill all the bad guys, don't you think?"

"Hahaha, you are really not modest," Lisa said. "Ye Feng, I will act with you and participate in the whole process of looking for Ghana drogan."

"Can you?" Ye Feng looked at Lisa with concern. "At the moment of crisis, I may not be able to protect you."

"Do I need you to protect me?" Lisa glanced at Ye Feng. "Maybe I have to protect you."

"Well..." Ye Feng said with a bitter smile, "maybe you're right."

"Of course I'm right. As long as you listen to me, it won't be too difficult for us to find Ghana drogan," Lisa said.

"Hey, Lisa, your evaluation of me is too negative. Really, I'm a reliable man at the critical time." Ye Feng said discontentedly.

"Critical moments always come too late, don't they?" Lisa said.

"Er... Maybe," said Ye Feng reluctantly.

"And I don't care, it's you. I feel that this trip will not be smooth. Considering your character, I'm worried about the prospect of this mission." Lisa's worries were written on her face.

"I don't know when these things will be the head, Lisa. When I look at you... I just feel distressed. You've been busy with similar bad things, Lisa, because what I see is a lonely woman with endless and long burden. Your burden is too heavy."

When Lisa heard Ye Feng say this, her eyes were shining in an instant. She choked and couldn't speak. She just looked into Ye Feng's eyes.

"Lisa, i..." Noticing Lisa's out of control, Ye Feng lowered his voice with guilt and said to Lisa, "I can't let you have an accident, do you understand? I can't let you have an accident, please, don't have an accident..."

"OK, I will pay attention to my safety and don't let you worry about my safety." Lisa said moved.

"After this, just leave the 19th branch." Ye Feng said, "really, give up this life and I'll raise you."

"No, I chose this kind of life," Lisa said. "I never wanted to give up halfway when I chose this career."

"OK, OK. I know. I know your determination. You are really a stubborn little naughty." Ye Feng spoiled and said.


Lisa blushed and said that she was confused by Ye Feng's words tonight, but Lisa could only think about what he said. She knew that from the day she entered the 19th branch, she couldn't leave easily. She couldn't leave there and he couldn't leave there.

"How can we contact after that? Shall I call you?" asked Ye Feng.

"No, don't contact me. I'll contact you on my own initiative. If you find anything and need to tell me, send a message to this number," I want to eat curry chicken today. "Seeing this sentence, I know you want to see me, and I'll come here to meet you immediately." Lisa said solemnly.

"Isn't it safe? You think." Ye Feng looked at Lisa unexpectedly. "There shouldn't be anyone watching between me and you."

"It's hard to say. It's better to be careful. That's it. Have you memorized the number?" Lisa pointed to the little piece of paper she had just given him.

"Er... Remember," said Ye Feng.

"Give it to me." Lisa stretched out her hand, took the small piece of paper and lit it with a lighter in front of Ye Feng.

Watching the burning ashes flying over the dark river, Ye Feng couldn't help feeling. He said, "Lisa, your work really needs a meticulous person like you to be competent. I certainly can't do it."

"Of course, it's up to you?"

Ye Feng walked up to Lisa and gently kissed Lisa on the cheek. In Lisa's silence, Ye Feng left silently, and his figure gradually disappeared into the rising fog on the Bank of Leonard River

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