It seems that no one

After hesitating for a few minutes, Ye Feng decided to go into the cabin and have a look. When he carefully came to the cabin, Lisa looked into the house against the muddy window. But because of the thick stain on the glass, Lisa couldn't see the interior of the cabin clearly, but Lisa didn't seem to find the presence of a human figure.

"Lisa?" "black blade" asked Lisa in an interrogative tone.

"I don't know if there is anyone. I don't see anyone." Lisa looked carefully at the cabin.

"Maybe there's no one." Ye Feng wanted to take a few more steps and reached out to push open the wooden door of the cabin in front of him, but Lisa grabbed his arm and didn't let him go.

"Are you crazy?" Lisa whispered. "Be careful. We don't know if there are people, traps or dangers in here. Don't get close to it."

"It's all right. I'll go and have a look. With my reaction, no one can hurt me." Ye Feng said indifferently, "Lisa, look at me. You'll know that I, Ye Feng, never talk big."

"You? I really don't trust you." Lisa said reluctantly. She couldn't resist Ye Feng. She just let go of his arm and let him close to the cabin.

"It seems that there is really no one." Ye Feng leaned over to the window of the cabin, wiped the dust on it, and said to Lisa behind him.

"But there should be people living here," Ye Feng continued, "Lisa, there are still scattered sparks under the stove inside. This should be Ghana drogan's residence. Lisa, we succeeded and hardly took any effort. Now we just have to wait for Ghana drogan to come back at the door. Maybe we can go in and have a cup of tea, warm up and go later."

Ye Feng said excitedly.

"Hey, you'd better be careful and don't go in." Lisa shouted to his back when she noticed that Ye Feng wanted to push the door in.

"Nothing, Lisa, it's safe," said Ye Feng disapprovingly.

"Stay away from him." "black blade" suddenly pulled Lisa aside.

"Lisa, isn't there anyone inside? Do you think you're free? When you're tens of meters away, you start throwing your hands at me. I'm a good boy. It's a waste of effort. I say you - ah ah!!!!!!!!!!! Who! Do you want to face! You don't say Hello, just say hello with a crossbow and arrow?"

Ye Feng fell to the ground with a roar. He got a crossbow on his right shoulder. It was found and fired behind him and Lisa!

Damn it, there is really no one in the house. Their caution for more than ten minutes is just to scare themselves. There is no one in the wooden house!

Damn it! Ghana is outside!

"Ye Feng? Are you okay? Damn it," black blade ", I'll help him. He fell down, and I can't support him!" Lisa pulled Ye Feng's limp body in front of her, while "black blade" was pulling her arm hard, which made it difficult for Lisa to control Ye Feng's declining body.

"Damn it." "black blade" scolded in a low voice, released Lisa's arm and looked warily at the surrounding woods. She couldn't be sure whether the man who shot the crossbow had shifted his position. She had to ensure Lisa's safety, although she had been trying to protect the damn Ye Feng.

"Ye Feng, get up!"

Lisa pulled up Ye Feng, who fell to the ground and groaned in pain, and took him to hide behind a big tree. With this solid shelter, Lisa quickly checked Ye Feng's injury.

"Black blade" has been watching Lisa around, she has blocked Lisa with her body, and Lisa is using her body to protect Ye Feng. The situation of several minutes ago has completely reversed. Ye Feng, who is constantly vomiting blood, and also on the way of feeling stagger, make complaints about Lisa: "Damn it, if I knew it would be this result, I should always stand in front of you and let the annoying" black blade "fall at the back of the line, so that she would be the one shot by the crossbow."

"Shut up." "black blade" said impatiently.

"Ye Feng, are you all right? Damn it, who shot the arrow? The killer?" Lisa said anxiously.

"Lisa, I, I'm going to die. Go, leave me alone! Lisa, give my pocket money to my mother! Go! Lisa!" Ye Feng began to talk nonsense.

"Ye Feng? What's the matter with you? Is there an accident?" jenma's voice rang out in the communicator. She was watching a movie just now and didn't pay attention to what happened here. When she heard Ye Feng's shouting from the aside communicator, jenma realized that something might happen there, "will she die?"

"I don't know, maybe. I feel very strange and confused now. Lisa, give my pocket money to my mother -"

"Pa!" Lisa gave maple leaf a big mouth directly.

"Lisa! Why do you give me a mouth!? I'm the wounded!" Ye Feng covered her swollen right face and asked Qu Baba to blame.

"It's time." "black blade" squatted next to Lisa and stared nervously at the surrounding environment.

Although no second arrow was shot during their retreat just now, black blade knew that the person who shot Ye Feng must still be lurking nearby. "Black blade" felt a little strange about why he didn't pursue the victory, but she didn't have time to take into account these problems now. Her first task was to protect Lisa's safety.

"You have a self-healing gene. What kind of bitterness play are you playing here? Give me pocket money... Be quiet. Your vitality is more terrible than Xiaoqiang. What are you pretending to be..." Lisa is extremely speechless and pays attention to the wind and grass around. She hasn't locked Ghana's position yet.

"I have a self-healing gene, but it's not so useful! It's a sneak attack on my head for three days to come out with you! When did Ye Feng suffer such a big loss? Let's not talk about this first, Lisa, you quickly pull out the crossbow and arrow on my shoulder and insert it in it. I didn't heal my hair at all!" Ye Feng turned his big mouth to Lisa for help.

"Lisa, abandon Ye Feng and let's break through first." "black blade" suggested. Her tone was very serious and grabbed Lisa's arm. She couldn't help but pull her away.

"Unless you're ready to leave here on foot." jenma's words rang out in the communicator. If you dare to abandon Ye Feng, I'll abandon you.

"You!" "black blade" stared at Ye Feng gnashing his teeth, as if this threat was spoken by Ye Feng himself.

"Don't worry, little girl, I won't abandon Ye Feng." Lisa said firmly.

"Damn it." "black blade" cursed.

"It's really a bloody life. I still think about it. I should change into dark clothes before I go out! TMD, in this broken forest, my red and black dress, natural and obvious target!" Ye Fenglian himself did not let go, make complaints about his clothes.

"Shut up, you should die of pain and have time to talk..." jenma said speechless.

"... Ye Feng, hold back." Lisa looked at the "black blade", pointed to the crossbow on Ye Feng's shoulder, "pull it out."

"Ah? Hey, let it stick in it. I said you don't do it, especially you," black blade ". I know I used to say bad things to you. I apologize. Really, don't pull it out. Your behavior will hurt me to death. Damn, I'm talking about --"

"Shut up." "black blade" quickly grasped the crossbow on Ye Feng's shoulder and yanked it out.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!! Fxxk!!!"

After "black blade" suddenly pulled out the crossbow and arrow tightly inserted in Ye Feng's shoulder, Ye Feng's scream went straight through the sky and rang through the dense forest

If Lisa hadn't pressed Ye Feng's arm, Ye Feng would run up in pain

"Shut up, you're exposed - damn it!"

A crossbow arrow hit the trunk of the tree where Lisa and Ye Feng were hiding. Lisa looked carefully. A fully armed figure dressed in camouflage and holding a tactical composite bow in front of her hand burst into the direction of the tree where she was. It was Ghana drogan!

"Shit! It's really him!" Ye Feng struggled to stand up. "Your grandmother is a bear. It's me, Ye Feng, Ghana. Drogan. You're really crazy. You don't even recognize me? I'll go. My TM was almost killed by my friend. If it's spread, my TM won't live!"

Ye Feng shouted angrily. Lisa gave him a big mouth: "shut your mouth for me!" she pulled Ye Feng to escape behind, "don't annoy him anymore. He obviously can't recognize who you are."

"It's a pity that our relationship used to be so harmonious. Time has changed." Ye Feng sighed as he was embarrassed to be entrusted by Lisa and "black blade".

"Shut up!" black blade and Lisa shouted at him at the same time.

"I just feel it. You know, when people are dying, their words are good. Er, it seems that it is not very accurate here." Ye Feng scratched his head.

"... your heart is too big, Ye Feng. Fortunately, I can't see you, or I'll be angry with you." Gemma said happily.

"Hey, Gemma, I'll be sad if you say that. I'm a patient now -"

"You know you're a patient?" Lisa said sarcastically. "I thought you were talking about a talk show, you damn fool!"

"Lisa, you don't love me anymore, you have changed." Ye Feng said sadly.

"Can you close the most, even if I beg you..." Lisa said tearfully, "black blade, don't. We don't have time to kill him."

"Black blade" put down the sharp blade raised. If Lisa hadn't stopped her, she really wanted to cut off Ye Feng's throat. Even in the face of the most ferocious task target, "black blade" didn't have such anger as now.

"Take him and I'll bury him," black blade shouted to Lisa.

"No, actually she won't die," said Ye Feng. "Lisa is martyrdom at most. You are lying on the gun at best."

"... shut up, Ye Feng, don't let me agree with the words of" black blade. "Lisa looked at Ye Feng reluctantly. There was a strong impulse in her heart to abandon Ye Feng directly, but reason still didn't let Lisa do so. She couldn't be cruel in the end.

"Damn it, Ghana's way of doing this really hurts the old friend's heart. Doesn't he know how much I expect to meet him again? Well, in fact, I don't expect much. If Lei Zi doesn't mention him to me, I'll almost forget this person." Ye Feng still chatters nonsense.

"What? What's the best time to make complaints about the timing?"

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