"Ghana, damn it! I'm Ye Feng! It's me! Ye Feng! Your old buddy Ye Feng!!!"

Ye Feng hid behind the tree and shouted at Ghana who was gradually invading, "come on, no matter what you experienced after I left, it has nothing to do with me! I've never been involved! Damn, Ghana, come on, can't we sit down and have a cup of tea and have a good chat? Why do you have to get a knife and a gun?"

Ye Feng looked up and found that he had raided Ghana, which was only about ten meters away from his tree. Although he aimed at Ye Feng with his arrow, Ghana did not launch after hearing Ye Feng's cry, but looked at Ye Feng coldly.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng immediately felt a horizontal in his heart, directly broke away from Lisa's bondage, and walked out of the trunk as a shelter. He staggered to stand straight, raised his hands above his head, attached to the trunk, and looked straight at Ghana.

"It's me, Ye Feng. Don't you remember me? No way, Ghana. We used to be good friends. I know you must still remember me and know my old friend, don't you, Ghana?" Ye Feng looked straight at Ghana drogan. Ghana drogan was also silently looking at Ye Feng. His eyes were a little confused, It seems that he is trying to recall who he seems to be moved and inexplicably familiar. He has been isolated from the world for too long and has almost forgotten all the memories of his past experience.

"Leaf maple?" Ghana drogan said the name of leaf maple with difficulty. His voice was extremely hoarse, like the harsh voice of a chainsaw.

"Yes, it's me, Ye Feng, Ghana drogan and Ye Feng. These two people are a pair of good friends, me and you." Ye Feng nodded hurriedly, "I know, Ghana, after I separated from you, I never took the initiative to contact you, but you should understand me. I am in the most difficult period of my life. Let alone care about you. I can't even take care of my own affairs. You know, broken things always flock to you, leaving you overwhelmed. Of course, I'm not for my negligence towards you Explain, but I really don't know what happened after you. I really don't know, Ghana. I swear, if I know what you have experienced, I will be the first to run to you and help you. Look at me. Am I here now? Stand in front of you. "

Ye Feng muttered a lot. Ghana drogan always seemed very confused in the whole process. He looked at Ye Feng's whole body from time to time.

"Help?" groaned Ghana drogan.

"Yes, I'm here to help, Ghana, help my old man out of the dangerous environment." Ye Feng squeezed out a very ugly smile.

"... your words are really persuasive." "black blade" said coldly.

"Shut up!" Ye Feng shouted to her, "I'm trying to influence him. I'm about to succeed."

But Lisa didn't think so. Her anxious old Ye Feng shouted, "Ye Feng, you TM don't want to die. This primitive man can kill you with an arrow! Come back, Ye Feng!" the anxious Lisa hid behind the tree and shouted at Ye Feng excitedly, "come back quickly. If you get another arrow, me and" black blade " We can only leave you. Instead, we two escaped from Ghana drogan with the incapacitated people. Don't forget that the killers may find here again at any time! "

"Shut up, Lisa, I know what I'm doing. I'm not your enemy, brother." Ye Feng walked slowly towards Ghana. At a distance of about five meters, Ye Feng simply knelt on the ground and stared at Ghana's cold eyes, "It's me, Ye Feng. Do you remember? You saved my life on the battlefield. Do you remember? The enemy of a small team, only the two of us still have combat power, Lei Zi, but he was shot and wounded. It was you and me, the two of us, who resisted the enemy's attacks again and again and successfully defended the commanding height. There is a difference between Ghana drogan and Ye Feng You've finished giving me the bridge of friendship? Ghana drogan, if I can move now, I must give you a big mouth and wake you up! "

Ghana, who held the bow string tightly, gasped. He stared at the double model roundly and stared at Ye Feng kneeling in front of him.

"Ghana drogan, have you forgotten what happened in kanaha? It is because of that battle that we have become brothers for life, Ghana! It's me, Ye Feng! Have you forgotten our past?"

"Listening to his tone is like talking to his ex girlfriend." make complaints about the sound of Tucao in the communication channel, which has attracted the approval of Lisa and "black blade".

"Yes, you're right. A naughty ex boyfriend," Lisa said.

"Well." "black blade" nodded.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend?" Lisa looked at "black blade" curiously.

"Yes, but I've killed them myself." "black blade" said lightly.

"..." Lisa stared at the "black blade" beside her speechless It was noted that although Ghana drogan had never put down his crossbow, Ghana drogan had never taken any substantive means of attack in the process of Ye Feng's chatter, Lisa's hanging heart gradually fell down, and she was no longer worried about Ye Feng as before.

"Ghana drogan, it's me, Ye Feng. Although you look very changed and a little old, look at my delicate skin. I'm not old at all. Really, you can definitely recall my handsome and eye-catching face, man, don't pretend to be garlic," Ye Feng said.

"..." Ghana still did not speak.

"I just came to save you, Ghana. Put down your arms and leave this damn place with me."

"..." Ghana drogan stared at Ye Feng coldly, and the crossbow in his hand was still aimed at Ye Feng's head.

"Man, you make me a little nervous. I was joked, okay? Don't do that," said Ye Feng.


"Ghana, come on..."

In Ye Feng's pleading tone, finally, Ghana's tactical composite bow fell slowly.

"Ye Feng, I'm sorry, I shot you in the shoulder." Ghana went to Ye Feng and helped Ye Feng up who was kneeling on the ground.

"I'm the one who got hurt, ok... Ghana drogan, your way of welcoming old friends you haven't seen for a long time is really hard core. You almost killed me." Ye Feng said discontentedly, "But in fact, you can't kill me at all. I don't have the self-healing gene on my body. There's nothing I can do for ordinary injuries. However, your crossbow must be smeared with highly toxic poison. Shit, half of my body is unconscious now."

Lisa, who was hiding behind the tree and watching everything silently, read a few words helplessly, and stood up from the ground.

"Ye Feng, is your injury more serious?" Lisa went to Ye Feng's side, tore open her clothes and saw Ye Feng's wound. At this time, his surface wound has almost recovered, but the crossbow seems to be coated with highly toxic, and the skin is dark green. This makes Ye Feng feel dizzy, weak and uncomfortable to death

"I said, can someone help the real wounded..."

"Plop" Ye Feng fell to the ground.

"I painted snake venom on the crossbow and arrow, Ye Feng. It's reasonable to say that you should have died long ago. Why did you faint now? Normally, he should have been poisoned long ago..." Ghana looked at the fallen maple leaf with some regret. Ghana derogan didn't know the experience of maple leaf. Because he had been hiding all the time, he knew almost nothing about the changes of maple leaf with self-healing gene. He looked at Maple Leaf, who should have died long ago in his eyes, and wondered if the poison he had smeared on the crossbow was wrong 。

"It's all right. This guy has strong vitality. Even in a nuclear explosion, I doubt he will die." Lisa looked at Ye Feng lying on the ground and said to Ghana.

"Is Ye Feng so powerful now? What happened to you?" Ghana drogan stared at Ye Feng lying on the ground like a dead dog.

"... human body transformation, man, although we were separated, we experienced the same bad things." Ye Feng said lightly.

"Have you also experienced human body transformation?" Ghana drogan looked at Ye Feng in shock.

Ye Feng farted and said: "Yes, but although the human body transformation on me failed, it gave me the ability to heal. Although I lost this ability for a while, later I found this immortal power again. Man, my current career is a mercenary. Of course, I am also a hero who provides paid services. In short, I am a celebrity 。”

"Celebrity?" said Ghana drogan.

"It's just a personal name." "black blade" said coldly, "it's still the notorious one."

"Hey! Woman, you didn't help anything. You know to hide and sneer. When I recover, you have to let you know why the flowers are so red!" said Ye Feng discontentedly.

"Oh? I'm looking forward to this day." "black blade" said coldly, "but I don't think you may live that day."

"You --"

"Come on, Ye Feng, you're all like this. Can you shut your mouth?" Lisa said impatiently. "Ghana drogan, we're all in great danger now. You must believe us."

"Who are you?"

"Lei Zeyan, it's our officer. He asked us to save you," Lisa said. "Can you still remember the name Lei Zeyan?"

"Lei Zeyan?" Ghana drogan blankly repeated the name and thought for a while, "is it Lei Zi?"

"Yes, it's Lei Zi. He's doing well now and has become an officer." Ye Feng said. He is still lying on the ground of the forest, and no one is trying to help him. "Guys, although the ground is covered with fallen leaves, it's still very comfortable to lie down, but can you help me up from the ground? Really, I need to feel down-to-earth."

"Ghana drogan, you've been hiding all these years, haven't you?" Lisa asked Ghana drogan.

"Well... It's been many years. I can't remember when it started..." Ghana drogan looked a little gloomy.

"We will rescue you from this situation. You can live in the safe house of our 19th branch, and then Lei Zeyan will find a way to help you get a new identity. When you testify, you can join the witness protection plan." Lisa said seriously.

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