"Little girl, if I raise my hand and park my car on the side of the road, you'll hide." Lisa told Gemma behind her.

"OK, I know. I won't die. My life has just begun," Gemma said.

"I thought Ye Feng's friends were as eager to die as he was," Lisa said sarcastically. "Ye Feng, your friends are very normal. How do they get along with you?"

"I'm normal too," said Ye Feng. "You know what kind of person I am, don't you? Lisa."

"Hum, I don't know you." Lisa's cheeks flushed slightly. She stared at Ye Feng and didn't speak again.

"Ye Feng, you shameless bastard, shut your mouth and start flirting with your sister when you don't look at you for a minute." jenma said.

"Well... Not flirting, Lisa is already mine -"

Ye Feng didn't say what she wanted to say. Lisa directly punched Ye Feng in the stomach and successfully shut him up.

"Don't talk, be honest," said Lisa.

"Hum, hooligan." "black blade" said coldly.

"You're a woman that hooligans keep away," black blade ". Really, I'm definitely complimenting you." Ye Feng said tit for tat.

"Hum." "black blade" took out the short blade directly, looked at Ye Feng's throat, and the cold light in his eyes flickered.

"... hum, you can hum? I can hum, too." Ye Feng stared at "black blade" unwilling to show weakness.

"Ye Feng, that's a pig's cry," said Gemma.


After a night's driving, Lisa and her party came to the destination of the trip, far away from the quiet mountains and forests of the big city of the new metropolis. This is the living boundary of Ghana drogan, which is inaccessible and isolated from the world. Due to the arrival of spring, the trees here begin to become lush, which makes this uninhabited forest look a little gloomy and scary

Lisa parked the combat van in front of a row of wooden fences. The area enclosed by the wooden fence is Ghana drogan's private territory

"You all take it and we can get in touch." jenma handed over several walkie talkies to Ye Feng, Lisa and black blade respectively.

"I'm afraid this thing will be lost unknowingly." Ye Feng carefully looked at the headset size communicator and said with lingering fear. "This thing is too small and wireless. I can easily lose it."

"Just put it on your ear. Don't talk so much nonsense." Gemma said impatiently. "This set of equipment is very expensive. If you lose it to me, you must accompany me with a whole set!"

"... I see. You are so rich that you can't be generous?" said Ye Feng.

"Money is money, and you can't spend it," jenma said solemnly.

"Little girl, you are very rich?" Lisa looked at jenma curiously. She knew Ye Feng's character. The money in his mouth must be very rich. She always felt that the little girl Ye Feng had to bring was a burden, but from the observation along the way, Lisa could feel that she was not simple. She was a very wise little girl, extremely wise. Sometimes Lisa even thought she couldn't say anything about jenma, which made her more curious about the little girl.

As for the "black blade", Lisa also wants to know her very much. This agent, who has hardly spoken along the way, has heard a lot of rumors about her before, all about how mysterious she is and how high the task is completed. The code of "black blade" in the 19th branch represents that this is a very difficult task, which can only be completed by her.

Lisa knows Lei Zeyan's character very well. Generally speaking, if it's just an ordinary task, he can't send "black blade" to complete the task. He is an extremely strict person. Only the most important task in his eyes, he will exclude the action team of the 19th branch, and as the ACE in the action team, "black blade" It will not contact unimportant people.

In other words, in rezeyan's eyes, Ghana drogan is a very important figure. As for whether this is mixed with emotional elements, Lisa thinks not, because Lei Zeyan in her eyes is a machine like cold man. He is definitely not the kind of person who calls the resources of the 19th branch for his old friends, and it is even more impossible to send "black blade" out.

This task must not be simple... Lisa sighed in her heart and looked at Ye Feng. She felt more pessimistic.

"What's the matter?" Ye Feng looked at Lisa and stared at himself. He kept sighing. He asked curiously, "have you caught a cold?"

"No, nothing."

"Gemma, unless I contact you, you don't contact me. I don't want to expose your existence, okay?" Ye Feng was a little worried. Gemma, sitting alone in the combat van, "if something happens to you, Audrey, they will eat me alive. For my safety, you must ensure your safety!"

"..." the girl with high IQ had a helpless expression of "I can hear the cocoon in my ears" and didn't speak.

"Hum." "black blade" stood a few meters away from Ye Feng and looked coldly at the surrounding environment.

"Hum." Ye Feng hummed twice unwilling to show weakness, "Lisa, the agent of the 19th branch, what's her code name?"

"Black blade." Lisa looked at Ye Feng inexplicably. "Why do you ask? Dare you say you didn't remember?"

"I thought her code name was" hum. "Ye Feng said sarcastically," hum blade ". The name is very cool, and there is absolutely no case of the same name“

"You!" "black blade" will do it immediately.

"Come on, come on, don't make trouble." Lisa quickly inserted between the two people. But Lisa's action was still slow. A dart thrown by "black blade" directly hit Ye Feng's neck. Ye Feng fell to the ground in a scream, and then began to vomit.

"Don't worry, you can't die." "black blade" said zhenma, who got out of the car and ran to Ye Feng, "just let him shut his mouth for a while."

"Ye Feng, are you okay? Will you die? You'd better die."

Jemma left Ye Feng in disgust and watched him vomit. Jemma went straight back to the car. She also saw that except for making Ye Feng vomit, it seemed that he had no other danger

"You... On the dart... Poisonous..." Ye Feng said intermittently.

"Of course, it's not such a pediatric thing next time. If you don't want to die ugly, don't easily provoke me." "black blade" said coldly.

"..." Ye Feng wanted to scold some dirty words, but the vomit pouring out of his mouth made him completely unable to say sentences that could be understood by others.

"Hum." "black blade" snorted with satisfaction.

Lisa looked at "black blade" and Ye Feng with a black line on her face. For "black blade", she could use a simple "hum" to express almost all her feelings. She had only one word to say to her: "hum!"

"Well, you stay in the car, Ye Feng. Don't vomit. It's our turn." Lisa put her backpack full of equipment on her back and walked to Ye Feng, who was vomiting. She patted the latter on the back and asked him to vomit quickly.

"I also want to... No... Vomit... You let... That..." Ye Feng pointed to "black blade" and "let... She detoxify me..."

"Black blade", Ye Feng has also been taught a lesson, don't you think? "Lisa looked at" black blade "reluctantly and said," give him a happy -- "

"Ah?" Ye Feng stared at Lisa in horror.

"- I'm wrong, you let him recover," Lisa corrected.

"You... Want to... Scare me to death?" Ye Feng looked at Lisa weakly, his eyes full of resentment.

"Hahaha, there's nothing wrong." Lisa looked very calm.

"Hum." facing Lisa's request, "Lisa" responded very simply. She took out another dart and hit Ye Feng again.

"Hey!" Ye Feng exhaled in pain, and the whole person jumped up from the ground. "Are you finished?! ah, don't want to vomit!" Ye Feng turned around excitedly for several times.

"Hum." "black blade" turned and turned his back to leaf maple.

"I, I send four. When I take the bus in the future, I will never eat six portions of pancake fruit... I send four, vomit, vomit, my God..." because I turned a few circles, Ye Feng vomited again and vomited out the rest in his stomach.

"Seeing your promise, I'll give" black blade "an extra pancake fruit. It won't be much trouble..." Lisa said to Ye Feng.

"No, pancake fruit is my bottom line..." Ye Feng said weakly.

"... you can make complaints about the bottom line..."

"Hey, it's better than no bottom line." Ye Feng said boldly.

"... if you have to say so, that's right. It's better than having no bottom line." Gemma said speechless, "Ye Feng, now I know that you at least have a bottom line. I'm really impressed with you."

"Yes, hum, you can't understand the beauty of pancake fruit, ordinary people -" Ye Feng suddenly turned his head and looked at "black blade." hum, although some people can understand the delicious pancake fruit, she is not necessarily a good person, at least not an excellent person like me. "

"Hum." "black blade" stared at Ye Feng coldly, "you? Excellent person? Vomit person."

"You! Don't let us practice for a while." Ye Feng was about to fight with "black blade", or Lisa calmly blocked him in front of him and didn't let him make irrational behavior.

"Come on, the task is important. Don't you care about Ghana drogan?" Lisa shouted to Ye Feng.

"Come on, let's go. I brought a dog. I shouldn't have brought you. It's a mess..." Lisa helplessly took the disfigured leaf maple, climbed over the wooden fence, and walked towards the depths of the forest. "Black blade" followed them and carefully looked at the surrounding environment.


Jenma looked anxiously at the figure of Lisa and Ye Feng. The girl with high IQ no longer hesitated. She opened the trunk of the combat van and took out the set of equipment she had been studying for a while. Jenma believes that with this set of equipment, she can help Ye Feng a lot

Well, I can. Jenma cheered herself up and stayed alone in the woods. She was afraid. Jenma wrapped her clothes tightly, and the slight noise in the nearby environment would make her nervous. She had to take out her laptop to distract her attention.

"Gemma, do you miss me?" Ye Feng's voice came from the communicator.

"No, go away," jenma said angrily. However, after being disturbed by Ye Feng, the fear that bothered her faded like a tide.

"Admit it, you just miss me." Ye Feng said cheaply.

"I'll tell sister Audrey exactly what you've done to me," jenma said coldly.

"... never."

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