Gemma puts the assembled UAV on the ground. Through the program on the laptop, the high IQ girl controls the white UAV to fly into the sky. She knows that this can help Ye Feng and others in danger.

In fact, because she knew Ye Feng very well, Gemma prepared a complete strategy at the beginning. Having known Ye Feng for such a long time, if Gemma has learned anything, it is that she is very sure that what Ye Feng participates in will not be carried out as planned. There will be a lot of accidents, which will overwhelm everyone. In fact, Ye Feng himself knows this very well, but he relies on his almost immortal ability, I don't care.

But Gemma can't help but care.

She knows that there are many ways to suppress the self-healing gene in maple leaf. In fact, she is. If ye Feng was not worried about being kidnapped by that big group and becoming their research product, zhenma really didn't want to get involved in this matter. She and that Ghana drogan have never made a living. There is no need to put herself in such a dangerous situation for a stranger. In the final analysis, Gemma ventured here for maple leaf.

"Oh... I regret it," jenma muttered softly. She kept moving her hands and continued to be busy with the UAV.


In the forest

"Black blade", Ye Feng, Ghana and Lisa, four people with very different personalities, are still dealing with the five heavily armed soldiers chasing them.

Ye Feng and Lisa can hardly help. Ye Feng was still dragged down by the poison on the crossbow shot into his body by Ghana drogan. Although with the passage of time, the self-healing gene in his body began to neutralize the toxin, because the toxin was too overbearing, Ye Feng's body did not continue to deteriorate, but it did not get much better, at least in walking independently, Ye Feng can't do it yet.

Lisa, who has been taking care of Ye Feng, can't worry about fighting. Originally, she rarely went out of the field, and it was difficult to encounter such a fierce battle. Although Lisa had a certain combat quality, she was still a long way from ordinary people and real soldiers. Therefore, even if she didn't take care of Ye Feng, Lisa was just a drag bottle for Ghana drogan and "black blade".

Lei Zeyan sent the best agents of the 19th branch to protect Lisa. On the one hand, he paid attention to Lisa, but it also shows how ordinary Lisa's skills are. In Lei Zeyan's eyes, he must let the best agents protect Lisa before Lisa can be foolproof.

"Honey, we seem to be running for our lives now." Ye Feng said to Lisa holding her hand. In the rain of bullets, he was not nervous at all. Instead, he seemed able to walk easily, although he couldn't even walk by himself.

"Shut up, Ye Feng, I don't have the strength to talk to you now." Lisa's forehead was in a cold sweat. Unlike Ye Feng, who was used to fighting, Lisa had already reached her limit, both physically and mentally. She is now holding on and not falling down, because the adrenal hormone in her body is pushing her forward, and the threat of death is behind her, so Lisa can drag Ye Feng forward alone.

You know, almost all of Ye Feng's weight is on Lisa, and Ye Feng, whose whole body is full of tendons, his weight is absolutely beyond imagination.

"Damn it, Ye Feng, can't you lose weight? Why are you so heavy?" Lisa complained.

"Sorry, Lisa, after all, I'm all muscles. I look really good, but it's important, but it's not light at all." Ye Feng said calmly, "I remember you love my muscles very much, don't you?"

"Hooligan, are you still in the mood to say this?" Lisa said with a red face.

"I've experienced too many such small scenes," said Ye Feng disapprovingly. "If I can recover half, I can easily solve the rotten sweet potatoes behind me."

Ye Feng deliberately let "black blade" hear what he said. The latter snorted coldly and focused on blocking the pace of the pursuers.

"Well, don't be sarcastic. You can't even go to the bathroom alone now. You're still in the mood to boast." Lisa said angrily.

"Hey, old man, your poison is too poisonous..." Ye Feng looked helplessly at Ghana drogan's back, who was blocking the pursuers with crossbows and arrows.

Because the snake venom painted on the arrow by Ghana is too fierce, even though maple leaf has a self-healing gene, his recovery speed is still very slow. Lei Zeyan originally wanted Lisa to bring a strong helper. Unexpectedly, Ye Feng turned into a drag bottle

The current situation is that although the number of the other side has no overwhelming advantage, the firepower levels of the two sides are too different

"Black blade" has only one MP5 in his hand, and Ghana has only one tactical composite bow in his hand. They are facing several soldiers with strong firepower. The result of this battle is self-evident. They can only fight and retreat. After all, Ye Feng and Lisa are still two huge drag.

In particular, the house leak happened to rain at night. In the process of shooting, Ghana was shot in the arm and abdomen, and fell to the ground instantly, losing its combat effectiveness.

At this time, "black blade" can only suppress the approach to people with her submachine gun, but she is unable to support herself. Several chasing soldiers pressed towards the position of "black blade" and others. At this time, a worse situation happened: "black blade" has no bullets

"Damn it!"

In the face of this situation, black blade's first reaction was to pull Lisa. Her intention was very clear. She left Ye Feng and Ghana drogan here, and she broke out with Lisa.

After all, the task of "black blade" is to protect Lisa's safety. The life and death of Ye Feng and Ghana drogan are not important in her eyes. She only needs to ensure that she and Lisa can avoid poison.

"Black blade", let go of me. We can't leave them alone. Damn it. "Lisa directly threw Ye Feng aside. She turned and picked up Ghana drogan." black blade ", come and help me. We must take Ghana drogan away from here."

"But -" black blade "wanted to argue about something, but after seeing the firmness in Lisa's eyes," black blade "directly threw the MP5 with empty magazine on the ground and picked up Ghana who was shot. She had no choice but to lift Ghana drogan's other arm, and Lisa, holding Ghana drogan who was almost unconscious, walked to the bunker a few meters away

Holding Ghana drogan's body, the two men began to run towards the big stone not far away, which was enough for their shelter.

"Lisa?! what about me! Don't leave me!" seeing "black blade" and Lisa holding Ghana, Ye Feng, who has been lying on the ground, was immediately dissatisfied. "You've gone too far. Just leave me here alone? Won't your conscience hurt?"

"You can't die again! After so long, haven't you recovered enough to act by yourself?" "black blade" held Ghana to the big stone without turning back.

"Ye Feng, if you dare to paddle again, you'll ask for your own blessing!" Lisa said without looking back.

"Shit... I knew I couldn't hide it from you." Ye Feng had to crawl on the ground. "Black blade" and Lisa are right. Ye Feng can't die, but he really doesn't have any combat effectiveness at this time

Damn it

The "black blade" hiding behind the boulder pressed his hand against his abdomen to prevent the loss of blood. In the gunfight just now, not only Ghana hung the lottery, but "black blade" was also shot in the abdomen.

"How serious?" Lisa asked "black blade".

"It's okay. It's a penetrating wound. The bullet didn't stay in the body. It's no big deal." "black blade" put a bandage on his wound while enduring the sharp pain.

Lisa asked Ghana, "how are you, Ghana drogan?"

"What else can he do? Hang up soon." Ye Feng finally climbed into the back of the big stone. He looked at Lisa discontentedly, with a sarcastic tone, "Leizi didn't prepare any emergency treatment plan?"

"She is the emergency plan." Lisa reluctantly pointed to "black blade", "Lei Zeyan thinks that with you, making any plan is meaningless. Anyway, you won't follow the plan and take action."

"He really knows me," Ye Feng said with emotion.

"So at the moment when he decided to ask you for help, Lei Zeyan just told me to be careful of you. Hey, I didn't expect him to be right." Lisa looked at Ye Feng helplessly, "you're really going to annoy me with your work that doesn't accomplish enough and has more than enough to fail..."

"Hey, in front of so many outsiders, can't you save me some face?" Ye Feng said discontentedly. "I'm not willing to be like this. Hey, it's all bad luck. If the man shot by Ghana drogan was" black blade " , we may be on the way back now. If I am in the state of total victory, I can fight a group of garbage alone, and I don't bring mud ideas! "

"Just blow it," Lisa said helplessly.

"We're in a very dangerous situation now," said black blade. "The pursuers can't understand our situation, so they stopped their pursuit, but sooner or later they will react. We don't have the ability to resist now, so Lisa, you must make a decision now, whether to go with me or stay with this idiot," black blade " Pointed to Ye Feng, "that madman," she pointed to the vaguely conscious, "died together in this forest."


Lisa knew that "black blade" was not sensational, and that was their situation at this time. Ghana drogan was injured and almost lost his ability to move. Ye Feng couldn't help. The "black blade" also hung up. Only Lisa was still intact, but she couldn't help much at all.

"Damn..." Lisa fell into a struggle.

"I can still fight." Ghana covered his wound and gasped, "how many people are there?"

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