"Hum, I'm looking forward to that day? Will I bow my head to you? I'm kidding." "black blade" said contemptuously. His disdain for Ye Feng in his tone was almost undisguised. Her attitude made her happy. She was always interested in seeing Ye Feng eat flat.

"All right."

Ye Feng bent down happily and took out two portions of pancake fruit from the bag he put at his feet. Each was served with two eggs and two luxurious pancakes with roasted wings. Maple leaf began to eat in front of "black blade", Lisa and Gemma.

The attractive aroma of pancake fruit echoed in the carriage of battle bread. Lisa and Gemma, who had no interest in pancake fruit, looked straight, and their saliva began to flow freely in their mouth.

Not to mention the "black blade" who loved pancake fruit very much. She was unconventional and looked excitedly at the pancake fruit in Ye Feng's hand. Her hand unconsciously had been pressed on the weapon. It seemed that she would suddenly draw a knife to kill Ye Feng at any time, and then grab the pancake fruit in his hand and eat it.

"Ye Feng, keep your voice down." jenma quietly swallowed her saliva and said dissatisfied to Ye Feng. The latter seemed to deliberately want to arouse other people's attention. Ye Feng made a huge chewing sound when eating pancake fruit.

"I'd like to. I bought it with money. I can eat as I want. Can you manage it?" said Ye Feng disapprovingly.

"Hum!" jenma turned her head, put on her headphones and ignored Ye Feng.

"..." and "black blade" kept staring at the pancake fruit in Ye Feng's hand, but Ye Feng didn't see it. He was still eating food and making a huge noise. This makes Lisa, who is driving, very dissatisfied. From time to time, she turns her head and stares at Ye Feng.

"Where did you get it?" Lisa looked at Ye Feng, who was eating happily, and unconsciously put natto aside.

Although natto is a very healthy food, and its strange taste is in line with Lisa's taste, when she sees the colorful pancake fruit with strong visual impact, Lisa still thinks natto may be delicious, but she may not be satisfied with the pancake fruit with a lot of ingredients.

Although she didn't want to admit it, Lisa really wanted to taste the pancake fruit in Ye Feng's hand.

"The most handsome hero in my heart," cool mercenary "Ye Feng, don't be angry with me if you don't remember villains. Look in your bag -" jenma's reaction is much faster than Lisa. She has begun to compete for pancakes and fruits now.

"Now I remember my handsome?" Ye Feng asked.

"I have never forgotten your handsome. Really, in my heart, you are one of the most handsome men in the world," Gemma said.


"You can't let me say you are the most handsome man in the world, Ye Feng. I can't tell a lie that I can't stand in order to eat a mouthful of pancake fruit." jenma said helplessly.

"Is it so difficult for you to say I'm handsome? Then you'd better not say it and don't eat it," said Ye Feng discontentedly. "Don't eat food, Gemma, I Ye Feng admit your profound righteousness."

"No, Uncle Ye Feng -"

"Brother," Ye Feng corrected.

"Well, brother Ye Feng, people want to eat the pancake fruit, please." jenma said Jiao.

"Pancake fruit?" Ye Feng asked smilingly, looking at jenma, who had a 180 degree reversal of her attitude.

"Yes, you see, you have such insight into people's hearts. My careful thinking can't hide it from you. You see?" jenma bowed her head to Ye Feng without hesitation in order to eat hot food, which stunned Lisa

"Gemma, for a bite, as for?" said Lisa.

"As for." jenma nodded seriously. Then she pointed to "black blade" with her fingers. "Look at her, saliva is about to flow out."

"Ah?" Lisa looked at "black blade" in the front mirror. Sure enough, she saw that her saliva almost flowed out, and her eyes were about to fly out of her eyes.

"Black blade, are you hungry?" Lisa asked her, "does natto eat?"

"No, thanks." "black blade" stared at the pancake fruit in Ye Feng's hand and said to Lisa.


"Hum, I'm Ye Feng. I'm broad-minded. Come on, little girl, I'll give you a luxury version of pancake fruit. Take it natural and unrestrained. This is an important stage of your body development. Don't be hungry."

Ye Feng smiled and handed a heavy pancake fruit to jenma in the back seat. At this time, the girl with high IQ resisted the impulse to give Ye Feng a big ear scraper, forced out a smile and took the pancake fruit in Ye Feng's hand.

"MMM! Delicious ~" maybe it's because this pancake fruit was bought by her own compromise. Gemma thinks it's the best pancake fruit she's ever eaten. The girl with high IQ threw off her cheeks, lifted her back teeth and began to eliminate a large portion of luxury pancake fruit.

"..." and "black blade" watched jenma eating beside her, and the longing in her eyes was almost beyond words.

"... hum." Ye Feng secretly looked at "black blade", and felt a dark cool for the struggle in her eyes.

"That... Ye Feng, I..." Lisa said to Ye Feng beside her, looking a little embarrassed. "I also want to, you know, you see there are several more. Can you give me one..."

"No! There are only five left. They are all mine. You don't want to touch them!"

Looking at Lisa who was about to stop talking, Ye Feng directly put the bag containing pancake fruit on the other side, killing Lisa's heart.

"..." Lisa looked at Ye Feng, who protected the food, silently. He still had five, but he didn't give me any!?

"I thought you liked those better." Ye Feng pointed to natto, who was put aside by Lisa.

"..." Lisa turned her head and looked at Ye Feng. The latter pretended to be absorbed in eating the pancake fruit in her hand and didn't see Lisa at all

"Ye Feng, you've gone too far," Lisa said.

"Well, well, I see. How could I not give you some?" Ye Feng smiled and gave Lisa a pancake fruit. "I feed you and you drive."

"OK," Lisa said excitedly, and kept eating the pancake fruit that Ye Feng handed her. In the envious eyes of "black blade", the longing in her eyes almost came out.


Looking at everyone in the car, except that she was eating delicious pancakes and fruits, "black blade" subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of spit, and her hand on the weapon had begun to tremble slightly.

"Hum." Ye Feng secretly looked at "black blade", the smile in his eyes became stronger and stronger, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Ye Feng..." Hei Ren finally couldn't help but speak. She whispered to Ye Feng, "can you --"

"No." Ye Feng said firmly, "you just said, you can't beg me. You're asking me."

"... give me a portion of pancake fruit." "black blade" pulled out the short blade again.

"Well? Want to threaten me?" Ye Feng narrowed his eyes and stared at "black blade", "the name of the God of death is not in vain. I tell you, what can I do if I give you a share?"

Ye Feng simply handed "black blade" a pancake fruit. When he didn't react at all, the knife in the hand of "black blade" had been against Ye Feng's neck. The speed of this move was so fast that Ye Feng didn't find the movement of "black blade" at all.

"... hum." this time it was the turn of "black blade" Leng hum. She took the pancake fruit handed to her by Ye Feng and began to eat it.

"Your eye patch is convenient, especially for the convenience of eating, so do you wear it?" Ye Feng touched the place on his neck that he didn't touch just now, and said with lingering fear. He didn't react to the action of "black blade", so Ye Feng now has a very direct impression of "black blade". She is a very powerful person, so she has to move faster than Ye Feng.

"Hum." "black blade" focused on eating pancakes and fruits, ignoring Ye Feng's questions.

"Hum, it's really fragrant." jenma stared at the "black blade" beside her expressionless, with a faint disdain in her tone.

"Shut up, children don't talk." Ye Feng was afraid that "black blade" would do any harm to zhenma. He immediately said to zhenma, asking her not to easily provoke the "black blade". Ye Feng can't see through the woman now. She thought that "black blade" was not enough to worry about, but now he has attached great importance to "black blade".

She really deserves Ye Feng's attention.

"Hum." jenma gave a cold hum to Ye Feng. Like "black blade", she ate wholeheartedly.

"Ye Feng, what are you going to say to Ghana drogan when you see him?" Lisa said. "He has been hiding all these years. I'm afraid he doesn't remember you. Maybe we will have a conflict with him."

"Well..." said Ye Feng, "I don't know. Maybe it means' Hey, old man, long time no see. Remember me? Ye Feng, your old man. 'Lisa, what do you think of this?"

"He might just shoot you," Lisa said expressionless. "I remember he was an excellent sniper."

"Well, I forgot if you didn't say it." Ye Feng said, "Ghana drogan is really a sniper. He is the one who taught me to use a gun. Oh, of course, he can become such a sharpshooter. Although Ghana drogan's teaching is helpful, it doesn't work much. It's mainly my talent."

"... you're really not modest," Lisa said. "Ye Feng, I mean seriously. After Ghana drogan saw us, he probably regarded us as enemies. He must want to how to deal with this situation."

"Hmm..." Ye Feng mused, "I don't know. Let's talk about it at that time. Anyway, we can only take one step at a time, and what we may encounter is not Ghana drogan, but the killers who kill him. It's very simple. If anyone shoots at us, we'll shoot them. That's it."

"... Ye Feng, you are really in a good mood," Lisa said silently. "I hope it will go better. But I am ready for the most difficult situation."

"Relax, you will lead the team this time, with me as the team and" black blade ", which must be no problem." Ye Feng said confidently. He was very dissatisfied with the journey to find Ghana drogan.

"Cut, you just have a good attitude. I hope you can laugh when you are in danger." jenma said to Ye Feng.

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